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World cup football, Brazil, 2014.

jocky king

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Holland Dominated most of the game,

Costa Rica played with 10 defenders and had 1 major chance from what i could see.


Will be a hard game, Argentine vs Holland. A game i would not dare to place bets on, i think its anyones game at this point.

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I would love to see a Holland V Germany final.  And to see Holland win the final

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In 1974 and 1978 I saw the brilliance football of Holland , johnny Rep in 1978 , Cryuff in 1974 but still lost both finals , now it is up to Robben to bury the jinx . I think Holland of today have better chances than in 1974 &1978, this team has worked together as one unit rather than depending on the individual which is important , Van Gaal made sure of that.

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I would love to see a Holland V Germany final.  And to see Holland win the final


I hope you're right .... after 3 lost finals it's about time to win one ... :WinkGrin1: .

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Absolutely loved Krul's attempt to phsych out the Costa Rican players.


I think we are overdue to winning one. If we win this one i wouldnt care ever getting in the finals ever again. I just want 1 freacking cup!

But im pretty sure this is about the right time where the Netherlands start to mock up...

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Brazil vs Argentina would be a dream final for FIFA, two of the continent's greats going against each other on south American soil. would be a cracker of an ambiance.


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This may be a dumb question, but why is Krul not starting?  Is he a penalty shot specialist? 

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This may be a dumb question, but why is Krul not starting?  Is he a penalty shot specialist?


Strange !!! He is playing for Newcastle United , he only saves 2 penalty out of 20, maybe I think, Van Gaal wanted a fresh goalie after 120 minutes football.

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With the keeper change I am thinking it could be a mind game against Costa Rica. They see the change and in the back of their minds they are thinking SHIT THIS GUY MUST BE AWSOME AT PENS! Costa Rica where flawless in the first shoot-out so maybe Van Gaal thought lets Play in their heads a Little. Plus the trash talking before the kick from Krul. I would love to hear what he was saying. I guess it would be along the lines off I'm on because I am unbeatable from the spot. LOL!


Van Gaal would of looked daft had it not come off though. The question would of been, why did he not put fresh legs on in extra time to win the game?

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I would love to see a Holland V Germany final.  And to see Holland win the final

Yep. They beat my team so I hope they take it all, at least then CRC can say they lost to the best.

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Two great semi finals where I favour the germans and argentines to progress. The cream has risen to the top at the business end of the cup.

In regards to the blight of diving in the game , why can't they review the match and anyone found guilty of diving be issued a yellow card. I know it wont change the result of that particular match but it might stop them if they are in danger of missing future matches

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Two great semi finals where I favour the germans and argentines to progress. The cream has risen to the top at the business end of the cup.

In regards to the blight of diving in the game , why can't they review the match and anyone found guilty of diving be issued a yellow card. I know it wont change the result of that particular match but it might stop them if they are in danger of missing future matches


its time for TMO

It works in rugby...

I have a Problem..... I just can't decide if its a good problem or a bad problem...

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Yep agreed the cream has risen to the top.


It is no coincedence that the same teams are reaching the later stages time and time again. These teams have it bang on from youth to Senior! I just bloody wish England would stop being so arrogant and take note! Only now are they coming to the conclusion, maybe its time to copy german blue-print. OHHHH my god!! Only 50 years to late!!


Still they have not officially started and continue to use this out dated kick it to the big kid up front method and he will bully everyone and score!! Reality check, that does not happen in senior football!

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This may be a dumb question, but why is Krul not starting?  Is he a penalty shot specialist?


Just saw a article on The Independent Newspaper ,


It was a key stop but Cillessen had never saved a penalty in his career. Krul had saved only two out of 20, but Van Gaal preferred his “longer reach”. He was proved right.

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WTF , 4-0 to Germany in 26 minutes .

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I don't fucking believe it , 5-0 to Germany .

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5-0 lol, Brazil opened up way too much when they went a goal down and it backfired.


Get Busy Living... Or Get Busy Dying


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RIP Scolari.... Will definately be lynched.. Lol...

I was rooting for Germany, because id love the Netherlands to play them in the finals. But now im not sure i want to get to the finals.. Not if we await the same fate as brasil.. lol..


FIFA can be corrupt all they want. There is no ref in the world that can save you if you play like Germany.

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Brazil are an average team.

Found out tonight big time.

David Luis 50million to PSG. Wtf

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Brazil are being made to look very ordinary

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Now I wish Brazil playing in the Final, easy meat for Holland but too tough for Holland if they win tomorrow night.

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Brazil are an average team.

Found out tonight big time.

David Luis 50million to PSG. Wtf


Hit the nail on the head with DL. Chelsea laughing all the way to the bank! 

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Before Brazil could realize what hit them they are gone.


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