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How do you like your steak cooked?

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Rare  for me

On an open grill  turn 90 degrees half way through each side

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A great thread to start on Good Friday!

Medium rare for me...in Patts Beefeaters always hits the spot for me.

My Youtube Channel about everything Thailand - TravInThailand

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I always used to like it well done, almost to the stage of burnt, as I liked a steak I could chew on. Over the years I have had times of eating steak often and found that my tastes have now gone to me opting for a medium rare one now, I think that when you have them often you find that they really do taste so much better when they are done this way!




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I like my steak like my thai pussy... warm with a nice pink center

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Medium rare

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Most places I've ordered medium rare in the past, give me rare. So I tend to stick to ordering medium, so they're less likely to serve me a steak virtually still alive.

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If i know it's quality rare, medium if not.

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I have mine medium rare.


Was in a resturant once and listen to someone order a steak well done to cut a long story short the chef came out and told the people to leave as he wouldn't murder a good steak.

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"Well medium blue" for me, with chips.


Depends where you get it really.

In France, "well done" still has blood running from it.

properly cooked well done should still be juicy, not all dried out.


For steaks I like medium rare maybe a bit on the rare side. For burgers, well done for sure, ground beef is too much of a mystery mashup to risk not cooking it thoroughly.

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On the hoof :GoldenSmile1:  just walk the beast from Kitchen to the table. BLUE

"Drink! Feck! Arse! Girls!"

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In my experience a medium rare steak in a cheap restaurant will be dangerously close to dry, but if you order medium rare or medium in an expensive restaurant the thing is practically still alive and kicking. The fancy chefs simply refuse to overcook a good quality piece of meat. But while we are on topic. I'm going to pattaya this summer and after a few days of feasting on large quantities of delicious thai food of all sorts, I usually get a craving for a good steak. Where can i get it ? And no, som ricebuffalo that died of old age is not the kind of meat I'm talking about. Also if it can come with a glass of decent red I'd be happy, but that is not a dealbreaker.

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Medium rare for me or 'however they fancy' if you're in a shit place

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Medium rare for me.


The guy that cooks at the Golf Course Bar (next to Devils Den in LK Metro) does a damn good job on the weber BBQ they have out front on Wednesday nights and Saturday and Sunda evenings.  The steaks they serve are BIG - I usually have to ask the cook to put it back on The Grill halfway through eating it to heat it up for me again!

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Medium rare for me thank you. Must be done on a very hot plate so the outside is nearly burnt. Rest for 10 minutes - sensational for a nice thick porterhouse. Top with a good pepper sauce.

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With all the extra's...............................



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In my experience a medium rare steak in a cheap restaurant will be dangerously close to dry, but if you order medium rare or medium in an expensive restaurant the thing is practically still alive and kicking. The fancy chefs simply refuse to overcook a good quality piece of meat. But while we are on topic. I'm going to pattaya this summer and after a few days of feasting on large quantities of delicious thai food of all sorts, I usually get a craving for a good steak. Where can i get it ? And no, som ricebuffalo that died of old age is not the kind of meat I'm talking about. Also if it can come with a glass of decent red I'd be happy, but that is not a dealbreaker.

"Beef eaters" soi Diana

its BETTER to be PISSED OFF then PISSED ON!!!..

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Medium rare for me with pepper sauce or with a spoonful of hot English mustard on the side if no pepper sauce.

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Sorry to put a downer on it but you are risking your health eating beef that is undercooked. E coli if present will not be killed if undercooked, this can make you extremely ill and if your weak can kill you.

E coli can be present in any meat that has been contaminated by any unhygenic handling





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Sorry to put a downer on it but you are risking your health eating beef that is undercooked. E coli if present will not be killed if undercooked, this can make you extremely ill and if your weak can kill you.

E coli can be present in any meat that has been contaminated by any unhygenic handling





Extremely unlikely in a steak. Ground beef is a different matter. LINK: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/3743657.stm

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