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Thai's don't like Russians?


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Here we go the stereotypical Aussies again;  it's the same old story fellas, a couple of drunk contenders making a lot of noise and we all cop a flogging.


As my good mate Bruce often comments, "oim uffendered.....we're a fuckin sensitive lot ya no"....... 

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  • 3 weeks later...
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An elderly German lady? (you said half Thai half German) doesn't like Russians? Could be many other reasons for that historically rather than anything to do with Patts or LOS

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  • 5 weeks later...

We all know that the most important thing is for everyone and especially Thais money.

If they came in greater numbers Eskimos, learn their language and signs will be in Eskimo language.  :GrinNod1:

I remember exactly the moment when my masseuse known from Koh Larn island a few years back beked me learn basic phrases in Russian, it's good business for her. Then no surprise.


Mmmm...Eskimo chicks!  Wonder if they'd undercut the Thai girls too...how much do you think they'd charge?  

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A problem with Russians really is that they are more rude than other foreigners. I remember two russian ladies coming to a Black Canyon Coffee shop in Pattaya. They were quite upset and scold the waitress about the menu wich was only in thai and english language but not in russian. They were not willing to try pointing to pictures or explaining by gestures what they liked to order but just left the shop grumbling.

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Russia lost it's class in 1917 when it literally wiped out it's own culture and intelligentsia.


Since then the barbarians have dominated Russia.   

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rude and disrespectfull, who would like them ???

A good girl gives you happiness and a bad girl gives you experience both are essential in life so enjoy every girlfriend!

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Irishfella; you're right there mate, I've always thought there was an understated arrogance about the Thai men anyway.

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  • 1 month later...

An elderly German lady? (you said half Thai half German) doesn't like Russians? Could be many other reasons for that historically rather than anything to do with Patts or LOS


I know where she was coming from I had first hand experience when at the bar/restaurant in Jom talking to her. Saw 2 Ruskies....One asked (with no politeness or smailes, very stern face) "How much is fanta", the Thai girl (who was on a little cart opposite the place I was sitting) said the price....even though is was printed on the cart sign...but not in Russian. The guy just looked at her, frowned and walked off. The fanta was the same price as 7/11. The next guy 10 minutes later walked up to the same girl and asked something in Russian, again very stern, no politeness.  The thai girl said in English "sorry I no speak Russian". The guy shouted something in Russian and walked off.


Problem is this is first hand experience so far and if this is anything to go by they can all f'off back to "the mother land".  :Cuss:

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Ain't that the truth about drunk Aussies - whenever I see drunk Aussie males (and I usually hear them well before I see them), I try to give them a wide berth and not engage. A lot of Aussies need to learn to be happier drunks. Chill pill.


Had an Aussie GF years ago - a party animal, and a bit of a nympho, good fun. :-)

In my experience it is drunks of any nationality that are bad actors.

Mood swings from happy/ friendly to angry/hostile within minutes.

I am from US and we get bad rep as well but I tend to think it is mostly drunks who are loud, rude, hostile etc. whatever their nationality.


I myself am perfectly behaved and loved by all.

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I rented condo last year in Nakula from Jerry who is a member on PA. I drank in a few bars in that area.One bar I visited nearly every night owned by a german and his thai wife who are  friends of mine and i have known them for a few years had a couple of russain guys who started drink there ,they were great company and we got drunk  many times and not once did they cause any trouble or bad mouthed anybody in the bar.

We sometimes stayed in bar until 5.00 in the morning drinking vodka and they used to say, we have vodka party with you because we can talk and have good time and enjoy good company.

These guys were never shy on spending money or ringing bell and really enjoyed themselves ,they S/T girls from bar and returned after S/T to enjoying drinking and have good time,

I never judge a book by it,s cover,take time to get to know people and you may find they are not bad as some people say..There is good and bad from every race,country and culture.

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visited my local 7/11 while staying at lumpini in jomtien, had never seen a line for 7/11 have a look whats going on, 12 russian youths stopped to have a reunion at the counter the boys having a good old chat while the girls take selfies, when asked to move so other customers could be served abused the shit out of the poor girl and threw products at her, such a lovely bunch

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In my experience it is drunks of any nationality that are bad actors.

Mood swings from happy/ friendly to angry/hostile within minutes.

I am from US and we get bad rep as well but I tend to think it is mostly drunks who are loud, rude, hostile etc. whatever their nationality.


I myself am perfectly behaved and loved by all.

Ha ha ha, yes, aren't we all. :-)

Think like a VC - fail quickly, try often

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I must say, whenever I've seen people, or even worse, groups of people, acting strangely rude and in considerate in Thailand it has often been Russians. And I'm not trying to bash the Russians. I find most Russian girls to be tolerable if not likeable. It's sad and annoying to see farangs exhibiting 'antisocial' (and antisocial' is putting it litely sometimes) behaviors in the LOS. I think for the most part most people are pretty good, but there will always be a bad dead occasionally. I guess the best thing to do is to try to not let it bother you.

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French the language of love.

Spanish the language of machismo.

Russian the language of quarrels.

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I watched a big russian deck a small thail guy trying to sell him something, the thai guy was polite but not all there in the head, and was nice about it, not agressive.   As he walked away the russian decked him, then the wife jumped on the kid and was banging on him, amazing.  I was gonna help but then the thai guys saw what was up and did up the big russian, and the wife got up and started in and she got laid out too. The both went to the hospital, and I suspect were there for awhile.   Very enjoyable outcome and fun to watch.  The thai kid was pretty messed up and they carried him away, very sad on that part    som nam na on the russian couple

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Thai's (in general) don't like anyone - unless they are spending money on Thai's for either products or services.

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Thai's think everyone is stupid apart from them.

I think like that too!

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  • 2 weeks later...

i don't think that applys to all thai people .. 

some of my best friends are Russians and i'm sure many thai people regard them just as foreigners..

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I can't speak for the views of all Thai people of course. I did have a nice Thai couple from Bangkok tell me they didn't like Russians because they felt that Russians looked down on them.

I agree with this. Having spent quite a bit of time in Russia and having several Russian friends, I can say that generally Russians look down on Asians as second class citizens. Russians I know don't understand the fascination many of us have with Thai girls .. they generally don't see Asian or Black women as attractive and worthy of fucking.

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Thai's (in general) don't like anyone - unless they are spending money on Thai's for either products or services.

You're not meeting the right Thai ...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with this. Having spent quite a bit of time in Russia and having several Russian friends, I can say that generally Russians look down on Asians as second class citizens. Russians I know don't understand the fascination many of us have with Thai girls .. they generally don't see Asian or Black women as attractive and worthy of fucking.


Spot on! I live in Moscow and get this a lot too.


Also. Russians' are not outwardly friendly and often surly and impolite with people they do not know. They can be very warm and friendly with friends, but think smiling at strangers is something only dolts would do. 


There is a total disconnect here with Thia/Asian culture which values face and where polite and friendly behavior is expected form strangers. 

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thais  do not like many other nationalities,  tolerate ,yes  but like ?  no .    

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i have learned Thais in general warm to you if you're nice, polite and attempt to speak their language, that's my experience when dealing with Thais and one of the reasons why i live here.



in my experience of being with Russian people a big majority attempt none of the above, they are pushy, downright rude and sometimes abusive/aggressive, they remind me of the Israelis out here in 1990s (they were driven out of Thailand and weren't allowed back for quite a number of years).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I cannot think of anyone who likes the Russians, and then again, I cannot think of any nationality that the Thai's like either.

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