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Nixonsbest and Worst Breakfasts


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Hi Nixon, many thanks for your efforts with this thread and to other guys who have contributed.


What are your current top 5 mate?

Top 3 at the moment are:

Casa Pascal  225B minus discount card

Jolly's            155B  Great coffee

Kilkenny's      120B  Good all rounder 

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epic fail 55555 

Epic fail!  Let us have a look at your EPIC TOPICS!







4 replies!




18 replies and nearly made 2 pages!

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The Continental has Black Pudding....

I like Black Pudding when it is shallowed fried and crispy!  Not a big fan of the steamed hockey puks!

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Top 3 at the moment are:

Casa Pascal  225B minus discount card

Jolly's            155B  Great coffee

Kilkenny's      120B  Good all rounder 


Appreciate the update of the "top 3" (AND all of your hard work in keeping this thread going!)


Cafe Pascal remains on my "must try" list -- didn't make it my last 2 trips because I had free breakfast at my hotel (Marriott and Hilton) due to hotel status level.  Think I may get free breakfast at Holiday Inn on my next trip, and "free" is just too hard of a price to beat!  5555555


BTW, was that really you in the black shirt in the "best burgers" video or were you just fucking with us?

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Top 3 at the moment are:

Casa Pascal  225B minus discount card

Jolly's            155B  Great coffee

Kilkenny's      120B  Good all rounder


Thanks for your thoughts mate :)

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Epic fail!  Let us have a look at your EPIC TOPICS!


why so serious?  :WinkGrin1:  ok, I'll make a contribution...


I don't eat cooked breakfasts very often, but I did over the last few days. Not pattaya, I'm afraid, but hotel in london called The Athenaeum. 


Photo quality a bit ropey I'm afraid. Got the 'full english'. Choice of egg style etc, I got poached. Tasted alright to me. Thai equivalent cost is 1,388 baht or £27.50 in GBP.....




Also had some of these little glasses filled with yoghurt in one and a muelsi/porridge mixture in the other. 




The menu....




Its a bit pricey to stay there too. Cheapest room on booking.com is 15,000 baht a night lol. Gotta love london. Its epic  :Think1:

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why so serious?  :WinkGrin1:  ok, I'll make a contribution...


I don't eat cooked breakfasts very often, but I did over the last few days. Not pattaya, I'm afraid, but hotel in london called The Athenaeum. 


Photo quality a bit ropey I'm afraid. Got the 'full english'. Choice of egg style etc, I got poached. Tasted alright to me. Thai equivalent cost is 1,388 baht or £27.50 in GBP.....




Also had some of these little glasses filled with yoghurt in one and a muelsi/porridge mixture in the other. 




The menu....




Its a bit pricey to stay there too. Cheapest room on booking.com is 15,000 baht a night lol. Gotta love london. Its epic  :Think1:


Think I'll stick the the i-rovers 99bht special!!

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Appreciate the update of the "top 3" (AND all of your hard work in keeping this thread going!)


Cafe Pascal remains on my "must try" list -- didn't make it my last 2 trips because I had free breakfast at my hotel (Marriott and Hilton) due to hotel status level.  Think I may get free breakfast at Holiday Inn on my next trip, and "free" is just too hard of a price to beat!  5555555


BTW, was that really you in the black shirt in the "best burgers" video or were you just fucking with us?

Was not me in the black shirt, just fucking with you.

Try Casa Pascal for lunch, they close at 2pm!

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£27.50 for a cooked breakfast...very expensive and not trying to be rude but it doesn't look anything special either...

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Was not me in the black shirt, just fucking with you.

Try Casa Pascal for lunch, they close at 2pm!


Duuuuuuude....I was giving the video SO much more credibility because I thought it might really be you!  555555555


Does Cafe Pacal continue to serve breakfast items through 2 p.m.?  I might grab a light "snack" at my hotel and head over there about 1 p.m. to get a much more serious "feed" on!

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Duuuuuuude....I was giving the video SO much more credibility because I thought it might really be you!  555555555


Does Cafe Pacal continue to serve breakfast items through 2 p.m.?  I might grab a light "snack" at my hotel and head over there about 1 p.m. to get a much more serious "feed" on!

Yes until 2pm!  They also BBQ chicken and pork, have salads and sweets, and endless espresso's! 

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£27.50 for a cooked breakfast...very expensive and not trying to be rude but it doesn't look anything special either...

it wasn't! ...just comedy london prices. so be warned lol

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it wasn't! ...just comedy london prices. so be warned lol

I am a born and bred Londoner

You are scaring off possible visitors to London

With your price scaremongering

Plenty of good cheaper rooms for well less than 15,000 Baht a night

Plenty of cafes where you can get a much better breakfast in your pics for less than 400/500 Baht

If you paid for that £27.99 breakfast out of your own pocket and not paid for by your works

You were raped

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I am a born and bred Londoner

You are scaring off possible visitors to London

With your price scaremongering

Plenty of good cheaper rooms for well less than 15,000 Baht a night

Plenty of cafes where you can get a much better breakfast in your pics for less than 400/500 Baht

If you paid for that £27.99 breakfast out of your own pocket and not paid for by your works

You were raped

this is what happens when northerners head south. we get overwhelmed lol

no i wasn't paying. to be fair i walked around the hotel and i don't think there's too may cafe's in park lane/hyde park though.

great city but the mind boggles with some of the pricing.

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The Continental has Black Pudding....



I like Black Pudding when it is shallowed fried and crispy!  Not a big fan of the steamed hockey puks!



True. Steaming black turd slices...


Reminds me to post my Frasers Breakfast!



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I'll try Pascals next time in Pattaya if the Euro will allow me to eat anything but noodles 555


How do you rate the coffee club?  think the coffee is delicious and the food consistently good, but maybe a little overpriced. 

Pussy always wins, it's undefeated

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I've been looking at the first few pages now I'm starving. Note to self, don't visit this thread while in bed.

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Just sitting having Brakfast at The Golf Club.

Got my latte,waiting for a Peasant Omelete.image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg

Fucking awesome Omelete and Latte.

Good buddy of mine owns the place but even if he didn't,I would eat here.


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Just sitting having Brakfast at The Golf Club.

Got my latte,waiting for a Peasant Omelete.attachicon.gifimage.jpgattachicon.gifimage.jpgattachicon.gifimage.jpgattachicon.gifimage.jpg

Fucking awesome Omelete and Latte.

Good buddy of mine owns the place but even if he didn't,I would eat here.


Eat at Golf Club every day (sometimes twice a day) when I'm in town.  Really good food IMO.





Perthie's PA Bash and Bikini/Glow Party 19th May 2017.  Bikini clad girls in body paint, great food including pig roast, free shots, games and prizes for the lads and lasses.

 6pm onwards at Sexy In The City (Soi 6) under the hosting expertise of the magnificent Xylanic.

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