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Repair service for Dell


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Looking for a good competent service for a one year old Dell 13" laptop.


High end specs, it needs a Dongle to connect it with some peripherals, such as external screen etc. We ordered the dongle from Dell in the same place we ordered the Laptop about a year ago.


About a month ago, the laptop refused to start. We took it to the service department of the shop, who contacted Dell. After about three weeks, they returned it with new hard disc, new motherboard and new battery, with only Windows loaded. We plugged in the dongle to connect it to the external monitor, and it made a pinging noise, indication malfunction.

When I plugged in a USB stick in the USB port on the dongle, same pinging.

Upgraded to the latest BIOS, no improvement.


Service department doesn't know what to do now......


Any suggestion for a good service shop wecome, even in BKK...


 We plugged in the dongle to connect it to the external monitor, and it made a pinging noise, indication malfunction.

When I plugged in a USB stick in the USB port on the dongle, same pinging.


Is this a USB dongle? Removing the dongle, does the USB port work with your USB stick without a malfunction indicator? 


The below is an old post but I'd be looking at something like what is described there. Good luck. 




No, it is a gadget that you plug into a new type of port, which I have not seen before . The gadget allows you to use a number of different interfaces, like HDMI, USB, and two others.


It is produced by Dell and sold by them, recommended for use when you want to connect an outside screen, as is useful when the laptop screen is 13" and you want to do some detailed design stuff on a big screen.


Before the repair, it was working O.k, after the repair, which included a new HD and a new Motherboard, it stopped working...


Apparently, Dell does only have a storage entity here fir distribution, but not a service centre. That is the reason I am looking fir an experience servuce centre that kniws about the intricate isdues of Dell laptops...


Unfortunately, the link you provided is so old that it doesn't apply to this.


Might be one in Fortune mall in BKK .. will look tomorrow when in that area,, I know several company's have service center there.

I spend half my money on hookers and booze ,the other half I waste.


Do you know if you have USB in your boot sequence as a primary option (ie. it tries to boot from USB before your HD) in your BIOS? If so, try putting your internal hard drive first in the boot sequence to see if that helps. Just a shot in the dark, but many computers will try to boot from an external disk if you have USB priority in boot sequence. If there is no drive with an OS on the other end of the USB, then it will fail to boot and just stay stuck. 


That is, however, assuming that new plug you mentioned is USB-C.


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