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Barack Obama is the.......


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Popular vote was 62 mil to 55 mil. Listen this was the right choice, and to be honest the only choice in this election period. If McCain had won and keeled over from age we would have had Sarah Palin as president. If that would have happened I would have applied for citizenship in Canada. I'd like to fuck Palin, but I wouldnt let her run a grocery store let alone a country.

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5 days ago I actually dreamt that I met Obama after he had won, so half of it was true-dreamed.


Not exactly much into the US politics, but I know for one thing that I would have voted for Obama if I were an American, just because his plan was better than McCains.

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I am very sorry Mav,i tought i used the political right word in my post,since i translated it stright from Swedish,sorry if i offended you, or anyone else.

In Sweden it´s got a bad tune to it when saying someone is black,we say "Färgad"and thats translated in to colored.


No offence intended,and i will edit my post.




Matrix no problem bro apprecite it.

She Loves Me I Love United That's Life !!!


Man UTD Isn't Just A Team, Its A RELIGION !


You can be my Wife but only for Tonight !

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I like Obama. just hope he don t turn out to be a tony blair , i remember blair with a landslide victory but then again Obama can see Iraq is a fuck up not like blair who with bush started the war.


Good lucky Obama the world is ready for a change cheers............

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They had elections already? I haven't watched American news since I got here lol. Just goes to show you the things you miss sometimes when other things are on your mind :)

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I voted for McCain and supported his ideas. Obama makes great speeches promising everyone everything. Balance the budget, tax rich corporations and wealthy people. Give poor people money simply because they don't have it (?). (Our economy is so fucked up, taxing corporations will only put more people out of work.) Promise to deliver an electric car that american auto companies don't even freakin' make yet. Christ we're already losing Chrysler/Dodge. Besides who's gonna buy it? Electric cars are only practical in big cities, not suburbia like the U.S. I could go on and on with his promises, but will refrain as it is all moot at this point.


I am a bit concerened of his lack of knowledge in foreign affairs, especially the Middle East theater. I don't agree with just leaving and letting the Iraqi's fend for themeselves. Besides that, the region is still very unstable.


As for the color of his skin, I could care less. I am Native American of the Apache Nation and measure people by their actions and words, not skin color. So far he hasn't done anything to impress me. Never even managed so much as a MacDonalds. So that is quite jump he made-President of the U.S.A. But I will give him my support and hope that he delivers on his promises and truly restores America. Only time will tell.

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As a black Brit for me, President-elect Obama is good news. However, winning the election is only the first battle.


A change from the Republican incompetence (esp. in economic affairs) at home and the long held "bomb first - ask questions later" attitude in foreign affairs was much needed. McCain was too closely associated with Bush's views and Palin is simply scary - imagine if McCain was elected then died of a heart attack! A President Palin would be beyond the pail not because she's female, but due to her views and her obvious lack of skill at this level.


Americans realised change was needed and acted accordingly. The US is hated more than any time in history, ironically at a time when it's leadership is most needed. In a country where 60 percent of it's citizens don't have a passport shows almost chronic insularity. The election of a black / mixed race President is a huge social step for a country that is still racially polarised - racial politics is an integral part of US society and that will not change overnight or even if Obama lives long enough to serve 2 terms - assuming a gunman does not take his life as happened to Martin Luther King or Presidents Kennedy (the 1st Catholic President) and Lincoln (who abolished slavery and fought a Civil War on the issue.)


Obama will be hampered by the world economic situation like every other world leader and that will stop him delivering some of his initial promises on health care, etc. In foreign policy I think Obama will engage with the rest of the world in the way that Clinton tried to. Hopefully he'll do better than Clinton, and that is good news for Americans - and the rest of us.


By being the first black President, Obama has carved himself a unique place in history. But longer term, he will be ultimately and rightly judged by his policies (which have yet to take full shape - he's largely an unknown quantity) and the direction in which he will take his country and world politics when in office. A early clue to his views will be seen in the people he selects for his first Cabinet. Let's see - now the struggle really begins ................. he'll be judged on the colour of his politics not the colour of his skin.

Edited by Jaco2
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Am I not up on the slang all the cool kids are using now or did I miss something?




I voted for Obama, but if you questioned Bush you were unpatriotic, I rather not be called racist when the time comes to question Obama. If anything this should be a good reason for people to turn their sensitivity meter waaaay down.


Competence is the only factor in voting. That being said my god/step kids are multi racial and I am pleased as a pig in a pile of shit that they can see a president that looks just like they do.



If you had read what he was typing in the shout box just prior to posting this you would know what I mean, but thanks for the cool link to the urban dictionary site. :D

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Will it be politically incorrect to call it the 'White House' now ? :GoldenSmile1:


This is just wrong, Funny as hell but just wrong. 5555 :D

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If the new president elect was a white man with the same charisma, would there be this much hype? No, there would not be.


I am an Obama supporter, I believe he has decent policies and is a credible spokesman for a country that gets has little credibility these days. However, Obama is still controlled by his colleagues, his investors, his advisors. All presidents and political leaders in democratic nations are puppets.


How he handles the economy, how he handles Iran and how he handles Pakistan will determine the kind of president he is going to be. A campaign is a campaign, it's time to roll the sleeves up and go to work.


Having said that, if he can inspire any minority groups to make themselves better and aim higher, then he is 100 steps ahead of the current dumb ass president.

I don't buy out the bar, I buy the nightspot.

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About a year ago in Ireland, I met two girls from Texas who were traveling around Europe. I was shocked when they told me that in just about every country they visited they were verbally abused about Bush and his policies. They found this upsetting and the fact that one girl didn't vote for him and the other had never voted meant nothing to the people who were giving them a hard time. The world loves Obama and its cool to be American again so I hope this is a thing of the past. LOL...

“Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect -and I don't live to be- but before you start pointing fingers... make sure you hands are clean!”. Bob Marley.

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First of all , well done Barack Obama, he deserved it throughly , but when i saw the news on Tv. africa countries celebrating Obama victories and the european joy of his win... Does they think he is another messiah in the coming , saving the whole world from the Global recessions, make peace to the world Etc... Also he cant be expected to fork out all Americans dollars to the african encomny... He may be good news for the USA but nothing to do with the rest of us.... Maybe the world confidence will be better with Obama but i doubt he can do it in one day, you gotta give him four years to turn it around ..

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I noticed a couple of things:

1) All those people who are the first, and loudest to scream "racist" when it suits them, are also the first to say "Obama is the first black president"........NOT the "44th president of the United States" which SHOULD be the only thing that counts in their "non racist" minds. And the "meeedja" dont help matters, by going to every black ghetto/township, and interviewing people on the streets, or pulling in every African American politician or prominant one


2) Notice the guys MIDDLE name?

All that money and resources used in the Middle East to get rid of one, and now a Hussein gets voted in to the presidency !!!! :GoldenSmile1:


(Second point was made in jest, but first one wasnt)



No bad grammer or spelling mistakes here !!!!

Its the all new language i have invented called "Typonese"

Copies of the book and DVDs are on sale and are availible at the main desc at the exit sine

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Race is unimportant to me, except to say that it is great to feel that we've reached a stage where the best person for the job can be elected, regardless of race.


This best person communicates to the rest of the world that the world's people matter to our country again. His selection sends a signal we are ready to have leadership that will work with them, rather than recklessly pursue our own agenda.


It could be that the economy here was the real catalyst. But even allowing that, if you think the US economy has no impact on the rest of the world, you just haven't been paying attention lately.


We've shown that no matter the mechanism, the mechanism has acted to correct a dangerous path. For me, this translates simply to a feeling I imagine is not unlike non-US citizens: RENEWED HOPE


just a few more :Surrender1:

Just an unashamed LBFM groupie

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VP Biden is cool? Maybe, if he can take his foot out of his mouth.


Time to support the new president, but... the popular vote was close, America is still pretty divided.


Bipartisan? I don't think so, the nature of politics won't allow that!


Why do you even give a shit about us dipshits down here in the US. Your up there in a real country that just chills out, takes care of their own and enjoys themselves. LOL

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A sad day for america. Barrack Hussain Obama will turn the US into venezuela or north korea with his communist ideologies. And the dollor will go down the toilet. Higher taxes and more government bailouts (aka nationalisations) is not a welcome sign. US residents, expect to pay more for your


- petrol - obama will tax it

- flights to thailand


Retirees, get ready for

- more wall street falls

- higher tax on dividends / less income for you.


George Bush, you will be missed. You have been a great president for the US.

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Me soooooo Happy!!!! The last 8 years have been a nightmare!! Once, Obama officially takes office Jan. 20, 2009- I will develop a case of PTBD. Post Traumatic Bush Disorder!!! The worst President in the History of the United States.

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A sad day for america. Barrack Hussain Obama will turn the US into venezuela or north korea with his communist ideologies. And the dollor will go down the toilet. Higher taxes and more government bailouts (aka nationalisations) is not a welcome sign. US residents, expect to pay more for your


- petrol - obama will tax it

- flights to thailand


Retirees, get ready for

- more wall street falls

- higher tax on dividends / less income for you.


George Bush, you will be missed. You have been a great president for the US.


It never ceases to amaze me how I have completely different views from others I live with in the USA. I swear I am living in the same country as them but I just don't see it. Am I missing something or have some of the US population been hiding in a Cave somewhere?


"George Bush, you will be missed. You have been a great president for the US." This is the craziest thing I have ever read in my life, Goerge W Bush will go down in history to be the worst fucking president ever. I really can't imaging anyone fucking up worse and OMG I would hate to see what the world affairs would look like with someone worse than Goerge W. Bush in the White house.


If we do turn into a communist country I am going to ask to be in charge of putting people like you in Alaska and you can all go up there and live together with Sarah Palin. Shit I am going to design an "Arm Band" for my Uniform right now.

Edited by RRRushhh
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Oh RRRushhh, why do you hate Freedom so much? :)


See, now the shoe is on the other foot, they don't like the administration, we can question THEIR patriotism and tell them to love it or leave it LOL


Outside of the Middle East and a few Chinese I know you never find people as downright batshite crazy as some Americans when they talk about politics (Left and Right). I've seen some running their mouths in Pattaya bars and the Europeans think they must be putting them on, just sitting there open mouthed...


You know I don't hate our freedom. :Ignore1:


Hell the whole Idea behind my Avatar - Rush's 2112 album. Read the lyrics. It is a album suite based around the world controlled by a Church & State based Government and the ultimate hell of a communist world in the year 2112 - and how an individual would rather die than live in a world like that.



The 2112 suite

Main article: 2112 (song) In the year 2062, a galaxy-wide war results in the union of all planets under the rule of the Red Star of the Solar Federation. The world is controlled by the Priests of the Temples of Syrinx, who determine the content of all reading matter, songs, pictures - every facet of life during the year 2112 ("The Temples of Syrinx").


A man discovers a guitar (ancient miracle) and learns to play new, different music from what he has ever heard. When he goes to present this to the priests of the Temples, they destroy the guitar. He goes into hiding and dreams of music; upon awakening he becomes severely depressed and commits suicide after a few more days in hiding. As he dies, another planetary battle begins ("Grand Finale") resulting in the (perhaps deliberately) ambiguous ending "Attention all planets of the Solar Federation: We have assumed control." (This spoken section was created by Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson reportedly "messing around with a tape recorder".)


On the album, Neil Peart credits "With acknowledgment to the genius of Ayn Rand." Rand, a Russian-born American novelist and Objectivist philosopher, wrote a novella entitled Anthem (itself the title of another Rush song, from the album Fly By Night) from which Peart borrowed the broad strokes of the plot.


Notice the naked man in the Avatar that is completely rejecting this concept.


I can't quite figure you out just yet, but my intuition says your a cool bro in the middle, that can laugh at both sides of the fence, either way - you are cool by me. :) Where you want to grab a beer.

Edited by RRRushhh
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