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How much to pay on baht bus?


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Can any0ne tell me the average cost on the baht bus? Earlier this year I was staying at Siam Bayshore near the end of Walking Street and I was quoted ridiculous prices for returning to my hotel usually 200bht. I offered less but the drivers weren't interested, probably because traffic is not allowed at nightime in Walking Street and the alternative was a long drive round.

In Koh Samui in July the normal cost was 50 bht. I am going to Pattaya again and would welcome any advice.

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If you get on and off on their route they are about 20bt. Otherwise upto them.


I prefer motorbikes. Much more economical.

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On a "sole hire" the driver will quote 100-200 depending upon distance travelled but if you get on one that is travelling that way it is a fixed fare of 20bht for falang (you could argue you only need to pay 10bht but is it really worth it?).


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10 baht for tourists 5 baht for locals for any destination on it's usual route within PTY. Unless you go on a longer journey say, from Jomtien to Soi 3. Then it's 20 baht. A baht bus will take you anywhere you want to go not on the designated routes if they have no passengers and you agree a price before with the driver.

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"Up to me" since 2005

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I always find its a bit (well, a lot, really) of a lottery getting from the northern end of Beach Road to, say, Walking Street for instance.

In my experience the ones i get on nearly ALWAYS turn off at Pattaya Klang, so you have to get off, and get another one that IS going straight on to Tai




No bad grammer or spelling mistakes here !!!!

Its the all new language i have invented called "Typonese"

Copies of the book and DVDs are on sale and are availible at the main desc at the exit sine

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The general rule I followed was only get in a baht bus in motion, best with people in it, and one that doesn't pull up along side and ask you to get it. If you do that, you'll only pay 10 baht.

When life gives you lemons...



Fuck the lemons and grab a beer.



Read my trip report!



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10 baht per trip in pattaya... Make sure you have 10 bahts in your pockets.. Some drivers drove off without giving a change..

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10 baht for tourists 5 baht for locals for any destination on it's usual route within PTY. Unless you go on a longer journey say, from Jomtien to Soi 3. Then it's 20 baht. A baht bus will take you anywhere you want to go not on the designated routes if they have no passengers and you agree a price before with the driver.



Yep...i used to just give them 10 bht. You dont even ask, just hand them the 10 bht and walk away, they NEVER even ask about it unless you got them to give you some special ride somewhere like to the temple or something out of their way

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10 baht... sometimes 20 if its past 4am. sometimes they stop and i get the typical "where you go" i say rim hat jomtien and they say no so i say 20 baht and they will take you all the way.

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useful info as i have paid up to 200 in phuket


10 baht in patts, Phuket is a different kettle of fish all together. from my experience a price is negotiated before to get on in Phuket.

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10 baht in Pats for a normal route. In Phuket the local tuk tuk mafia do not have designated routes and will rip you off for as much as they can. I always use motorbike taxi or my own bike down there. Unless it is late at night and I have to use them for a trip to the safari club at the top of the hill.

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10 Baht, don't guilt trip yourself into paying more!


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those Thai baht buses and taxis are always looking to fuck you over.... 10 baht, in motion is the way to go in Patts though....

Eat. Down. South.

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Baht buses in Pattaya are the best value around, My first visit in 1991 I paid 10Bht and now 17 years later its still 10bht, Never speak to the driver, if he turns off your route get off and catch another. I very rarely need to wait more than a minute.

If you need to charter one then 100bht seems to do the trick for most areas, I've never paid more than 200 even to Jontiem.

Did anyone ever try getting a taxi in London or Sydney after midnight????

Why is it that any country with "Democratic" in it's title, Isn't

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honestly, i usually give him the change from my pocket, since i dont want to coins scratching the LCD of my camera thats in my pocket. i know i know, im raising the price of the baht bus! what will we do when it reachs 30 baht!


run for the hills!!!!

run foorrrr yooourrrr liffffeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

On my first trip to Patts, like a fool in paradise, I used to ask the drivers beforehand and negotiate a price. I was pretty happy with myself when I negotiated down from 200 to 100baht.

It was on my last trip that I found out it was only 10 bahts and max 20 to Jomtien.

Sometimes you find out the hard way.

Now I never ask the price, do not even look at the driver and always give the right amount of money, which does mean carrying some change but it's all worth it.

The drivers will always try it on, even if they can get away with an extra 10 baht, try giving them 20 baht and asking for your change ....





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In the beginning of my trip, after I had gotten the girl of my choice and we were ready to go to my room, I hijacked one of the bahtbuses outside Insomnia for 100 baht to Jomtien. They usually quoted 250 baht, but I always said 100 baht. They told me no, I walked away and they would say "ok ok". It wasn't until later that I out that there was always a baht bus running to Jomtien, you only had to wait by the road for 1-5 minutes. The girls would probably think I was a cheap charlie, but who cares.

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honestly, i usually give him the change from my pocket, since i dont want to coins scratching the LCD of my camera thats in my pocket. i know i know, im raising the price of the baht bus! what will we do when it reachs 30 baht!


run for the hills!!!!

run foorrrr yooourrrr liffffeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!


Do you give "the change from your pocket" when you buy a soda in the 7-11? I don't want to start the LDOP debate again... I'm just interested in how you handle other fix-prize situations...

large sig = small penis

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