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PTT to reduce petrol, diesel prices Friday

News Bandit

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So the oil price has gone down 40% over the last 6/7 months

and the prices on the pump go down 50 satang ... wow ... 

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I know but i drive a diesel and the price has been steady on 30Bht for the last 2 years .


'Holland' .... it's not only because of the fuel prices i'm living in Thailand ...  :GoldenSmile1: .  

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So the oil price has gone down 40% over the last 6/7 months

and the prices on the pump go down 50 satang ... wow ... 

:LOL2: As in all countries, I think. Like it "works" for us the price of oil goes up and the price of gasoline immediately Soar skyrocketing. Conversely, it does not work. The reluctance of traders cheaper and shorten their margins are huge. :GrinNod1: 

THAJEC Thajský muž TRIP 37 - 30.November 2018 - 28.1.2019



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I know but i drive a diesel and the price has been steady on 30Bht for the last 2 years .


'Holland' .... it's not only because of the fuel prices i'm living in Thailand ...  :GoldenSmile1: .


Isn't it? I thought all expat Dutch like us, here live here only because the fuel is cheap......


Why else would anyone leave that great country and come and stay in this hot boring dirty place....

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fcking half a baht!


thanks for nothing

Member since Dec 06.

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