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Decided to split my stay, 4 days at page 10 and 5 days at the marriott


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I've always wanted to stay at Page 10 for some reason so I've decided to split of stay with 4 nights at page 10 and 5 at the marriott, I assume Page 10 isn't 24 hour room service. Can you tell me what hours it runs and if they charge extra for wifi? Also how much extra does the marriott charge for wifi? Thanks

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Page 10 has free wifi and room service ends at 11pm.... I just spent 10 nights their. I don't think it is outstanding, the rooms need touching up. I don't think it was worth the 2000 a night I paid. In saying that I thought the staff were fantastic, very friendly and a really good vibe.

I would say, don't change your plans, you should experience everything you set out to do. Your opinion may be completely different to mine and I would love hear it

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How about you pick up the phone & ask them hey?

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price is 524thb for 24 hours i found it out in bookingcom (wire connectiom they say)

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Page 10 has free wifi and room service ends at 11pm.... I just spent 10 nights their. I don't think it is outstanding, the rooms need touching up. I don't think it was worth the 2000 a night I paid. In saying that I thought the staff were fantastic, very friendly and a really good vibe.

I would say, don't change your plans, you should experience everything you set out to do. Your opinion may be completely different to mine and I would love hear it

Yep have to agree

Stayed at Page10 a few months back for a week

Over priced

Much better value for money hotels available in patts

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Yep have to agree

Stayed at Page10 a few months back for a week

Over priced

Much better value for money hotels available in patts


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LK Group hotels, VT6. SM-N9000Q cihazımdan Tapatalk kullanılarak gönderildi


VT6 is not a hotel


LK group location not as good and swimming pools nowhere near as good


If you talking about Empress the rooms are smaller too but have a better view


P10 is a good base for your first few trips and very girlyfriendly

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VT6 is not a hotel


LK group location not as good and swimming pools nowhere near as good


If you talking about Empress the rooms are smaller too but have a better view


P10 is a good base for your first few tips and very girlyfriendly

VT6 is not a hotel but you can stay there for your accommodation so that's why I wrote there. It's easy to understand the logic.

Most of LK Group hotels are in and around Soi LK Metro which is prime location in Pattaya imo.


SM-N9000Q cihazımdan Tapatalk kullanılarak gönderildi

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How about you pick up the phone & ask them hey?


How about PA being a friendly place where fellow mongers can help each other out?



There are only two types of people in the world, those who can extrapolate from incomplete data......

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How about PA being a friendly place where fellow mongers can help each other out?

Your gagging aren't ya? This forum is a trolls paradise with them ready to take a pot shot at the most innocent of questions.


Posted from a 6.3" Samsung Galaxy Mega

        You can never take back ......
  • A moment after it's missed
  • A word after it's said
  • Time after it's been wasted
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How about PA being a friendly place where fellow mongers can help each other out?


The OP joined PA in 2010...now i'm sure he's NOT a newbie to Patts & trivial questions about room service/ Wifi, surely he can use brain & give them a quick call especially when these hotels are in the high end bracket per night $ wise & would definitely have all their reception staff speak English. 

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Not my place to criticize the OP, and I am NOT, but the two alternatives do seem somewhat strange i.e. one is a 3 star mid range hotel and one is a 5 star hotel.


IF you can afford the Marriott I would do the entire time there as it is well located, girl friendly, and well thought of by BMs here on P-A.


IF money is the issue - do the opposite - stay at Page 10. It is MY favourite hotel in the mid priced range and yes I have stayed at "most" as its what I do.


Again bro, its YOUR call but moving hotel after a few days strikes me as right royal pain in the as and an unnecessary one at that.


As a;ways - I would refer people to the "Most booked hotels" thread. They are not for everyone but the thread offers good pointers and I will update it soon also :)



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How about you pick up the phone & ask them hey?

How about I save my money on a long distance call and ask here, it doesn't have to be you that tells me though so no pressure

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Page 10 whilst needing a face lift is still a great hotel WiFy is not so good , it has a great club like feel about it , and a very good position close to festival beach road and LK Metro

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With regard to the wifi charge in the Marriott, I seem to recall that it is free in the lobby area.  If you don't mind lugging your laptop to the lobby to check emails, etc., that is a possibility.  They do have some very comfortable couches there, IIRC.


It's possible to try to do a "Gold challenge" or a "Platinum challenge" through Marriott Rewards, which nets you Gold or Platinum status (and free wifi, among other perks) for 4 months.  That may be limited to US residents, however.


Here's a blog discussing it:  http://frequentmiler.boardingarea.com/2013/07/19/hacking-your-way-to-marriott-platinum-and-united-silver-status/

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The OP joined PA in 2010...now i'm sure he's NOT a newbie to Patts & trivial questions about room service/ Wifi, surely he can use brain & give them a quick call especially when these hotels are in the high end bracket per night $ wise & would definitely have all their reception staff speak English. 


I'm sure he could do that but he opted to ask a question on PA instead. It's kinda what we are for. You are of course entitled to think it is trivial but if so please try ignoring it and clicking away to something that you do like instead next time rather than posting unhelpful and unwelcoming posts. Thanks.


Your gagging aren't ya? This forum is a trolls paradise with them ready to take a pot shot at the most innocent of questions.




We do our best to keep it friendly but we can't be everywhere all the time. That said it is far from a trolls paradise. Have you tried the other Pattaya/Thailand forums? :)



There are only two types of people in the world, those who can extrapolate from incomplete data......

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Your gagging aren't ya? This forum is a trolls paradise with them ready to take a pot shot at the most innocent of questions.


Posted from a 6.3" Samsung Galaxy Mega


On the contrary, I have found PA members to be incredibly helpful. I have come across very few "trolls" and I have found the vast majority of BMs very positive. I have received and/or given advice on a wide range of matters including:


* Best taxi service

* Reviews of hotels

* hotel groups offering special discounts (including the discount codes)

* The go-gos with the tastiest "line-up" 

* Which truck and bike to buy in LoS

* How best to get a visa renewal

* How to improve Thai//Isaan language skils

* Condition of golf courses and which days discounts can be found


Through PA, I have met up with many BMs and have made some real friendships...I really don't recognise your description of PA as being a "trolls paradise".

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How about I save my money on a long distance call and ask here, it doesn't have to be you that tells me though so no pressure


Save money? You have to be joking right? I'm sure a 30 sec phone call won't break your budget especially when your looking at hotels that are well over 2k per night!...& on top of that your exchanging your Euro's into Thai baht at a rate of 44...my heart bleeds for you. 

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I'm on a Pattaya forum, Ill ask what I like. If you don't like it why don't you ignore it?


Yawn! :SoWhat1:

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I've always wanted to stay at page 10 for some reason so I've decided to split of stay with 4 nights at page 10 and 5 at the marriott, I assume page 10 isn't 24 hour room service. Can you tell me what hours it runs and if they charge extra for wifi? Also how much extra does the marriott charge for wifi? Thanks

Good choice stayed at both previously you will especially love the marriott, as mentioned already p10room service until 11, just signup for the marriott rewards program before you go and internet is free (so is membership) - enjoy!


Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk

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Not my place to criticize the OP, and I am NOT, but the two alternatives do seem somewhat strange i.e. one is a 3 star mid range hotel and one is a 5 star hotel.


IF you can afford the Marriott I would do the entire time there as it is well located, girl friendly, and well thought of by BMs here on P-A.


IF money is the issue - do the opposite - stay at Page 10. It is MY favourite hotel in the mid priced range and yes I have stayed at "most" as its what I do.


Again bro, its YOUR call but moving hotel after a few days strikes me as right royal pain in the as and an unnecessary one at that.


As a;ways - I would refer people to the "Most booked hotels" thread. They are not for everyone but the thread offers good pointers and I will update it soon also :)



Royal pain in the ass? You must be very lazy or majorly overweight, I did the walk from the marriott to Page 10 with 3 large bags last trip was nothing but a pleasant 10 - 15 minute walk, reception at marriott couldnt believe I didnt get a cab but why not was a nice day. I like to mix up hotels when there too dunno why thats a problem?


Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk

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I know it's in a different price range, but I had great luck with April Suites and Flipper hotel. Both good locations and Flipper is right next to PJDJ Bar which I had a lot of fun at last trip

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Royal pain in the ass? You must be very lazy or majorly overweight, I did the walk from the marriott to page 10 with 3 large bags last trip was nothing but a pleasant 10 - 15 minute walk, reception at marriott couldnt believe I didnt get a cab but why not was a nice day. I like to mix up hotels when there too dunno why thats a problem?


Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk


I'm with Whitespider on this -- changing rooms on my trips (which are short) was a pain in the ass.  The times that I have done it, it killed the better part of a day (packing everything up; checking out; going to new hotel; checking in; unpacking all of my shit).  Not a big deal if you're there for 3 weeks, but when you're in town for 10 days, that day + a decent chunk of your trip.


If you had 3 large bags, didn't it take you some time to pack them back up, then unpack them at your room?  


More power to you, but I have little interest in hauling my roller bags down the shitty sidewalks of Pattaya.  I would expect them to tip over every 65 feet or so.


If I did it again, I would try to schedule my room change around a day when I was going to pick up clothes from the laundry -- less to pack/move and everything is neatly folded when it comes back from the laundry!

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