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Steak & Co. in Soi Lengkee (formerly China Garden)

China Garden

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I'm really please with everyone's recent review, I have total faith in both Yuri & Chef Gerry but it's fantastic to hear things are not only "good" but are improving in my absence! Once I'm back in Thailand I will re-read the recent post and address anything I missed, at the moment I can only check in the mornings before heading out, 8 days to go!

Edited by China Garden
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And you are certifiably a fruit cake.

the restaraunt was not exactly memorable in food and embiance,and I was there three times and it was 10 years ago.

Tell Ya what.Im there in January,I will point it out for you.

Are you there (here) in January only ?

I have pity on you, I live here.

And you still did not tell us in which restaurant you were TEN YEARS AGO.

their ≠ there ≠ they’re; theirs ≠ there’s; your ≠ you’re; its ≠ it’s; whose ≠ who’s;

bearback ≠ bareback; loose ≠ lose; too ≠ to; wander ≠ wonder; then ≠ than;

men ≠ man; women ≠ woman; know ≠ now ≠ no; quiet ≠ quite; site ≠ sight;

except ≠ accept; of ≠ 've; waist ≠ waste; sure ≠ shore; etc. (et cetera) ≠ ect.

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Who gives a crap about how many and where they are (were) and what kind of decor they have (had)....this is a Steak and Co topic....just maybe are you are (were) a former owner of a place that is (isn't) anywhere near as good as S and C.


So I suggest keeping your trolls to yourself.

You should read the complete thread and see who was telling bu**sh** about a Swiss restaurant and not even being able to name or locate it.

their ≠ there ≠ they’re; theirs ≠ there’s; your ≠ you’re; its ≠ it’s; whose ≠ who’s;

bearback ≠ bareback; loose ≠ lose; too ≠ to; wander ≠ wonder; then ≠ than;

men ≠ man; women ≠ woman; know ≠ now ≠ no; quiet ≠ quite; site ≠ sight;

except ≠ accept; of ≠ 've; waist ≠ waste; sure ≠ shore; etc. (et cetera) ≠ ect.

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Are you there (here) in January only ?

I have pity on you, I live here.

And you still did not tell us in which restaurant you were TEN YEARS AGO.

I have a message out to a friend of mine that owns The Golf Club.Him and I and our spouses dined there,until he opened up his place on LK.

Will get the name for you.

The problem is my friend,it was a forgettable experience.It was average.Nothing special.Thats my point.

I can however tell you exactly what I ate at Rockpool is Sydney 12 years ago and I've only been to Il Terrazo twice but could probably give you a detailed drawing of the Patio.

The Swiss restaraunt I went to was fucking average..at best.

And congrats on living there.My schedule is open in January so maybe we can get together and you can show me around.

If I could handle it for more than 5 minutes.

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Now,i shall expect a full apology form Duvel on here.

My friend had trouble even remembering the name.

Sorry to the OP,and this is the last time we will go over this little indescretion....after his apolgy of course.


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Play nicely please, this is a restaurant review thread ffs, not the usual place to find trouble! Any one else posting outside of our nice to be nice ethos may well find not just their post removed but their account censored as well!

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There are only two types of people in the world, those who can extrapolate from incomplete data......

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Thank you for coming in & your feedback. We do rest the steaks on a cake rack before plating & flashing the plate under a hot grill, we capture the steak juices and use them in the next day's stock pot, things like flavouring the mash are best done on request as everyone prefers things slightly different, Chef wanted an "olive mash" which I didn't agree too... We are happy to tweak any dish / side, just ask the Chef or Yuri and we will be happy to do it.


I'm please you thought the pricing was fair & you enjoyed the food and wine, our aim is to keep getting better and better ! See you again soon!


That would explain why the steaks were a bit dry. Especially in a small cut.


If your relaxing them, the meat is separating and the juices become the tasty part. To then put it back on a plate, minus the juice of the steak, that it as a hot as The Grill, after it's relaxed, is making the meat contract again. Heat makes the meat contract. It defeats the purpose of relaxing the meat. If you were using poor cuts, the meat would be tough and dry. Your lucky the meat is forgiving. However, your not doing it true justice.


I'd suggest if you want to steal my steak juice for your sauces then at least let me have a relaxed bit of meat, not something that's been reheated by a hot plate so hot not even the waitress can touch. A steak connoisuer can sense then this. Joe bloggs who doesn't eat good quality meat often may not see this like I do.



I'm back to try the 400g tonight.

Edited by Swinga


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That would explain why the steaks were a bit dry. Especially in a small cut.


If your relaxing them, the meat is separating and the juices become the tasty part. To then put it back on a plate, minus the juice of the steak, that it as a hot as the grill, after it's relaxed, is making the meat contract again. Heat makes the meat contract. It defeats the purpose of relaxing the meat. If you were using poor cuts, the meat would be tough and dry. Your lucky the meat is forgiving. However, your not doing it true justice.


I'd suggest if you want to steal my steak juice for your sauces then at least let me have a relaxed bit of meat, not something that's been reheated by a hot plate so hot not even the waitress can touch. A steak connoisuer can sense then this. Joe bloggs who doesn't eat good quality meat often may not see this like I do.



I'm back to try the 400g tonight.


I'm not sure we are stealing your steak juices, this is how I understand it but I may be wrong. When you cook the steak in a very hot pan / broiler the heat whilst cooking the meat is also forcing the meat juices out of the meat / away from the centre. When you rest the steak the meat those juices returns towards the centre and hold within the beef even when cut into, this clearly will be a better tasting steak, cutting into an unrested steak will leave a puddle of meat juices on the plate as they have not been given time to reabsorb back in to the meat.


The juices lost during cooking are gone forever through evaporation. The steak because its still very hot will continue to shed some of its juices thats why its required to be rested for half the cooking time, rather then letting the steak sit in own pooled wet juices which cannot return back in to the steak, we collect them and make the sauces richer and beefier, I have seem video's of very famous chef's doing it this way and so far our customers have loved the beef.


The other option is if we rest the steak on a plate then before serving re-plate but pour the juices over the steak, the problem for a restaurant is the white plate then look unappealing with blood juices rolling around the place (if the customer orders a medium rare etc), it may also appear to a customer the beef "wasn't rested" and is shedding its meat juices onto the plate. I do know Peter Lugers steakhouse in New York  pour the steak juices "over the steak" but to be honest its the only one I have seen doing this and I think they only sell massive Porterhouses which are served "pre cut" and table side on a different plate to which the customer eats off. 


Don't get me wrong, I think your right but perhaps not in a restaurant setting. If you want Chef Gerry to put the juices over the steak, just ask him or Yuri, the flashing of the plates under The Grill takes literally seconds as The Grill is on constantly during service, not enough time to start reheating / contracting the steak. 


I hope you do enjoy your steak tonight ! The 400g Ribeye's really are fantastic.... 


Anyone leaving a Trip Advisor report gets a big hug! Beefeaters has 2 this month already ;-( 

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Ok, well you understand the theory, we all can agree. If your about looks, then maybe try this.


It's a practical suggestion, why not relax the steak on a cold plate, in it's juice, then serve after it's relaxed on the serving plate that is cold. I don't understand the concept of putting a relaxed steak back on a hot plate. It doesn't make sense. With this idea, you get to keep the serving plate clean, the steaks relaxed correctly in it's own juice, and it's not reheated.


Back to review



Had the beef carparcio, very nice except chunks of rock salt, it would have been better if they had gone through a salt grinder coursely ground, if you were looking for that effect, Chewing on big rocks of salt was not liked by myself or teerak. Otherwise it was great beef. I found myself looking for dash more of olive oil. Overall a 8/10


Teerak had the 250gm ridbeye, I had the 400gm ribeye, someone got consfused as to what cut was what, the little flags must have been missed by the chef, waitress was confused who's was who, so were we.Yuri came to sort out the confusion, not a big deal, until I realised it was my steak teerak doused in murshroom sauce and murdered any chance to taste the meat by itself. She's quick to get her mits on good food. :-)


The 400gm it was a better cut, and had moisture as opposed to the 250gm. I can only gather the the theory above made the 250gm dryer i.e  to relax, then reserve on a hot plate, being a smaller cut. By serving back on a hot plate your essentially cooking the steak twice until it relaxs again. A larger cut can be more forgiving doing this.


Overall 9/10


Your still the best steak place in Pattaya


As a suggestion maybe you could add some good quality aged beef for a special every now and then. Villa markets has 1824 a very well known steak brand in OZ, we eat it often, they had 150 day aged agnus retail price 1700baht a kilo for a whole ribeyes. I'm sure wholesale would be cheaper and thus you could add it as a top shelf special dish every now and then. I'd buy it.

carparcio (614x1024).jpg


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Thank you for the great review, I'm glad Yuri was on hand. Aged Beef is definitely something I will be looking in to, I was already researching a new supplier in Bangkok as Choice foods do not currently offer aged beef (Accidental Butcher).


And thanks for someone who recently posted a new 5 outta 5 Trip Advisor review, social media will really help us going forward !

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Many thanks to anyone who recently posted a Trip Advisor report, it will help us enormously. We sold our first bottle of Champagne last night ! Back next week and I will be adding Malbrough wines and a lot more other choices to our wine selection, the Russian and Thai translations are being done ready for our bespoke wooden menu thats in production. Our new credit card machine is due "any day" now, we will be accepting credit cards or debit cards for rooms & food at no extra charge



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Christmas Dinner & New Years Eve


I would like to get your guys feedback on what you thing we should be offering for Christmas Day & New Year's Eve. I am thinking of something "special" for limited numbers rather then a big free for all with people being herded in and out, we do have "banmaries" if we went down the sliced Turkey / Roast Beef / Roast lamb route with people able to pick out their own veggies or would if be better to just plate up the Traditional Christmas dinner. Perhaps only 2 sittings for Christmas dinner, 12.00 noon til 14.30 pm and 15.00pm to 18.pm then a normal service there-after. 


New Years Eve perhaps a "Gala Dinner" with some special beef options, perhaps 6 courses ? Some good wine .... 


Let me know what you guys think and what you consider a "reasonable price" for a good Christmas dinner, I have no intention of exploiting people over the price unlike many of our home countries, but I want to be able to offer really nice food and not have to cut corners, if you want roast parsnips & fresh sprouts they are expensive in Thailand. 





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If you stick some of this on a plate for me it would be Christmas for sure.


A nice big lump of prime rib beats a bloody turkey hands down!

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If you stick some of this on a plate for me it would be Christmas for sure.


A nice big lump of prime rib beats a bloody turkey hands down!



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Duck Confit available for lunch Monday

See you next month! You had me originally at "Parma Ham," but now you've got me for lunch!


See you soonish

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I went there last night. The steak was as good as any in australia, and the decore is first class.


Only problem, the menu is only in english so the TGF struggled with ordering. The manager did say that was being addressed soon

12 Pints in Know it all

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Steak & Co you needed to say thank you to some of your patrons that took the time to criticize whilst still supporting you, I noticed that as of today you stand at 74th position out of 562 Pattaya restaurants on Tripadvisor, whereas Beefeater stands at 179 out of the same number. Need to set your sights a little higher now me thinks. You had the courage to back your business idea with your own money and then put the work in and it seems to be paying off. Now you enter the truly hard territory of both maintaining and improving on what you offer.

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Steak & Co you needed to say thank you to some of your patrons that took the time to criticize whilst still supporting you, I noticed that as of today you stand at 74th position out of 562 Pattaya restaurants on Tripadvisor, whereas Beefeater stands at 179 out of the same number. Need to set your sights a little higher now me thinks. You had the courage to back your business idea with your own money and then put the work in and it seems to be paying off. Now you enter the truly hard territory of both maintaining and improving on what you offer.



Generally Trip Advisor reviews are written by tourists


The fact that Beefeater is 179th is not a reflection of its reputation or probably income coupled with the fact that it is packed most nights


Your real market are the people who live there - thats your bread and butter


So whilst it is good to be high on the list - Trip Advisor is not the Holy Grail

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Generally Trip Advisor reviews are written by tourists


The fact that Beefeater is 179th is not a reflection of its reputation or probably income coupled with the fact that it is packed most nights


Your real market are the people who live there - thats your bread and butter


So whilst it is good to be high on the list - Trip Advisor is not the Holy Grail


Agreed it is but one litmus test amongst many, none of which equals the Holy Grail. I would argue regards which sector  their "bread & butter" clients come from, as on the few occasions I have eaten there the mix seemed more heavily weighted towards tourist. 


The length of time the two places have been in business though does, in my opinion add some credence to the Tripadvisor findings. My comments were simply an observation and not meant to antagonise.

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Agreed it is but one litmus test amongst many, none of which equals the Holy Grail. I would argue regards which sector  their "bread & butter" clients come from, as on the few occasions I have eaten there the mix seemed more heavily weighted towards tourist. 


The length of time the two places have been in business though does, in my opinion add some credence to the Tripadvisor findings. My comments were simply an observation and not meant to antagonise.


Why do you take it that it antagonised anyone?


I ate there regularly last trip which was ultra low season and it was packed most nights with expats - more European based (not so many English) - Scandinavians and the like - as well as a lot of farangs with TG - so it seems they are regulars - who are unlikely to go on Trip Advisor - just like I would not..

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I went there last night. The steak was as good as any in australia, and the decore is first class.


Only problem, the menu is only in english so the TGF struggled with ordering. The manager did say that was being addressed soon

That right, it will be in Russian & Thai as soon as our new menu's. We have a new leather & wood bespoke menu being made in the UK, finished in 2-3 more weeks.


Glad you enjoyed the meal!

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Steak & Co you needed to say thank you to some of your patrons that took the time to criticize whilst still supporting you, I noticed that as of today you stand at 74th position out of 562 Pattaya restaurants on Tripadvisor, whereas Beefeater stands at 179 out of the same number. Need to set your sights a little higher now me thinks. You had the courage to back your business idea with your own money and then put the work in and it seems to be paying off. Now you enter the truly hard territory of both maintaining and improving on what you offer.

Totally agree, one bad meal will put someone off from coming back even after being a frequent customer. I really do appreciate the support and feedback given even if its was negative feedback, its enabled us to improve elements of our business quickly.


There is plenty of hard work ahead, as we get busier there will be new stresses and new challenges, at first some may exposed weaknesses but its how we deal with the problems not the fact there are problems. Yuri, Gerry and I are committed to free and open communication with our customers, via this forum, Facebook, Trip Advisor or face to face in the restaurant... thats our plan on keeping our existing customers happy and finding new customers, be that ex-pat or tourists.    


The credit card machine arrived today, I'm just waiting for Yuri to complete the staff training in-oder to go live with it

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re: Christmas dinner...


US traditionalist here, gimme some sliced turkey (white and dark), gravy, stuffing, mashed potatoes, candied yams, fresh rolls/cornbread/butter, and pumpkin pie for dessert and I'll be happy.

If you do offer something like that as a set plate, I would ask that it include at least one "refill" of the plate upon request. Always have to go back for seconds on the holiday meals...  ;)


I have a place here that I go to for either Thanksgiving or Christmas that serves up that spread (including the free seconds/thirds) for 540 baht per person. I would consider that to

be around my fair price point, mebbe add on 100 baht for it being Thailand and not the US.

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Just a thought Ian, BM MrDK is famous for bringing in frozen turkeys for his friends in Pattaya.


Maybe you could organise friends to bring in UK christmas fare, hams, turkeys, sprouts, puddings


for you and do it yourself not sure if you have left the UK?


Have heard though they are checking people at customs these days not sure if it would be an issue


but you would save a bomb on big ticket imports.

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Just a thought Ian, BM MrDK is famous for bringing in frozen turkeys for his friends in Pattaya.


Maybe you could organise friends to bring in UK christmas fare, hams, turkeys, sprouts, puddings


for you and do it yourself not sure if you have left the UK?


Have heard though they are checking people at customs these days not sure if it would be an issue


but you would save a bomb on big ticket imports.


Check out the RULES.

They differ by category and origin.


Here is a few bits that I know by research because I needed to. 

Technically approval is required to import any food item, however, I learned that personal use is not considered importation but standard restrictions in what can be imported still apply.

Poultry is allowed (I brought over 15 frozen turkeys in two trips).

Beef is allowed from US, but not from Europe.

Canned food is allowed.

The total value of the food brought in also fall under the overall exemption.


Also if you travel with perishables you need to adhere to airline policies and perhaps any transit country policies. 

Most airlines allow dry ice with limits (2kg typically) and must be labeled, declared and package in an non-airtight fashion (expansion >800 times).

If connecting in the middle east there may be restrictions on pork products.

If you use a cardboard box as packaging it is all but certain that it will be screened by Thai customs.

Hope that helps.


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