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MK Restaurant

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MK Restaurant is located at Big C opposite Sois 2 and 3 on Second Road. Here is a series of photos illustrating how to prepare the soup.




You order the ingredients for the menu and they come in small trays. If you're with a TG and it's your first time let her do the ordering.




Then the ingredients are mixed to be cooked














The lid is placed on.




Then after a few minutes is ready to eat




Spoon some into your bowl and add some of the supplied sauce.




Make sure you taste some of the soup.

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that pot looks good.. now im hungry.. i always bust an egg or two in the pot while everything is cooking..

thanks for making hungry... :) .. to bad there is no MK here.. :P

its BETTER to be PISSED OFF then PISSED ON!!!..

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Have been here a few times and always loved the food.

The girls enjoy going there and 'cooking for you'

They also do a cooked menu if you dont fancy having to do it yourself

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I probably should have mentioned that they also have a smaller restaurant in the Big C on South Pattaya Road.

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My moto for 2017: Don't argue with an idiot. Don't argue with.....

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i love mk simple food and dirt cheap another thing you should try there is the duck , well tasty

"And were you pleased?" they asked Helen in Hell.

"Pleased?" answered she,when all Troy's towers fell;

And dead were Priam´s sons, and lost his throne?

And such a war was fought as none had known;

And even the Gods took part; and all because

Of me alone! Pleased?

I should say I was!"


Lord Dunsany

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I probably should have mentioned that they also have a smaller restaurant in the Big C on South Pattaya Road.


there's also one at the Carrefour on Pattaya Klang... i went in there for a feed one day and when i asked for the check bin the guy said one moment just before he started doing a co-ordinated exercise dance routine with all the other staff to some music. It only went for about a minute but was piss funny to watch... kind of like a mini aerobics class. My mate's gik used to work at one and said that they all had to do it for exercise.

Edited by fireblade
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  • 7 months later...

i really like MK. great place to go with the gang, and the girls love it to!

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great food and cheap as chips, i prefer to order from the cooked menu though as cooking is not my strong point!!


i love the meats

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They're most likely fish balls, if not squid. Pretty good stuff and quite common in SE Asian soups.

Most likely Dodo Fish Balls.


If you are worried about the chopsticks, just dip them into the boiling water and they'll be "fresh" again. :rolleyes:

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yup...done that a few times.....my girl was so good for a few days that I took her to lunch

and told her to invite a friend...she chose her roommate and they picked MK.

Good stuff




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If you like MK give Shabu Ichi in the Avenue on Second Rd opposite soi 13 a try. Its a hot pot buffet similar to MK. Help yourself to as much as you want including soft drinks for B245.

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If you like MK give Shabu Ichi in the Avenue on Second Rd opposite soi 13 a try. Its a hot pot buffet similar to MK. Help yourself to as much as you want including soft drinks for B245.



cheers for the post mate will give it a try next trip!!!

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great food and cheap as chips, i prefer to order from the cooked menu though as cooking is not my strong point!!


i love the meats


Cheap? Are you insane? Thais think it's a massive treat to go to MK as they can't afford it.

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I've been in the MK in BIG C at Soi 2 with my lady. She was very happy to order food for us and cooked it at the table.

The restaurant is not expensive and we had a lot of fun. I would recommend it too.

Pattaya: You can checkout any time you like - but you can never leave - Eagles

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almost the same like the seafood BBQ (i think its called like that but they have meat too, so idk :D ) in Nakluah think soi 16 or 17

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  • 1 year later...

we hit MK Restaurant in Bangkok quite by accident (after 6 days in Pattaya)...we were in the MBK Shopping centre and were starving hungry for some good food....and one of my mates walked up to the menu thats at the front door and said "We are gunna try this joint"....let me say that once we tride the crispy pork and the roast duck dishes, we were hooked....we were in Thailand for only 10 days and hadnt known about this restaurant til 3 days before we left to come back to Aus....we are heading back Pattaya in january 2010 and will be definatley be dining at MK...


I just wanna get back to Pattaya.............


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we hit MK Restaurant in Bangkok quite by accident (after 6 days in Pattaya)...we were in the MBK Shopping centre and were starving hungry for some good food....and one of my mates walked up to the menu thats at the front door and said "We are gunna try this joint"....let me say that once we tride the crispy pork and the roast duck dishes, we were hooked....we were in Thailand for only 10 days and hadnt known about this restaurant til 3 days before we left to come back to Aus....we are heading back Pattaya in january 2010 and will be definatley be dining at MK...

I've found MK to be rather expensive but the duck is very good. I can recommend Shabushi on level 6 in Central Festiveal, similar idea (hotpot) and shushi as well all delivered on a conveyer belt for B282 including soft drinks.

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Often wondered about this place.


I didnt realise that you cook yourself , great idea dinner with a girl and something different.


Is everything boiled or can you fry and grill the food also ?


what price would you be looking at for 2 people ?

i get my kicks below the waistline sunshine

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Often wondered about this place.


I didnt realise that you cook yourself , great idea dinner with a girl and something different.


Is everything boiled or can you fry and grill the food also ?


what price would you be looking at for 2 people ?


Thai Suki is always cooked in a water base and they don't have a grill or fryer at the table. Not sure about the price, I stopped going after the Korean BBQ became popular, here for 109 baht you can eat all you want and either boil or BBQ it. There are some threads on this already.

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