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Smoking in restaurants - OK or not?

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For some reason that's one advert I still remember. :unsure:

if yer remember that yer probably  a smoker?

i hate my habit but its something i grown up with,im not proud of it ,if i could stop i would

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im back in june if yer wanna av a beer and a smoke with me drop me a line.

hope yer always wear a condom, when yer doing the rounds.i would thats more risk to yer health if yer dont


I have smoked in the past but I kicked the habit years ago. And, I have to say that I wish that I had never ever smoked. How one can inhale toxic smoke into ones lungs and not realise that it's not a good thing to do is totally beyond me.

But, I also believe that if people want to do it then so be it but with one important proviso and that is they can smoke as much as they like wherever they like provided that they don't exhale thereby forcing me to inhale their smoke. Therefore, irrespective of whether there's signs or not, smoking next to me whilst I'm having a meal or a drink is strictly off limits.

Basically, I don't want to die. Also, I don't want to whiff!

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After 20+ years of no tobacco advertising here in Oz, it's a shock when arriving is Asia to see huge billboards spruiking cigarettes. 

I want champagne for my real frinds and real pain for my sham friends.

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if yer remember that yer probably  a smoker?

i hate my habit but its something i grown up with,im not proud of it ,if i could stop i would


I used to smoke but not any more.


Many times I stopped then started again.the last time I started again I thought to myself why did I buy these then took them all out of the packet (18) screwed them up one at a time and threw them away.


Then screwed up the packet and set light to it.


This may sound crazy but it was very very hard and painful to bring myself to screw them up.and throw them away.


I only ever bought one packet since that time when I really wanted one.


After I bought them  and opened the packet I felt disgusted with myself. I didn't even smoke one of them I screwed up the whole packet of 20.


That was the last time I ever bought any.


Saying I was going to stop when I finished the packet never worked for me but that did.


If you really want to stop do it now don't wait until you finish the packet.


What I did worked for me.

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i hope i can do that one of these days.

it must be a good feeling to be free from the nicotine,im not proud of what i do but i enjoy a smoke

its a disgusting habit,keep up the good work and never :SoWhat1: go back.

I used to smoke but not any more.


Many times I stopped then started again.the last time I started again I thought to myself why did I buy these then took them all out of the packet (18) screwed them up one at a time and threw them away.


Then screwed up the packet and set light to it.


This may sound crazy but it was very very hard and painful to bring myself to screw them up.and throw them away.


I only ever bought one packet since that time when I really wanted one.


After I bought them  and opened the packet I felt disgusted with myself. I didn't even smoke one of them I screwed up the whole packet of 20.


That was the last time I ever bought any.


Saying I was going to stop when I finished the packet never worked for me but that did.


If you really want to stop do it now don't wait until you finish the packet.


What I did worked for me.

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Why anyone would question someones intelligence over a matter of smoking is beyond me!


It really is as stupid as saying that 'Intelligent' people shouldn't drink,cross the rod,bike without a helmet,etc.


It always  amazes me what the nonsmokers will come out with, if they done some serious research in to it they would see that it is dangerous, but not nearly as much as it is made out!


There's been plenty of research done over many years to prove your post is very wrong.


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i only smoke after intercourse


i know because i look and also i love the smell of burning rubber :GoldenSmile1:

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simple... they choose cigars :) and maybe a pipe.



as for the main topic................and doing everyone a favor.


+1 , the nail on the head .

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Job sorted


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I like a smoke BUT I also don't think everyone else will want to share it with me so No I don't smoke in restaurant it's just rude


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I used to smoke, and appreciate the need of the smoker, 18 coins has the shelf type bar area outside, which is where I went to smoke. Same in hotels, it was always out on the balcony. One thing I will never do now is preach to others, the main problem when this happens is ensuing arguments, if someone did that to me now I would simply find another table and leave him to enjoy his ciggy, and hopefully realise he has done wrong. 

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When I smoked I used to hate the way smokers were treated like lepers. Now that I don't smoke anymore I find the smell fucking disgusting. Human nature I guess.

“Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect -and I don't live to be- but before you start pointing fingers... make sure you hands are clean!”. Bob Marley.

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18 Coins is by far one of the best quality Ex-Pat eateries in town and the chap that runs it definitely one of the nicer guys around town.Last year he added what I suppose is an outside designated smoking area at the front of the premises,just before you enter the main dining area,and it is to this area that the, ''Please Refrain  from smoking'' signs ask patrons to sit whilst smoking but unfortunately there are still unpleasant/unnwilling people still about who really don't give a toss about other peoples feelings as regards to smoking in restaurants,which has been banned in most European countries for several years. Also as someone has already pointed out that this and guys coming into the restaurant bare chested seems to be tolerated ie not enforced by the staff does not help whatsoever.Bearing in mind that I owned and ran Public Houses in London for more than 30 years I found that a friendly word to the patron to address these problems was enough for them to comply with the establishments rules and perhaps larger No Smoking signs would help and perhaps a Dress Code sign similar to the Sportsman,Pig & Whistle and Rosie O' Grady's would address the bare chested warrior brigade . This is a great venue,lets not spoil it.  


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18 Coins is by far one of the best quality Ex-Pat eateries in town and the chap that runs it definitely one of the nicer guys around town.Last year he added what I suppose is an outside designated smoking area at the front of the premises,just before you enter the main dining area,and it is to this area that the, ''Please Refrain  from smoking'' signs ask patrons to sit whilst smoking but unfortunately there are still unpleasant/unnwilling people still about who really don't give a toss about other peoples feelings as regards to smoking in restaurants,which has been banned in most European countries for several years. Also as someone has already pointed out that this and guys coming into the restaurant bare chested seems to be tolerated ie not enforced by the staff does not help whatsoever.Bearing in mind that I owned and ran Public Houses in London for more than 30 years I found that a friendly word to the patron to address these problems was enough for them to comply with the establishments rules and perhaps larger No Smoking signs would help and perhaps a Dress Code sign similar to the Sportsman,Pig & Whistle and Rosie O' Grady's would address the bare chested warrior brigade . This is a great venue,lets not spoil it. 


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How any "intelligent" person chooses to smoke is beyond me :Think1:

Well I suggest the the next time you see one of these  "unintelligent" people lighting up, why don't you ask them how they could be so stupid.  The answer you get may be shocking.

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I know many teetotallers who have similar opinions about drinkers. How can an intelligent person consume something that damages liver, brain etc etc? Each to their own, live and let live, I say! If its a smoking area then non-smokers take your business elsewhere! Non smoking, then have some courtesy and respect for others and don't light up! Yes I am a smoker

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18 coins deffo has a sign asking for some respect to others and if you want to smoke, please go and have one outside. As a smoker myself, I totally agree. Friends of mine don't class me as a "real smoker" as the thought of one first thing makes me feels sick and I usually only have one with a drink. Seems some folks really don't give a flying f**k about others, but no news there. Same as 'please wear a shirt' and when I go to the gym, dirty fuckers not using a towel to wipe down where their sweaty arse has been or wearing proper footwear! Why are these rules made then not enforced?

Anyway getting back to the smoking. Please don't smoke around food when people are eating, ignorant twats.

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I bet if you had kicked him in the head he would not have ignored you.

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