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Safe Hotels


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I am coming to Pattaya in Dec and would like to stay some place which is pretty safe. By safety, I dont mean that I am expecting 5 gunmen coming down and shooting blidnly but where my luggage and money will be completely safe. After little reading here and there, I fell that I should leave my money in the hotel room and just roam around with few bucks.


Saying this, I also would like the hotel to have no joiner fees as I am planning one big night with 3-4 girls and 2 nights a threesome. Rest 7-8 days planning to bring one girl every night. So the joiner fee will be a bit of a rip off. I would also appreciate if the hotel has a bath tub or private jacquizze.


Is it too much to ask?



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I've never had any money or belongings disappear in over 30 different hotels in Pattaya - if you are really worried about your cash then open a kasikorn bank account and put it all in there.


Remember for every story you read about someone who had their gear pilfered on a trip there are hundreds who didn't.


Without a budget it's hard to make a recommendation - how much are you wanting to spend per night?

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I've never had any money or belongings disappear in over 30 different hotels in Pattaya - if you are really worried about your cash then open a kasikorn bank account and put it all in there.


Remember for every story you read about someone who had their gear pilfered on a trip there are hundreds who didn't.


Without a budget it's hard to make a recommendation - how much are you wanting to spend per night?


First of all thx for your reply. Kasikorn bank account is a new word(s) for me. I believe playing safe when it comes to personal belongings as I had two bad experiences (not in Thailand).

Coming to the budget thing, anything around to about 2000b. Wont mind going over a bit as well.

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My last trip I stayed at the LK Miricale suites - it was a soft opening so the rates were 50% off which put it into my price range (1000 baht) - regular price for a superior room is 1900 baht which is in your range.


Very luxurious and the most comfortable I have ever been in Pattaya - it's a little further from the action than the other LK hotels, but its only a couple of minutes by moto of bahtbus to the action.



Edited by TGluvver
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