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Thai keyboard

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As I have posted elsewhere, I am at the beginning of a long and difficult journey, learning Thai.


I need to get a keyboard to use with my laptop and my desktop to enable me to type Thai script. I use my computer a lot to aid my learning, flash card programs, showing off the odd little bit I have learnt to friends in LOS etc.


Is there such a thing as a keyboard that with, say, the switch set to Thai, it will let me type Thai and with the switch the otherway back into English? Sorry these seem like very dumb noob questions, especially from one who is quite IT-adept. Will I need to install Thai fonts. How do the key boards work if you have to type a consonant with vowel underneath and tone mark above, ie effectively 3 characters in same column.


Is there anywhere in UK I can get one. I say in UK as 1. it would be cheaper and quicker in terms of shipping and 2. I cannot get on with US layout which has symbols in the wrong places and some essential ones missing (for someone used to typing in Englishenglish)


I thank you kind sirs



But...what do I know?


Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.

- Voltaire


Yes, you can buy them very cheaply in Thailand. I believe you can also buy small stickers online but I'd recommend getting one in Thailand as the best option.


The truth is immortal but people who speak it aren't - Thai proverb

Karl's Thailand - My YouTube Channel




As the Doctor says, you can get a USB keyboard very cheaply in Thailand. You will have to click on the language bar to toggle between languages. Some keyboards, the key below the ESC key will toggle the language, but it doesn't work on all.

I don't have too much of a problem with using the US keyboard layout. Except there's no pound sign. But if you select UK English option, the symbols will be in your normal place. Ie Shift 2 will type as " although the keyboard shows it to be @


How do the key boards work if you have to type a consonant with vowel underneath and tone mark above?


Type the consonant,vowel and then tone mark

Chasing girls can be expensive

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You can use screen keyboard (or virtual), before you get real one, thats how I solve this problem. It's standard windows application, there you can get how switch between languages works and vowels and consonants arrangement.


Many thanks folks

But...what do I know?


Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.

- Voltaire

Posted (edited)

OK so I now have a thai/english keyboard. Came without instructions. It's US layout, OK can get used to weird layout issues except no £ symbol. What I have trouble with is changing over to Thai. The top left key below ESC has 4 symbols, top row tilde % and bottom row backtick and T/E Now it is the T/E I need to press, but how do I do that? tried both ALTs both Ctrls others in various combinations but cant do it


Any ideas please


Cracked it!! Need to install keyboard through windows, then sets up key combination to swap between languages

Edited by OleKingCole

But...what do I know?


Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.

- Voltaire


I just added Thai support to Windows (google how to do it) and then just swapped languages from the taskbar ( a button will appear there once you have added Thai language support and told Windows that you have a dual language keyboard)


The truth is immortal but people who speak it aren't - Thai proverb

Karl's Thailand - My YouTube Channel




I just added Thai support to Windows (google how to do it) and then just swapped languages from the taskbar ( a button will appear there once you have added Thai language support and told Windows that you have a dual language keyboard)


Thanks yes it's all working now.Just haveto get used to the funny flexible roll up keyboard - oh and learn Thai!!

But...what do I know?


Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.

- Voltaire


for fast switching by default on uk keyboards alt+shift between languages.


think i got my clear stickers from ebay for a few quid, make sure you get clear ones unless you're a pro at sticking.


I put the clear ones on the wife's laptop keyboard two years ago and they've held up fine.

I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.


Winston Churchill


Of course the other problem is finding the keys, LOL! The characters are so small, I am only at the very beginning of the learning curve and spend ages finding each key. Now where's dtor dtow, where is ... But that's just a question of time and practice, need a kiddies keyboard really with great big characters easy for my old fart's eyes to see and distinguish

But...what do I know?


Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.

- Voltaire

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