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Speaking Thai well in Pattaya?


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whats up everyone,


here is a quick poll to find out opinions and some advice and hopefully good stories from people who actually can speak a little thai and what they think thai's reactions are.


the one thai girl that i spent some time with in pattaya loved that i was learning thai and would teach me stuff all the time. even though she was a horrible teacher and only had about 2nd grade level of english herself. but she would be jealous and angry when i would try any of my new found words or phrases with with someone else..


but now i have i non bg in my home country that is so proud of me speaking thai that she glows and encourages me to try speaking thai every chance i get and she teaches me everyday.


i heard the "farang ru mak" line before but i also heard "praises" and stories of people having a lot of fun because of there skills.


lets hear some advice and stories of people experiences...

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For me one of the best decisions I have made, by no means fluent but can hold a good coversation. Only last weekend I got to practice with two thai girl, one lives in the UK and the other was visiting with her hubby. To date no adverse comments in fact just the opposite!! One "farang rue mak" moment got me a playful clip round the the ear when I mentioned one girl had gone to 'pick the flowers' (gep dog mai) as in gone for a pee!

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I find the reactions to be good, very few negative experiences. One of the funniest things I overheard was about 15 years ago on a song thaew in Paak Chong. I had some kai yaang khaaw niaw (BBQ chicken and sticky rice) in a clear plastic bag. An old Thai lady turned to her friend and casually said in Thai "That Farang over there speaks fluent Thai, Central dialect" Her friend replied "He can eat chicken too" to which the first looked amazed and said "He must have lived here a long time!"


The truth is immortal but people who speak it aren't - Thai proverb

Karl's Thailand - My YouTube Channel



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I speak it mostly everyday with friends or in beer bars and on the street. But in the evening I am pretty selective as to when and where I choose to speak Thai with people I don't know.


Recently some of the best conversations I've had in Thai is with the Mr T drivers who know me on trips to Patts. A couple of them have taken me a few times and recognise me and it turns into a competition of who can outshine who in their language ability. I think when you speak to a certain level you will get a certain amount of respect from whoever. If anything I've found they want to tell me things that are going on in their lifes/bar/family etc more. Personally I've felt more appreciated as a farang which has made the effort to try an learn to speak properly and respectfully.


More recently (last 3-4 months) the best compliments I've had is having people actually asking me to speak Thai with them instead of english. Sometimes when I'm hungover or tired I prefer to speak english as I can ain't got the energy but have been prompted to speak Thai with young and old people who I know after firstly speaking english.

My understanding of women goes only as far as the pleasures.

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For me, I am not fluent at all... But I know my way around for the most part. I never let on that I know parts of the language. It is interesting to hear BG's talk about you right in front of you to their friends or such. And it is interesting to hear vendors and merchants discuss how much they can try to over charge you. Then they basically get pissed when they find out you understand what they've said as it makes them lose some face. Not that I care if a BG who is talking shit about me in thai to her friends loses face but it makes them look foolish and it really pisses off the sellers.


I have heard people tell me that if I know the language it is polite to let them know you can understand it. But I work in a few countries and can speak / understand / get by in a few languages. So I enjoy sitting back and listening without opening my mouth. Learn a lot more in life by opening your ears and not your mouth.

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has anyone every had a really negative reaction from a bar girl or a vendor or someone who they have spoken thai with?

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has anyone every had a really negative reaction from a bar girl or a vendor or someone who they have spoken thai with?

I've had BG's instantly, and I mean instantly turn around and walk away from when I've started speaking Thai to them. I see it as being great because if a TG only wants a farang she can keep in the dark what does that tell me about her intentions? These days I speak in English with them (If it's an option) until they are comfortable with me and then I'll switch to Thai. I've found that I definitely get treated differently if I start out in Thai, which usually isn't what I want. If they ask I'll always tell them the truth but sometimes make a game out of them wanting to know just how much Thai I speak


The truth is immortal but people who speak it aren't - Thai proverb

Karl's Thailand - My YouTube Channel



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I've had BG's instantly, and I mean instantly turn around and walk away from when I've started speaking Thai to them. I see it as being great because if a TG only wants a farang she can keep in the dark what does that tell me about her intentions? These days I speak in English with them (If it's an option) until they are comfortable with me and then I'll switch to Thai. I've found that I definitely get treated differently if I start out in Thai, which usually isn't what I want. If they ask I'll always tell them the truth but sometimes make a game out of them wanting to know just how much Thai I speak



yeah i was thinking that too... starting off slow and having some fun with it.. drop a word hear or there at first and then easing into it depending on their reaction. then when they ask if i speak just play dumb and pull out my tourist hand book for good effect..

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I never let on that I know parts of the language. It is interesting to hear BG's talk about you right in front of you to their friends or such.


I speak Spanish yet I don't admit it 90% of the time. When I have dealt with people that didn't know that I understood them and they started talking about me I just get a shit eating grin on my face. Then I speak to them in perfect and polite Spanish and they look at me in shock and realize thing aren't going to go as planned.


I am learning Thai now but it being a tonal language is just driving me up the wall. I was watching some show on TV that was shot in Thailand and the guy was talking to the presenter and he kept using the word for One and I got all excited thinking it doesn't sound like complete gibberish anymore.

'Veni, Vidi, Velcro' - I came, I saw, I stuck around.

When I'm single I like playing the field. You call it picking up hookers. - Jim Norton


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I have to agree with Dr Winston,if you approach a lady speaking Thai she is extremely suspicious, It is much more fun to speak English, and listen to their conversation which sometimes can be very enlightening, especially in massage parlours when the girls are talking to one another through the curtains about the person they are currently massaging. Unfortunaly many speak in the Issaan dialect which I do not understand.


I generally let on my knowledge of Thai after it is obvious that the girl I am talking to has exhausted her English phrases.

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Not to sound negative but there is always a large number of BM's who claim to speak enough Thai to get by.


I really wonder what that means


I have approx 800 words in my vocabulary, can read and write and i am not and will not say i can speak Thai enough to get by.


I speak well enough Thai to order my food and buy some clothing, but i surely do not consider myself being even a good speaker.


Just listening to guys speak Thai in the supermarket and bars, i hate to say but to me is a laugh. knowing saying 1 word in Thai in a sentence of 6 words does not clarify as speaking Thai.


Just few mins ago, in the supermarket, saw an expat who i am sure believes he can speak Thai, this is how his conversation went.


Background-Guy is looking at some kind of canned pasta, so he calls one of the staff over.

Guy" You know if i must cook this or eat like this"


Staff(in Thai)"Mai roo ka(do not know)"


Guy" Can you check for me"then he changes to Thai"Dai mai"


Staff get excited(possibly thinking he can speak Thai)"Dai ka, pet noong" I can, one min


Guy Ok


Staff starts to speak in Thai pretty fast, could not hear what she said 100%


Guy" i no understand"




Yeah sure speaking Thai helps, just like in any country in the world that speak different language to yours, knowing it helps.


But knowing 1 word in a sentence really does not achieve or show anything.


There are three sides to every argument: your side, my side and the right side.

Thank God I'm an atheist.

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Not to sound negative but there is always a large number of BM's who claim to speak enough Thai to get by.


I really wonder what that means


I have approx 800 words in my vocabulary, can read and write and i am not and will not say i can speak Thai enough to get by.


I speak well enough Thai to order my food and buy some clothing, but i surely do not consider myself being even a good speaker.


Just listening to guys speak Thai in the supermarket and bars, i hate to say but to me is a laugh. knowing saying 1 word in Thai in a sentence of 6 words does not clarify as speaking Thai.


Just few mins ago, in the supermarket, saw an expat who i am sure believes he can speak Thai, this is how his conversation went.


Background-Guy is looking at some kind of canned pasta, so he calls one of the staff over.

Guy" You know if i must cook this or eat like this"


Staff(in Thai)"Mai roo ka(do not know)"


Guy" Can you check for me"then he changes to Thai"Dai mai"


Staff get excited(possibly thinking he can speak Thai)"Dai ka, pet noong" I can, one min


Guy Ok


Staff starts to speak in Thai pretty fast, could not hear what she said 100%


Guy" i no understand"




Yeah sure speaking Thai helps, just like in any country in the world that speak different language to yours, knowing it helps.


But knowing 1 word in a sentence really does not achieve or show anything.




yeah i agree. i think my own personal skills are a lot better then your example guy.. can i have a conversation about human biology or rocket science.. no. not even close.


can i find any restaurant and get directions, yes... talk about you and your family and understand a good 75% of what you say back to me, yes if you speak at a non rapid fire speed. yes i can.


i think one of the problems with learning out of on-line lessons and books is that you dont learn regular street talk and slang. but luckily the internet has plenty of sites with he dirty words and phrases..


i can pretty much ask any of the 100 or so basic "life and life style" question that people use with each other no matter what country you come from.



but one interesting thing that i learned on my last trip.. my thai at the time was half as strong as it is now. and the few girls that i did try to talk to told me that they liked that i didnt talk about all the sex words.. i


didnt talk about my cock, their tits or pussies or sex. they told me i "poot prawt." i think they laugh and go along with you when you think you are being funny, but they are really vetting you and getting a sense of where things are going to go with you...

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I only go for visits and have intention of moving to LOS. As such, I have no Desire to learn Thai. Sure, it would be nice, but it a pretty useless language outside of LOS and I can think of more productive ways to spent my time.

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I only go for visits and have intention of moving to LOS. As such, I have no desire to learn Thai. Sure, it would be nice, but it a pretty useless language outside of LOS and I can think of more productive ways to spent my time.


Another good waste of your time is posting in threads where you have nothing useful to add.

Also just so you know. Lots of people on this site have thai connections outside of Thailand.

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Another good waste of your time is posting in threads where you have nothing useful to add.

Also just so you know. Lots of people on this site have thai connections outside of Thailand.


Anyone reading these threads is probably learning Thai and thus our time is less important than his by definition :) I understand the attitude though - more useful to learn Spanish, but if you're going to stay in Thailand a while, it's definitely rewarding. Mainly because very few people with a white face can speak or understand it at any level whatsoever. I would like to one day reach the level of being completely conversational (I think this is the word many are looking for when they say fluent :) ).

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Another good waste of your time is posting in threads where you have nothing useful to add.

Also just so you know. Lots of people on this site have thai connections outside of Thailand.


Whatever. I bet your handful of 'thai connections outside of Thailand' could care less if you speak Thai.


Don't get me wrong, if I lived in LOS on semi-permanent basis I would feel differently. I think it is absolutely critical to learn Thai and I think it would be interesting to learn a tonal language. It is a required step in feeling that you are part of the local community and not just another tourist. But like I said, *I* am more more a tourist - at least right now. Most people are. If I am going to take the time to learn a (3rd for me) language, it's probably going to be Spanish first because it is much more important for travel around S. America than Thai is for travel around Thailand.

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How long does it take to learn conversational Thai?


Plus, are the Thai teaching schools in Bangkok effective?

Edited by joel1699
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How long does it take to learn conversational Thai?


Plus, are the Thai teaching schools in Bangkok effective?

I think that your questions are too general but here goes. For me 2 years was the turning point, that's about 1 year of studying about 30 minutes per day followed by a year of living and practising my Thai in Thailand. Of course everybody learns at different rates but for me that was the point where it stopped seeming that the more I learned the more I realised I didn't know.


As to your second question...just make sure that you can see a free sample lesson at the school(s) and choose the one that you think you would best respond to. Some people prefer different teaching styles to others. I found I learned well solo with tapes and books with a Thai going through my weeks study with me once per week. Many don't get on with book/audio approach and prefer a teacher.


The truth is immortal but people who speak it aren't - Thai proverb

Karl's Thailand - My YouTube Channel



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  • 5 weeks later...

Well genearally when I hit the bars, I start off the conversation in English eventhough I speak Thai..well at least to the extent whereby I could hold a conversation..I so just love to see the look of the girls faces in the bar once I speak Thai..They will be like,"You know Thai?..Why you no speak before?"...Speaking Thai really connects you with the people..both sexes I mean..My Thai teacher told me that the Thais would show great respect and happiness when a foreinger speakes their language..cause for them, it shows the effort you took to learn thier language..Well I would say my teacher is right...Till this day all I could hear from them is,"Khun poot Thai keng na!!..Dee maak maak!!"



CHEERS!!! :Chokdee5:

bplaa yai gin bplaa lek

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If someone wants to emigrate to live in my home country, I would expect that will learn to speak English, that being so, when I moved here I spent almost the 1st year in the company of Thais as much as I could, so I could learn the vocalizations and tones need to speak Thai well.


I don't have a huge vocabulary, but my Thai friends tell me I speak Thai very well, when I ask why they think that, the answer is nearly always the same, when Falangs speak Thai, they generally can't understand them, but when I speak Thai to them, they understand, which indicates the time I spent learning the tones was well spent.


Knowing a 1,000 Thai words and being able to speak them is a whole different kettle of fish.


I know an elderly American Guy who lives up in Korat, he has lived here for 40 years and speaks fluent Thai, he used to teach Chemistry in a Bangkok University, in Thai, but he tells me that even after 40 years, when they break into light speed Thai, they still lose him.


Bam Bam

That which doesn't kill me only makes me stronger

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Well genearally when I hit the bars, I start off the conversation in English eventhough I speak Thai..well at least to the extent whereby I could hold a conversation..I so just love to see the look of the girls faces in the bar once I speak Thai..They will be like,"You know Thai?..Why you no speak before?"...Speaking Thai really connects you with the people..both sexes I mean..My Thai teacher told me that the Thais would show great respect and happiness when a foreinger speakes their language..cause for them, it shows the effort you took to learn thier language..Well I would say my teacher is right...Till this day all I could hear from them is,"Khun poot Thai keng na!!..Dee maak maak!!"



CHEERS!!! :Chokdee5:



this is what im talking about.. the pay off for all the practice and hard work i put in.. but we both know even if we arent speaking thai that well they will still tell us, poot keng because they are trying to be polite... but the shocked look on thais faces and the double takes i get are priceless.. and i agree 100% with how thais feel abouy falang who speak thai.

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...I was in the hospital last week, running a 105F fever temps, speaking deliriously.

Turns out my brain had swapped to passah Thai and got stuck there.


No way to back into English, it was pretty funny until the staff brought in the cops.

Yeah, this is Police State America. The docs and nurses did not give a shit about my medical issues,

but whether or not I had ingested illegal substances (had not), but that did not stop them from badgering me.



Finally, they brought in a Vietnamese nurse that could understand Thai and we got along quite well.....

it was a weird night, filled with vomiting and valium.

Oh, and Thai. I think.

ALL girls like it in the Ass. Not all know it....yet!

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...I was in the hospital last week, running a 105F fever temps, speaking deliriously.

Turns out my brain had swapped to passah Thai and got stuck there.


No way to back into English, it was pretty funny until the staff brought in the cops.

Yeah, this is Police State America. The docs and nurses did not give a shit about my medical issues,

but whether or not I had ingested illegal substances (had not), but that did not stop them from badgering me.



Finally, they brought in a Vietnamese nurse that could understand Thai and we got along quite well.....

it was a weird night, filled with vomiting and valium.

Oh, and Thai. I think.




where did this happen to you?

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Given that you titled your topic 'Speaking Thai well' rather than 'speaking Thai good', I think that you will pick up the language fairly easily.


Although I hate transliteration, the Lonely Planet phrasebook is quite good, with excellent sections on question methods, pronouns etc & it's only £3. It fits nicely into your pocket & has a 1500 word dictionary.


If you are a serious student, learn Thai script first, as the transliteration will only confuse you. For example, how would you pronounce 'gin' = eat? As in gin the drink, or the correct way as in the 'g' in 'giraffe'?


What about row = we? Would you pronounce it as in 'rowing a boat' or 'a couple had a row'?


Good luck!


Peace. :GoldenSmile1:

Edited by El Cata
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