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Can someone help me please. Everytime i reply to a post

Darkside Bob

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Hi gents. I have a small problem. Anytime i reply to a topic a the Pattaya Addicts Facebook page pops up in a new leaf on my browser. Is there any way to stop this please?

Went to the zoo today. Spent ages at the camel enclosure, looking at their toes. They look nothing like a fanny. Disappointing.

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What browser are you using?


This doesn't happen to me i use firefox.....

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I’m using Safari on a MacBook Pro

Went to the zoo today. Spent ages at the camel enclosure, looking at their toes. They look nothing like a fanny. Disappointing.

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Hi gents. I have a small problem. Anytime i reply to a topic a the Pattaya Addicts Facebook page pops up in a new leaf on my browser. Is there any way to stop this please?


While this is one of my favorite places to visit each day and has a great group of guys, it is also the "busiest" site i encounter of the 10-15 forums/sites i pop into daily. And by busiest, i mean this facebook crap and the flashing ads, scrolling ads. All these are a drain on server/forum performance and devalue the user experience here, "not enhance it!"


Sometimes i have very slow loading times because of "waiting for facebook.com" God, i can't stand facebook - biggest opponents of privacy since google!


Members have complained before but LaaMok just turns a blind eye to it instead of getting rid of it.

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While this is one of my favorite places to visit each day and has a great group of guys, it is also the "busiest" site i encounter of the 10-15 forums/sites i pop into daily. And by busiest, i mean this facebook crap and the flashing ads, scrolling ads. All these are a drain on server/forum performance and devalue the user experience here, "not enhance it!"


Sometimes i have very slow loading times because of "waiting for facebook.com" God, i can't stand facebook - biggest opponents of privacy since google!


Members have complained before but LaaMok just turns a blind eye to it instead of getting rid of it.


Erm, OK. I have blocked all the adverts but do find the other options on the site a good idea.

Went to the zoo today. Spent ages at the camel enclosure, looking at their toes. They look nothing like a fanny. Disappointing.

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Members have complained before but LaaMok just turns a blind eye to it instead of getting rid of it.


I don't turn a blind eye to it, as a forum, we have to evolve with the times, more and more people are using facebook, its too big to ignore, if people want to connect to facebook, that up to them, if they want to sign in through facebook with ease, its no problem. On the other side, if people don't want to use the facebook connect, they can ignore it. I have to make decisions that I think are best for the forums future, no new members or forum that doesnt evolve, means a dying forum.


There will always be complaints about websites, providing the majority aren't complaining, we are winning. We try our best to please everyone, but we can't chase our tail, we can't please everyone. (i have tried that before - its impossible)


As for the problem brought up by darkside bob, its the first that I have heard of it, and I need more details.

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I don't turn a blind eye to it, as a forum, we have to evolve with the times, more and more people are using facebook, its too big to ignore, if people want to connect to facebook, that up to them, if they want to sign in through facebook with ease, its no problem. On the other side, if people don't want to use the facebook connect, they can ignore it. I have to make decisions that I think are best for the forums future, no new members or forum that doesnt evolve, means a dying forum.


There will always be complaints about websites, providing the majority aren't complaining, we are winning. We try our best to please everyone, but we can't chase our tail, we can't please everyone.


As for the problem brought up by darkside bob, its the first that I have heard of it, and I need more details.




That's fine but how about members such as myself who don't use facebook and avoid facebook - why do i sometimes experience slow loading times and at the bottom of Chrome it says "waiting for facebook.com" ??


This shouldn't be happening. It should be something the member chooses if they want to connect to facebook. I didn't choose that option so why is it loading in the first place??

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That's fine but how about members such as myself who don't use facebook and avoid facebook - why do i sometimes experience slow loading times and at the bottom of Chrome it says "waiting for facebook.com" ??


This shouldn't be happening. It should be something the member chooses if they want to connect to facebook. I didn't choose that option so why is it loading in the first place??


I am not LaaMok and i have not been on here often enough to know the answer to this. I have now switched browser to Google Chrome and i don't have the problem i stated in my initial post.

Went to the zoo today. Spent ages at the camel enclosure, looking at their toes. They look nothing like a fanny. Disappointing.

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Never had this happen on Firefox. Must be a browser issue I think.



Yes it must be something on Safari. I use a few other boards who use the same board set up as here but i don't get the same problem. It's not a big problem. :)

Went to the zoo today. Spent ages at the camel enclosure, looking at their toes. They look nothing like a fanny. Disappointing.

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um, I use safari and the board loads just fine for me. May be I'm not understanding the problem. Are you having problems with this board loading and only while using safari? I don't use face book as I don't feel it keeps my ID safe, just me, everyone else seems to be happy with face book.

Best of luck.



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That's fine but how about members such as myself who don't use facebook and avoid facebook - why do i sometimes experience slow loading times and at the bottom of Chrome it says "waiting for facebook.com" ??


This shouldn't be happening. It should be something the member chooses if they want to connect to facebook. I didn't choose that option so why is it loading in the first place??


The slow loading times are due to the way that I have put the adverts on the site, we are changing to openx very soon. The page loads speeds will increase dramatically.


I seriously doubt that facebook is slowing down the site, it is simply just loading up something last. You are not connecting your account to facebook, you don't need to worry, it is simply loading a graphic or a link up. There are plenty of scripts that load up, we have next to nothing compared to larger sites like thai visa, we have done well, to keep it low.


If you dont use facebook, then you have even less to worry about, (accidental clicks etc)

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The slow loading times are due to the way that I have put the adverts on the site, we are changing to openx very soon. The page loads speeds will increase dramatically.


I seriously doubt that facebook is slowing down the site, it is simply just loading up something last. You are not connecting your account to facebook, you don't need to worry, it is simply loading a graphic or a link up. There are plenty of scripts that load up, we have next to nothing compared to larger sites like thai visa, we have done well, to keep it low.


If you dont use facebook, then you have even less to worry about, (accidental clicks etc)


It's not a big problem at all mate. I switched browser to Google Chrome and all is fine. It must be the way i have Safari set up.

Went to the zoo today. Spent ages at the camel enclosure, looking at their toes. They look nothing like a fanny. Disappointing.

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The slow loading times are due to the way that I have put the adverts on the site, we are changing to openx very soon. The page loads speeds will increase dramatically.


Looking forward to this - :001_Thank_You5:


I seriously doubt that facebook is slowing down the site, it is simply just loading up something last. You are not connecting your account to facebook, you don't need to worry, it is simply loading a graphic or a link up. There are plenty of scripts that load up, we have next to nothing compared to larger sites like thai visa, we have done well, to keep it low.


If you dont use facebook, then you have even less to worry about, (accidental clicks etc)


Awhile back, using iron chrome, i experienced this facebook issue almost everytime i tried to load a page here and i mentioned it somewhere and you seemed to correct it and there were no more issues. But yesterday, the waiting for facebook.com issues were back and delaying the page loads. Haven't seen it yet today though.


My guess - it is your facebook extension on the main forum page. Don't know why it's needed as anyone can link with facebook already in the image below. I know about forum software and what extensions can do to performance. And some extensions can be and are malicious.


Don't get me wrong LaaMok, you've done a great job with the forum but don't over run it with extensions, especially ones that cause issues. Same as that continuous scrolling image of the Addicts Bar Crawl at the top of the main forum page. It's very distracting and should scroll to the center of the page and then stop and hold position.


Keep it simple man :GoldenSmile1:


Edited by LongLiveLos
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i use internet explorer 8 and never get any kind of pop ups on this site


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