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Japanese good restaurants

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NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! i went by ryo ri tei on new years day and they were closed... as i walked away the door opened and one of the staff apologized for being closed and told me they are closing down and moving back north because mom is sick. when they said "restaurant finished" it was like a knife in my heart.... my super number one favorite restaurant in pattaya is gone and i didnt even get to have a last meal there.... now i dont even feel like eating japanese food.


bad news. There is not any replacement that even comes close.

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bad news. There is not any replacement that even comes close.



you got that right... i have been to half a dozen japanese restaurants in the last week and not a one could hold a candle to that awesome little hole in the wall... im keeping in contact with the girls who ran the place in hopes they will reopen at some point...

Living in Pattaya racing motorcycles and drinking like a fish...


Dream as if you'll live forever, Live as if you'll die today

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NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! i went by ryo ri tei on new years day and they were closed... as i walked away the door opened and one of the staff apologized for being closed and told me they are closing down and moving back north because mom is sick. when they said "restaurant finished" it was like a knife in my heart.... my super number one favorite restaurant in pattaya is gone and i didnt even get to have a last meal there.... now i dont even feel like eating japanese food.


That is one of the worst feelings when a quality restaurant closes down. Sometimes I think about taking a sushi course and opening a shop to keep the people satisfied.


The best Tonkatsu that I ever had was in Tokyo at a chain shop called Wako. Crispy on the outside, delicious on the inside. The set included all you could eat rice or sliced cabbage and the cheapest lunchtime set menu is about 350 baht. I never had a dud meal there. The worst Tonkatsu set I ever had was at this dump near the American Embassy in Tokyo... Soggy non-crunchy tonkatsu is bullsh*t, total bullsh*t.




A new BG asked an experienced BG what was the difference between the Long Con and the Short Con. The experienced BG replied... The Long Con takes longer, but the rewards are far greater.


Beware the beast Man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him; drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death.


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That is one of the worst feelings when a quality restaurant closes down. Sometimes I think about taking a sushi course and opening a shop to keep the people satisfied.


The best Tonkatsu that I ever had was in Tokyo at a chain shop called Wako. Crispy on the outside, delicious on the inside. The set included all you could eat rice or sliced cabbage and the cheapest lunchtime set menu is about 350 baht. I never had a dud meal there. The worst Tonkatsu set I ever had was at this dump near the American Embassy in Tokyo... Soggy non-crunchy tonkatsu is bullsh*t, total bullsh*t.





Tonkatsu is hard to beat. Should be easy to do in Thailand because of the great pork but i have not found any decent place in Pattaya, i am sure there are some in Bangkok with all the Japanese expats.

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I like Fuji, but yes it is a Chain and quality varies from restaurant to restaurant but to compare it to Mcdonalds is a complete joke. Zen is a step up from Fuji for sure.


I think Fuji serves very good Japanese food OTHER THAN SUSHI. There is a lot more to Japanese food than sushi.

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no complain about Fuji, fresh and almost good quality food and reasonable rates.


from some jap friends this his not original japanese food but who care... i always enjoy a meal in Fuji and i got their fidelity card.

Edited by MaGiK
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I have eaten at Fuji in BKK and Phuket many times and always enjoyed it, but I don't eat the sushi from there. Everything else is awesome though. Shabu Shi is really good too, but I wouldn't call it Japanese food really, more like a Japanese idea done for Thai people.


I tried Zen in Phuket once, ordered some supposedly Toro (fat belly tuna) it was rock hard like it have been taken straight from the freezer. When i told them they offered to cook it for me :( Never went back there again.

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Sukishi (5th food floor, central festival). Great food, clean and affordable.

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  • 1 month later...

Anyone found another hole in the wall spot similar in quality to ryo ri tei? I'll be in Pattaya next month and would love to try a new place.

Someday, somebody will ski that

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  • 4 weeks later...

Fuji restaurant carrefour shopping mall pattaya klang


good quality and fair price.


clean and good service

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  • 3 weeks later...

Been to a place near TukCom yesterday. The food wasn't too bad, although no match for the Ryo Ri Tei. Here some pics:







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I'm in Tokyo right now. I believe they have some decent Japanese restaurants here. :P

Bastard! :P:D

I'm still looking for a decent restaurant in Pattaya :o

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  • 2 months later...

Hey Dirtdog,just went through the thread and was excited by Ryo Ri tei until you said its closed.!!!Between you and MR Unix can you buy the 2 litre of SAKE elsewhere in Pattaya?I hope to have time to grab a bottle in the Singapore Transit area.Spent time around KYOTO last year and it was a food fest.....







Temple Vegan Food


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