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Top Secret (A Clandestine Operations Novel Book 1)
by W.E.B. Griffin.
Traded In recently @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop / Book exchange Pattaya, Thailand...
In the first weeks after World War II, a squeaky clean new second lieutenant named James D. Cronley Jr. is spotted and recruited for a new enterprise that will eventually be transformed into something called the CIA.
One war may have ended, but another one has already begun, against an enemy that is bigger, smarter, and more vicious: the Soviet Union.
The Soviets have hit the ground running, and Cronley’s job is to help frustrate them, harass them, and spy on them any way he can.
His recruiter thinks he has the potential to become an asset though, of course, he could also screw up spectacularly.
And in his first assignment, it looks like that’s exactly what might happen.
He’s got seven days to extract a vital piece of information from a Soviet agent, but Cronley’s managed to rile up his superior officers, he seems to have a talent for it , and if he fails, it could be one of the shortest intelligence careers in history.
There are enemies everywhere and, as Cronley is about to find out, some of them even wear the same uniform he does.



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The Odessa File by Frederick Forsyth.
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Can you forgive the past?
It's 1963 and a young German reporter has been assigned the suicide of a holocaust survivor.
The news story seems straightforward, this is a tragic insight into one man's suffering.
But a long hidden secret is discovered in the pages of the dead man's diary.
What follows is life and death hunt for a notorious former concentration camp commander, a man responsible for the deaths of thousands, a man as yet unpunished.



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Heat Lightning by: John Sandford.
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Heat Lightning A killer is leaving a puzzling calling card in the mouths of his victims.
And in the middle of a steamy Minnesota summer, Virgil Flowers of the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension finds himself embroiled in an investigation with no easy answers and no easy way out.



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Two Brothers by Ben Elton.
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Berlin 1920
Two babies are born.
Two brothers.
United and indivisible, sharing everything.
Twins in all but blood.
As Germany marches into its Nazi Armageddon, the ties of family, friendship and love are tested to the very limits of endurance.
And the brothers are faced with an unimaginable choice....Which one of them will survive?
Ben Elton's most personal novel to date,Two Brothers transports the reader to the time of history's darkest hour.



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The Panther by Nelson DeMille.
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It's one of the most dangerous and volatile countries in the world: Yemen.
A Middle Eastern hotbed of corruption and insurgency and the perfect training ground for Islamic terrorists.
When FBI agents John Corey and Kate Mayfield are assigned to overseas posts in Sana'a, Yemen's capital city, they are tasked with hunting down the high-ranking Al Qaeda operative responsible for the USS Cole bombing.
This man, known as The Panther, is wanted for terrorist acts and multiple murders and the US government is determined to bring him down, no matter the cost.
As latecomers to a deadly game, John and Kate don't know the rules, the players or the score.
What they do know is that there is more to their assignment than meets the eye and that the hunters are about to become the hunted.
In an action-packed and terrifying race to take down one of the most ruthless men alive, Nelson DeMille reunites readers with his charismatic hero John Corey.



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The Good Life by Martina Cole.
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THE GOOD LIFE by Martina Cole is a gripping novel that tells the truth about prison.
The 'undisputed Queen of crime writing' Martina's unique, powerful storytelling will appeal to fans of Karin Slaughter and Patricia Cornwell.
When Cain Moran is sentenced to life in prison, he rules the inside with the same determination as he did the London underworld.
He must protect his family, at whatever cost.
Jenny Riley has never wanted anyone but Cain, and she will do everything she can to keep their relationship alive.
But plenty of people think Cain and Jenny have been living the good life for too long.
And they're about to make them pay.



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Time of Death by Mark Billingham.
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DI Tom Thorne returns in a chilling mystery that will keep readers guessing until the final page.
Time of Death is Mark Billingham's most timely, atmospheric thriller to date.
The Missing
Two schoolgirls are abducted in the small, dying Warwickshire town of Polesford, driving a knife into the heart of the community where police officer Helen Weeks grew up and from which she long ago escaped.
But this is a place full of Secrets, where dangerous truths lie buried.
The Accused
When it's splashed all over the press that family man Stephen Bates has been arrested, Helen and her partner Tom Thorne head to the flooded town to support Bates' wife, an old school friend of Helen's, who is living under siege with two teenage children and convinced of her husband's innocence.
The Dead
As residents and media bay for Bates' blood, a decomposing body is found.
The police believe they have their murderer in custody, but one man believes otherwise.
With a girl still missing, Thorne sets himself on a collision course with local police, townsfolk and a merciless killer.

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Best Kept Secret: by Jeffrey Archer.
Traded In recently @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop / Book exchange / Guesthouse / Cafe, Pattaya, Thailand.
1945. The vote in the House of Lords as to who should inherit the Barrington family fortune has ended in a tie.
The Lord Chancellor's deciding vote will cast a long shadow on the lives of Harry Clifton and Giles Barrington.
Harry returns to America to promote his latest novel, while his beloved Emma goes in search of the little girl who was found abandoned in her father's office on the night he was killed.
When the General Election is called, Giles Barrington has to defend his seat in the House of Commons and is horrified to discover who the Conservatives select to stand against him. But it is Sebastian Clifton, Harry and Emma's son, who ultimately influences his uncle's fate.
In 1957, Sebastian wins a scholarship to Cambridge, and a new generation of the Clifton family march onto the page. After Sebastian is expelled from school, he unwittingly becomes caught up in an international art fraud involving a Rodin statue that is worth far more than the sum it raises at auction.
Does he become a millionaire?
Does he go to Cambridge?
Is his life in danger?
Best Kept Secret, the third book in Jeffrey Archer's gripping family saga The Clifton Chronicles, will answer all these questions, but once again, pose so many more.

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Robert Ludlum's The Janson Equation (Paul Janson 4)
by Robert Ludlum & Douglas Corleone.
Traded In recently @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop / Book exchange / Guesthouse / Cafe, Pattaya, Thailand.
US Senator James Wyckoff hires former government agents turned private security consultants Janson and Kincaid to locate his teenage son Gregory.
Gregory's girlfriend Lynell, a translator, has been found dead in a Seoul hotel, and Gregory has fled the city.
But Senator Wyckoff insists his son is innocent, suggesting that Lynell may have been killed because of something she overheard at a recent international conference.
And when Janson and Kincaid realise they're being hunted by an assassin, they suspect that the crime, and the cover-up, were orchestrated by a shadowy unit of the US State Department as part of a larger plot to provoke violence between North and South Korea.



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Child of God by Cormac McCarthy.
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In this taut, chilling novel, Lester Ballard a violent, dispossessed man falsely accused of rape, haunts the hill country of East Tennessee when he is released from jail. While telling his story, Cormac McCarthy depicts the most sordid aspects of life with dignity, humor, and characteristic lyrical brilliance.



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The Ghosts of Belfast by Stuart Neville.
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Northern Ireland’s Troubles may be over, but peace has not erased the crimes of the past.
Gerry Fegan, a former paramilitary contract killer, is haunted by the ghosts of the twelve people he slaughtered.
Every night, at the point of losing his mind, he drowns their screams in drink.
But it’s not enough. In order to appease the ghosts, Fegan is going to have to kill the men who gave him orders.
From the greedy politicians to the corrupt security forces, the street thugs to the complacent bystanders who let it happen, all are called to account.
But when Fegan’s vendetta threatens to derail a hard won truce and destabilize the government, old comrades and enemies alike want him dead.



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H. M. S. Surprise by Patrick O'Brian.
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Third in the series of Aubrey Maturin adventures, this book is set among the strange sights and smells of the Indian subcontinent, and in the distant waters ploughed by the ships of the East India Company.
Aubrey is on the defensive, pitting wits and seamanship against an enemy enjoying overwhelming local superiority.
But somewhere in the Indian Ocean lies the prize that could make him rich beyond his wildest dreams: the ships sent by Napoleon to attack the China Fleet...



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"M" is for Malice by Sue Grafton.
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"M" is for money. Lots of it. "M" is for Malek Construction, the $40 million company that grew out of modest soil to become one of the big three in California construction, one of the few still in family hands.
"M" is for the Malek family: four sons now nearing middle age who stand to inherit a fortune, four men with very different outlooks, temperaments, and needs, linked only by blood and money.
Eighteen years ago, one of them, angry, troubled, and in trouble, went missing.
"M" is for Millhone, hired to trace that missing black sheep brother.
"M" is for memories, none of them happy.
The bitter memories of an embattled family.
This prodigal son will find no welcome at his family's table. "M" is for malice.



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Airframe by Michael Crichton.
Traded In recently @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop / Book exchange / Guesthouse / Cafe, Pattaya, Thailand..
The twin jet plane en route to Denver from Hong Kong is merely a green radar blip half an hour off the California coast when the call comes through to air traffic control:
'Socal Approach, this is TransPacific 545.
We have an emergency.'
The pilot requests priority clearance to land, then comes the bombshell, he needs forty ambulances on the Runway.
But nothing prepares the rescue workers for the carnage they witness when they enter the plane.
Ninety four passengers are injured.
Three dead.
The interior cabin virtually destroyed.
What happened on board Flight TPA 545?



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Daily Reflections For Highly Effective People : Living The 7 Habits Of Highly Successful People Every Day
by Stephen R. Covey.
Traded In recently @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop / Book exchange / Guesthouse / Cafe, Pattaya, Thailand..
Make the 7 habits a part of your life, every day.
Stephen R. Covey has helped millions of readers attain professional success and personal fulfillment.
With penetrating insight Dr. Covey reveals a pathway for living with fairness, integrity, honesty, and human dignity, principles that give us the security to adapt to change and the wisdom and power to take advantage of the opportunities that change creates.
Now, as a succinct introduction to Dr. Covey's revolutionary thinking or as a reminder of key principles, Daily Reflections for Highly Effective People provides an inspirational recharge that will bring you closer to a holistic sense of personal effectiveness and purpose.



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Mama Tina by Christina Noble.
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Christina Noble knows the pain and loneliness of being left outside the door.
Of having no door or one's own to walk through, for she was one a streetchild herself, alone on the streets of Dublin.
In 1989, driven by a dream and by the memory of her own past, she traveled 6,000 miles to Vietnam, a country of great beauty where war has left a terrible legacy.
Against extraordinary odds she opened the Christina Noble Children's Foundation, a haven of food, beds, medical aid and schooling where the street children of Saigon can find safety and new beginnings under the protection of "Mama Tina".
In this vivid and moving book, Christina's compelling story continues with the amazing tale of what she and her Foundation have achieved.
She takes us from the streets of Saigon to the Children's Prisons of Mongolia.
A staunch campaigner for children's rights, for her there are no frontiers, only a world filled with children reaching out.



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Gone For Soldiers by Jeff Shaara.
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With his acclaimed Gods and Generals and The Last Full Measure, Jeff Shaara expanded upon his father's Pulitzer Prize-winning Civil War classic, The Killer Angels, ushering the reader through the poignant drama of this most bloody chapter in our history.
Now, in Gone for Soldiers, Jeff Shaara carries us back fifteen years before that momentous conflict, when the Civil War's most familiar names are fighting for another cause, junior officers marching under the same flag in an unfamiliar land, experiencing combat for the first time in the Mexican-American War.
In March 1847, the U.S. Navy delivers eight thousand soldiers on the beaches of Vera Cruz.
They are led by the army's commanding general, Winfield Scott, a heroic veteran of the War of 1812, short tempered, vain, and nostalgic for the glories of his youth.
At his right hand is Robert E. Lee, a forty-year-old engineer, a dignified, serious man who has never seen combat.
Scott leads his troops against the imperious Mexican dictator, General Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana.
Obsessed with glory and his place in history, Santa Ana arrogantly underestimates the will and the heart of Scott and his army.
As the Americans fight their way inland, both sides understand that the inevitable final conflict will come at the gates and fortified walls of the ancient capital, Mexico City.
Cut off from communication and their only supply line, the Americans learn about their enemy and themselves, as young men witness for the first time the horror of war.
While Scott must weigh his own place in history, fighting what many consider a bully's war, Lee the engineer becomes Lee the hero, the one man in Scott's command whose extraordinary destiny as a soldier is clear.
In vivid, brilliant prose that illuminates the dark psychology of soldiers and their commanders trapped behind enemy lines, Jeff Shaara brings to life the haunted personalities and magnificent backdrop, the familiar characters, the stunning triumphs and soul-crushing defeats of this fascinating, long-forgotten war.
Gone for Soldiers is an extraordinary achievement that will remain with you long after the final page is turned.



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Siam Smile/s: Secret of the Thais by Hugh Watson.
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Based on the lighter side of life in Thailand.
The theme of Siam Smile/s is the more you can see the funny side of life, the better.
The plethora of anecdotes will hopefully lead to a better understanding of this Southeast Asian country.
Explains many 'Thai secrets'.



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James Bond: Scorpius: A 007 Novel by John Gardner.
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Bond finds himself in the middle of a deadly game of terrorism and arms dealing, a game that pits him against one of the most ruthless and sinister villains that he has ever encountered.
Special Branch is not usually interested in dead bodies found floating in the Thames, except when the corpse is a young girl with an impeccable background; then they become very interested indeed.
So interested that they call on the legendary M, head of Secret Service.
In turn M sends for Commander James Bond, who finds himself caught up in an unusual mixture of intrigue and mayhem involving a strange, but deadly, quasi-religious sect known as the Society of the Meek Ones; their leader is the soft-spoken Father Valentine, who has links with the shadowy Vladimir Scorpius, nicknamed 'The King of Terror' because he is the largest arms dealer to various terrorist factions worldwide.
Naturally, with evil comes the good, the society girl, the Honorable Trilby Shrivenham, and an American undercover agent, the gorgeous Harriet Horner.
Good girls?
Only time will tell.



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Engineers of Victory: The Making of the War Machine that Defeated the Nazis; by Paul Kennedy.
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Paul Kennedy, award-winning author of The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers and one of today’s most renowned historians, now provides a new and unique look at how World War II was won.
The Turn of the Tide is a fascinating nuts-and-bolts account of the strategic factors that led to Allied victory.
Kennedy reveals how the leaders’ grand strategy was carried out by the ordinary soldiers, scientists, engineers, and businessmen responsible for realizing their commanders’ visions of success.
In January 1943, FDR and Churchill convened in Casablanca and established the Allied objectives for the war: to defeat the Nazi blitzkrieg; to control the Atlantic sea lanes and the air over western and central Europe; to take the fight to the European mainland; and to end Japan’s imperialism. Astonishingly, a little over a year later, these ambitious goals had nearly all been accomplished.
With riveting, tactical detail, The Turn of the Tide reveals how.
Kennedy recounts the inside stories of the invention of the cavity magnetron, a miniature radar “as small as a soup plate,” and the Hedgehog, a multi-headed grenade launcher that allowed the Allies to overcome the threat to their convoys crossing the Atlantic; the critical decision by engineers to install a super-charged Rolls-Royce engine in the P-51 Mustang, creating a fighter plane more powerful than the Luftwaffe’s; and the innovative use of pontoon bridges (made from rafts strung together) to help Russian troops cross rivers and elude the Nazi blitzkrieg.
He takes readers behind the scenes, unveiling exactly how thousands of individual Allied planes and fighting ships were choreographed to collectively pull off the invasion of Normandy, and illuminating how crew chiefs perfected the high-flying and inaccessible B-29 Superfortress that would drop the atomic bombs on Japan.
The story of World War II is often told as a grand narrative, as if it were fought by supermen or decided by fate. Here Kennedy uncovers the real heroes of the war, highlighting for the first time the creative strategies, tactics, and organizational decisions that made the lofty Allied objectives into a successful reality.
In an even more significant way, The Turn of the Tide has another claim to our attention, for it restores “the middle level of war” to its rightful place in history.



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One Last Job by Tom Pettifor & Nick Sommerlad.
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One Last Job: the extraordinary life story of Brian Reader, Britain s most prolific thief.
The iconic £14million Hatton Garden raid of 2015 has already entered criminal folklore.
This book cuts through the myth to reveal the astonishing true life story of its elderly mastermind, Brian Reader.
Gang insiders, family, friends and detectives talk for the first time about Reader's six-decade career, from mixing with the Krays and the cream of the London underworld to an ill-fated collaboration with violent gangster Kenny Noye.
It reveals the Hatton Garden gang s links to an unsolved gangland murder, bent cops, police supergrasses and an alleged establishment cover-up.
The book also includes new details about Basil, dubbed The Ghost after he became the only gang member to escape justice.



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Nocturnal Animals: Film tie-in originally published as Tony and Susan by Austin Wright.
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The novel that inspired the 2016 major motion picture Nocturnal Animals, starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Amy Adams, is a dazzling, eerie, riveting thriller of fear and regret, blood and revenge.
Many years after their divorce, Susan Morrow receives a strange gift from her ex-husband.
A manuscript that tells the story of a terrible crime: an ambush on the highway, a secluded cabin in the woods; a thrilling chiller of death and corruption.
How could such a harrowing story be told by the man she once loved?
And why, after so long, has he sent her such a disturbing and personal message...?



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The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: A Very Short Introduction 1st Edition by Martin Bunton.
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The conflict between Palestine and Israel is one of the most highly publicized and bitter struggles of modern times, a dangerous tinderbox always poised to set the Middle East aflame and to draw the United States into the fire.
In this accessible and stimulating Very Short Introduction, Martin Bunton illuminates the history of the problem, reducing it to its very essence.
Adopting a fresh and original approach, Bunton explores the Palestinian-Israeli dispute in twenty-year segments, to highlight the historical complexity of the conflict throughout successive decades.
Each chapter starts with an examination of the relationships among people and events that marked particular years as historical stepping stones in the evolution of the conflict, including the 1897 Basle Congress, the 1917 Balfour Declaration and British occupation of Palestine, and the 1947 UN Partition Plan and the war for Palestine.
Providing a clear and fair exploration of the main issues, Bunton explores not only the historical basis of the conflict, but also looks at how and why partition has been so difficult and how efforts to restore peace continue today.



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Gulp: Adventures on the Alimentary Canal; by Mary Roach.
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The irresistible, ever-curious, and always best selling Mary Roach returns with a new adventure to the invisible realm we carry around inside.
“America’s funniest science writer” takes us down the hatch on an unforgettable tour of our insides.
The alimentary canal is classic Mary Roach terrain: the questions inspired by our insides are as taboo, in their way, as the cadavers in Stiff and every bit as surreal as the universe of zero gravity explored in Packing for Mars.
Why is crunchy food so appealing?
Why is it so hard to find names for flavors and smells?
Why doesn’t the stomach digest itself?
How much can you eat before your stomach bursts?
Can constipation kill you?
Did it kill Elvis?
We meet scientists who tackle the questions no one else thinks or has the courage to ask.
And we go on location to a pet food taste test lab, a bacteria transplant, and into a live stomach to observe the fate of a meal.
Like all of Roach’s books, Gulp is as much about human beings as it is about human bodies.



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Making Jack Falcone: An Undercover FBI Agent Takes Down a Mafia Family by Joaquin 'Jack' Garcia & Michael Levin.
Traded In recently @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop / Book exchange / Guesthouse / Cafe, Pattaya, Thailand..
At 6'4" and 375 pounds, Jack Garcia looked the part of a mobster, and he played his part so perfectly that his Mafia bosses never suspected he was an undercover agent for the FBI.
'Big Jack Falcone', as he was known inside La Cosa Nostra, learned all the inside dirt about the Gambino organized crime syndicate and its illegal activities, from extortion and loan sharking to assault and murder.
The result was a string of busts and a quarter of a million dollar contract put out on his life.
A fascinating inside look at the struggle between law enforcement and organized crime, MAKING JACK FALCONE sheds new light on two organizational cultures that continue to exert an unparalleled grip on our imagination.



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