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what browser are you using?

Mike Asia

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Been a Firefox user for about 5 years now. I use Chrome on my Netbook, suits it and seems faster than Firefox. I never use IE.

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I have been using Firefox for as long as I remember.


I recently switched over to Chrome. Chrome is much faster, and i like the way the screen space is used, less intrusive, and you get more screen area dedicated to browsing.


Now I use Chrome all the time, Firefox is now the backup browser. For instance, my e-banking does not work with chrome and works fine with Firefox. Also, extension video downloader in firefox does not have an equivalent in chrome, so far.

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I have been using Firefox for as long as I remember.


I recently switched over to Chrome. Chrome is much faster, and i like the way the screen space is used, less intrusive, and you get more screen area dedicated to browsing.


Now I use Chrome all the time, Firefox is now the backup browser. For instance, my e-banking does not work with chrome and works fine with Firefox. Also, extension video downloader in firefox does not have an equivalent in chrome, so far.


i am a bit concerned about the security in Google Chrome but I don't really have any reason.

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Been using Firefox for years, although I still have to go back to IE for my bank. The one thing though is that for me Firefox stills gets sluggish after it's been running for a while and requires a restart. I've heard good things about Chrome, but I'm attached to the few extensions I run in Firefox.

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Been using Firefox for years, although I still have to go back to IE for my bank. The one thing though is that for me Firefox stills gets sluggish after it's been running for a while and requires a restart. I've heard good things about Chrome, but I'm attached to the few extensions I run in Firefox.


Some banks only trust Microsoft and not free software.

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Been using Firefox for years, although I still have to go back to IE for my bank. The one thing though is that for me Firefox stills gets sluggish after it's been running for a while and requires a restart. I've heard good things about Chrome, but I'm attached to the few extensions I run in Firefox.



Firefox has a nice extension called "IE Tab 2" that can emulate IE2 to any website. I use this sometimes with websites that persist on working with IE only.

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IE8 for me.

Farang = Walking ATM. TG's push the right buttons and money comes out. PIN = BBBJ

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switched to Chrome a while back from IE and very happy with the speed and all the utilities...

Trust me, it's paradise. This is where the hungry come to feed.

For mine is a generation that circles the globe and searches for something we haven't tried before.

So never refuse an invitation, never resist the unfamiliar, never fail to be polite and never outstay the welcome.

Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience. And if it hurts, you know what? It's probably worth it.




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Every one mentioned, but not Opera. Different browsers for different purposes. Here Chrome.

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Opera here, been using that for almost 10 years now. =)


Does Opera still display the ads on the free version?

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I use Avant Browser since a few years!:GoldenSmile1:




Online Profile Storage: Avant Browser can save users' bookmarks, RSS Feeds, configurations or web passwords etc, in Avant Online Storage. In this way, users can access their personal data from anywhere, office, home or an Internet cafe, and don't need to worry about losing those data when re-installing Windows. AutoFills: Help users to memorize web passwords, and fill passwords for users with one click. Flash Animation Filter: More than 85% of all flash animations on web pages are advertising. These flash files are pretty large, and normally take up to 90% of the size of the page you're visiting. With Avant Browser you can save the bandwidth by blocking the download of these flash files with just one easy click. Avant Browser also provides options to block downloads of pictures, videos, sounds and ActiveX components. With these options users can control their bandwidth and speed up page loading. Built-in AD/Pop-up Blocker: Easily eliminate unwanted AD banners and pop-up pages automatically with just one click. Built-in RSS/ATOM Reader: Avant Browser has a built-in RSS/ATOM Reader, which allows you to read RSS/ATOM feeds just like browsing web pages. And you can also keep your favorite feeds as bookmarks. Additional Mouse Functions: If you click a link in the web page with the middle mouse button, the link will be opened in a new window in the background. This feature is extremely useful for opening posts in forums. Avant Browser also comes with customizable Mouse Gestures, with which you can easily navigate the browser by moving the mouse. Multi-Window Browsing: Browse multiple web pages simultaneously. All opened pages can be easily stopped, refreshed, closed or arranged with one click. Real Full Screen Mode and Alternative Full Desktop mode: When you enable Full Screen Mode, all you see is the webspace, with no toolbars or other clutter. They are simply autohidden! Move your mouse over the top or bottom and find the toolbar and tab bar respectively. Avant Browser also provides Full Desktop Mode, which is the same as Full screen mode, but differs in that your windows task bar stays visible. Built-in Search Engine: Avant Browser provides a built-in search engines. Built-in search engines enable user to search for web pages, images, groups, directories, news, lyrics and software in Internet. Full IE Compatibility: Avant Browser comes with all Internet Explorer functions, including Cookies, ActiveX Controls, Java Script, Real player and Macromedia Flash. IE bookmarks are automatically imported into Avant Browser. Control Your Privacy: With Avant Browser, you can easily keep your privacy by deleting all browsing traces such as: Typed Addresses, Auto-Complete Passwords, Cookies, History of Visited Web Sites, Temporary Internet Files and Search Keywords. Safe Recovery: If Avant Browser is closed improperly, all open web pages are saved and will be automatically reopened at next startup. Customizable Skins: Express your creativity by making a skin for Avant using a custom, easy to use program called Avant Browser Skin Maker, or use any of the many and varied skins made by other users.

Edited by plahgat

When no money... she no give honey! 


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Firefox has a nice extension called "IE Tab 2" that can emulate IE2 to any website. I use this sometimes with websites that persist on working with IE only.


Thanks! I used the original IE Tab prior to Firefox 3.6, after that I went back to using IE as my understanding was they weren't going to update it. Glad to see that wasn't the case. :)

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I use Firefox 3.6.3 and occasionally chrome. I don't use IE except at work or to check if a website appears buggy on Firefox. Good to know about IE Tab 2. I will try it out. Cheers!

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Mac safari---Guess they have a new version coming out soon (maybe is already?)


FYI for Safari users with the snow leopard OS. Wont play divx streaming (maybe new one will?) So if I watch some streaming divx content (tv shows or dvd rips) I use fire fox. One thing I really like about safari is the merge all windows feature. It is a handy feature.


my two yen.

Edited by bolly

What... service... may I do you? Hmmm? You know I demand payment.--- I brought payment. Look! BAM!! An undead monkey! Top that!





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I used Firefox before, now I use chrome mostly.


The biggest reason that I have made the change, is because, with chrome, every page is a different process, if one page goes down, then it doesnt crash the session.

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I switched to Avant as it is IE compatable and I love the f11 full screen feature. I have since discovered that firefox and IE have the full screen feature too. Hit f11 and try it. Full screen is nice on some sites.


I like firefox but I have a roboform toolbar that refuses to work in Firefox.

Edited by niterider
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  • 5 weeks later...

My download speeds are twice as fast with Google Chrome as with Firefox even with Fasterfox as measured by speedtest.net. I am in US with AT&T elite DSL and with chrome my download speeds are about 9.96 mbs but with Firefox it varies but about 5.1. So I almost always use chrome now.

It's not how much you make... it's what you don't spend. 60% of NBA players are broke within 5 years of retirement. 78% of NFL players are in financial distress within 2 years of retirement. Live off the income from your nest egg, but don't spend the principal and let it grow a little each year for inflation to increase your income a little later on.

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If you can believe this Internet Explorer 8 came out top by a long way Browser security testing



This is the Summary of the tests comparing Explorer, Firefox. Safari, Chrome and Opera.


Edit I'm using mostly Safari 5 & occasionally Firefox on the Mac & Explorer 8 on the PC.



Edited by Al.
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firefox is the man

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I'm on a Mac but use Safari for some things but particularly with pdf attached sites, Firefox for viewing sites like youtube and Chrome for boards where it is much quicker. Each seems to have an advantage on certain things.

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