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Cracking Thai Fundamentals


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If you want to speak Thai .. you need to learn to read the script.

No transliteration system is as accurate as the script itself.

The Thai alphabet (like Khmer and Pali before it) is actually a map of the mouth and positions of the lips and tongue during each consonant.


These videos help ALOT for beginners to get a grasp on the Vowels and their pronounciation in Thai.


Stuart uses great Picture/Memory association to help you remember the vowels.





Hope this helps some people!

(also you should look into some of Stuarts other videos .. he is an exceptionally talented multi-linguist (polyglot) who speaks over 15 languages fluently and up to 30 to a reasonable level)

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i'm surprised no=one has commented here. i only watched these 2 i didn't chk his utube site. these 2 are v good.


there's solid pedagogy behind technique - there's a link between movement and learning - in some more than others.


TPR - total physical response - uses this theory.


and the ideas of linking a sound to a sign is used in TPRS (where they use sign language to mean a word) an Zeb Bar Lev's S.I.L.L.Y LANGUAGE (SHELTERED INITIATED LANGUAGE LEARNING).


I was never keen on the technique (it seems to me to add one extra step into the process. my simple brain wants minimalist learning)


But I thought this worked very well helped by the guys delivery.

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Seen these a while ago and Stuart Raj is definitely a very gifted ploygot. He seems to have OCD about languages much more than the average jo.


You can see how word association with actions could help until it becomes second nature. Not sure I could be arsed with it though. I did learn the alphabet through pic / word association and it worked very well, even down to determining tones when no markers are present.


I think the hardest thing for someone learning a second language is to find a few learning methods that work for you. I know I spent some time trying to find a few methods and mind excercises that worked for me when I started with my teacher which evolved as my knowledge and skill level in speaking and reading progressed.

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Wow this guy is some linguist, watched both of those video's and he has inspired me to try and learn to read Thai, up till now couldn't be bothered and was happy just to try and learn to speak Thai.


Also had a look at some of the other videos on Youtube and it's amazing the methods he has used to learn languages.


Bam Bam

That which doesn't kill me only makes me stronger

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