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Miss Dino Bar


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OK went to Miss Dino bar after escaping from Classroom 2. It was around 2AM and was called in by a cutie named Bee. Just a tiny thing and so young I thought Ok I am going to get arrested any minute with being with a minor but she insisted she was 25 year old. Anyway I had to fight to talk a drink as she hugged me so tight and so long. Regretably I was to drunk to barfine her- Just wondering if anyone has had the pleasure? Sorry about the pic do not know what is wrong with my camera


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Havent been with Bee , but did have the misfortune to take a girl called Nina from that bar . Waste of time , told her pack her things an hour into proceedings . On the other hand my friend took a girl called Bo and was well pleased .



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  • 11 months later...

Is that the bar right next door to the classroom????


I was there a fair bit last december...girls were great fun to hang out with...there is only 1 I would bar fine IMO.

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  • 3 months later...

will have to go!


September 2011 - Pattaya---- gogogogogogogogog


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  • 2 months later...

Is that the bar right next door to the classroom????


I was there a fair bit last december...girls were great fun to hang out with...there is only 1 I would bar fine IMO.




And her name is???????

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  • 3 weeks later...

And her name is???????


ked...really cool girl

bkkthailand december 2010 276.jpg

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ked...really cool girl



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about 4 years ago there was a lot of very attractive ladies that worked there,i call in from time to time but it as never been the same since,but there is still ladies always avialable.

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  • 3 months later...

I was at this bar a few days before Christmas. I had been in some great bars earlier, like Babydolls, Silver Star (on Soi 7), XZone. But I needed a change of pace. I was staying at the SPAM WORD hotel, which is right across the street from Dinos Bar, and girls were cute, so why not. Met a girl, bought her a drink. She had slightly better than basic English, but main thing is she was very pleasant. Not the go go scene whatsover. After paying the fine, we go to my hotel. Spent the night with me, and left in the morning. Her name was Wan. Very nice girl, and I hope she is still there when I get back. I have her number, and I've tried to call her several times but I always get the Thai music from her voicemail.


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Well, I called again tonight, and this time she answered the phone. Difficult to really communicate much with her, although she knew how to say "I miss you, when you come back, etc" but not much else.


I tell her I come back, blah blah blah. So, I look forward to my next trip, for sure.


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  • 1 month later...

Have had a few girls from this bar over the years and all have delivered on the promise before leaving the bar. Not many real stunners but never a problem and the drinks are good as well.

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  • 2 months later...

ked...really cool girl


Yes, that's Gate (pronounced Ked I suppose). She's long gone now, was sponsored by a nice chap from Iceland or Finland I think. Maybe married too.


Good luck Gate!



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