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Bomb blast near financial centre


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I am from Boston MA USA every time the slightest thing happens in Thailand or Asia, bird flu, other type influensa, civil unrest ect the Governemnt says oh don't go there. Way over reaction . Plenty of places to travel not have to stay in Bkk. For nitelife can go to Pattaya, Phuket ,Chiang Mai, Krabi and areas they are not demonstrating in.


I totally agree that there are other places to travel, taht is why I just got back from Angeles City, where I had a blast without worrying about protests. I know my Bostonian friend I'm a coward, but I want to stay alive, if you know what I mean :D

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And am flying to BBK in 3 weeks i hope they sort it out???


Good luck coolman, they have "not" sorted it out for 6 weeks now.

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Maybe the bombings are the work of yellow shirts who want it to look like it was the work of the red shirts, just my opinion.

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its a big mess to go not to go who knows?? any way those that r thier be c areful


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Am supposed to arrive at BKK airport next Friday, before getting a taxi to Pattaya (staying for 10 days). What do people reckon - shall I still go? I'm thinking that if I stay away from BKK City I should be OK. I suppose no one knows for sure.

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guess i will spend a little more time in cambodia at her fokes than i was thinking.

has it affected the cost of internal flights to changmai Phuket and the like?

go asian an you'll never go caucasian!!!!

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Remember all that your not actually flying into Bangkok (Don Muang). For now the riots are far from Suk Airport. Take extra or have extra ready cash if you have to leave by alternate means (Utapao or Cambodia).

Edited by woo
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I totally agree that there are other places to travel, taht is why I just got back from Angeles City, where I had a blast without worrying about protests. I know my Bostonian friend I'm a coward, but I want to stay alive, if you know what I mean :UGotServed1:

That will only work until Abu Sayaf or MPA finds you............. Everyplace has their problem. Every once in awhile they just become a little more obvious than others.

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I fly into BKK in 2 weeks, how far is soi nana

from all the probs.and fireworks ?

. only staying 2 nights in bkk then off to pattaya

for 2 weeks. I hope things improve a bit by then.

cheers mick :GoldenSmile1:

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The "Good Guys" are on Addicts the "Bad Guys" are on that other forum.





Truly so !!!!! :GoldenSmile1:

Double your pleasure! Double your fun!


Do two TG's instead of just one.




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I was trying to save my 100th post for a trip report next month. But the way things are going I will not be flying out to bangkok next month as planned. I've seen some clips on YouTube and what I've seen looks truly scary. And I have no confidence things will get back to normal in 3 weeks. All I am readng on BBC website etc... is about British people trying to get the hell out of Thailand NOW before the situation detoriates further. It is clear that the military cannot control the situation.


I have a flight booked to Bangkok for mid-May and I am still considering boarding the plane, but booking an AirAsia flight to transit to another country (Hong Kong or Philippines). I will delay this choice to the last minute, as it seems likely to me that the airport will go down at any moment (as it did in Nov 2008) Any advice to me will be appreciated. This whole situation really sucks.



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Im in Pattaya. Quite peaceful here ! There was a rally on Pattaya Klang and Second Road supporting the Country and the King. About 300 people all waving flags. No problem arriving at airport in Bangkok and going elsewhere.

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Well KRAP I just booked a months trip starting mid May.

I hope it settles down by then.

Stay safe out there.




Please keep me posted when you arrive and get your feet on the ground. I will be going there in July. A heads up would be appreciated....Tony from California

I am a BABY DOLL fan

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Will be in Bangkok Tuesday and Wednesday.

Will try to get a quick report out before I leave on Thursday.

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I'm planning to book my airline tickets next week for my trip at the beginning of August. This news has me a bit worried though :Chokdee:

Someday, somebody will ski that

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As stated before, the government appears to have learned about securing the airport(Suvarnabumi). Muliple rings of soldiers guard the entrance roadways starting one mile from the actual airport. Geographically, the airport is far to the east of the problem area now concentrated in central BKK in Siam shopping district. This makes taxi transfer to Pattaya (further to the east) and Phuket (inter-airport transfer to connecting flights) relatively secure. The issue appears to be your departing flights and the ability to get into the airport for your return flights. Develop your escape plan now. Pattaya via U-Tapao to Phuket and continuing to KL or Hong Kong and eliminating the need for the BKK airport.

I Love This City

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Sounds serious this time if they are firing grenades, i hope everyone there can stay safe. I Guess my planned trip will be put back a little now, however that is minor to the worries that the people in BKK must be feeling right now.

Not knowing the ins and outs of the conflict enough to comment on which side is right or wrong, i just hope it comes to a peaceful conclusion sooner rather than later.

Have you ever stopped to think and then forgot to start again?

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Is it just a minority of people causing the trouble or is it getting worse with more and more people joining in the protest and violence.


regards john

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Even if you go to BKK you'll still be fine ensuring you stay away from the demonstration sites.


For those wanting to head to NEP or to Cowboy there shouldnt be a problem. Just choose your clothing well and stay clear from Red or yellow..lol

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WTF? What rock have you been hiding under? The black-clad thug carrying an automatic rifle, photographed among the Red Shirts in the April 10 melee, was also clearly seen in another photo on the Red Shirt Ratchaprasong stage being introduced to the crowds by the Red leaders!!! This was in all the Thai papers.


I'm not doubting that many of the rank and file of the Reds truly believe they're striking a blow for the little guy, giving a voice to the poor. Sadly, this is not the goal of the Red leaders. They're using the rank and file as human shields, and they're employing the black shirts (mercenaries). This has been clearly established in documentary evidence.


I have sympathies for many of the Red rank and file, but this is FAR from a black and white (as it were) issue. There are sleazy thugs on both sides. Welcome to Thailand.



Yeah, very complicated issues underlay this. Both sides are far from perfect.


I beleive the reds want to protest peacefully. Its in their intersts to do so.

But the only reason they are able to protest relativly peacefully is because they have knives, sticks, guns and bombs. If the police try and move them its will be a bloodbath.

Some of the reds are just civies their to protest but they have a well armed and organised militia to protect themselves.


It seems against the reds interests to do something crazy like launch grandes at a packed group of police and civilians.

This is a battle for hearts and minds, but more importantly the army will be forced to break up the protests and arrests the leaders if this level of violence contines.


One could speculate that it was an attempt to stich up the reds and build support for the army/government.

But of course all it takes is a few hot-headed reds annoyed at the army being so close and the yellows lobbing stuff at them...


I just hope they can find a solution of some sort. :(

Raising the stakes all the time is not a good path.

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It is something that have ben seens 1998 or somthing like that so it will not be solved in 2 weeks

but as other have pointed out it is safe in oterparts of the country

I´m in Pattaya now and it is cool.

airport is safe it is a lot of police and military there

Landed 3 days ago had more problems whit Volcano in Island

took me 3 day to get to thiland



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I plan on being in Pattaya in May 12th thru the 25th am I screwed?


Hopefully you will be....loads of times!! Be safe mate.

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I will be arriving in bangkok on monday. Ive got a flight booked out of there on tuesday so need to stay somewhere away from the protests, just for one night. Do you think i will have problems entering the airport for my flight out of bangkok? Ive tried to change my flight to samui to the same day as i arrive but it doesnt seem as though i can.


What would be the best way to go about this?


Thanks in advance!

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