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bloody new rules


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i dont know how new this rule is but im certainly pissed off about it ,

i have been coming to thailand for about 9 years now and for the last 6 i have been coming for long holidays of 75-85 days , what i have always done before is send my passport off get a 1 entry tourist visa for 60 days and go to the emigration office shortly before the end and get a 1 month extension . every easy !!

so the other day went to the consulate with my filled out form passport and photos , only to be informed that since june this year now need a copy of booking ( even though there was nothing on the internet site about it ) so found an internet cafe onto my e-mail account and shot out a copy , back to the consulate only to be informed that .

if i get a 1 entery 60 day visa i can NOT get an automatic extension in land as i have always done ,

so my options were .

A) get a single entry visa and do a visa run by plane ( because flying in you can get a 30 day visa extension ) expensive

B) get a single entry visa and do a visa run by bus ( can only get a 14 day visa extension ) too short staying 77 days

C) get a double entry visa and do a visa run by bus ( with double entry visa 2nd entry by bus can also have another 60 days ) 25 euro


so had to go with option C which is a pain in the arse as i spend my hols on Samui so doing a visa run is a bloody long thing takes up a whole day starting around 5am , what a bloody pain in the arse it was so much simpler and easier before

"And were you pleased?" they asked Helen in Hell.

"Pleased?" answered she,when all Troy's towers fell;

And dead were Priam´s sons, and lost his throne?

And such a war was fought as none had known;

And even the Gods took part; and all because

Of me alone! Pleased?

I should say I was!"


Lord Dunsany

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Interesting post.. Surprised that I,m the only one after your post. Anyway, The rules all changed recently early this year.. Dont know why the thai government doesn,t want us falangs even though we all helped out the Thai Ecomony. Best bet is to apply 90 days visa to your nearest consulate office in Britain before you fly out to Thaialnd.

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Pretty soon they will be expecting ex-pats and long term visitors to wag their tails and beg before they get their visas. I'm practising right now :GoldenSmile1:


The truth is immortal but people who speak it aren't - Thai proverb

Karl's Thailand - My YouTube Channel



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I got knackered doing my 12 month extension earlier this month.


Its my own faullt for not checking but here's what happened.


Every year I go down to good old Jomtien 5 with all my papers and a tax form that states my WIFES earnings. Never a problem.


This year I go down, sit down with a good looking female Senior Major :GoldenSmile1:


Sorry, no can do.




Why not?


Rules change and cannot declare monthly income (on wife) now, must be 400,000 in bank.


Fook................... because of the recent Thai Holiday period I had left it to the last day (again I accept my fault).


All kinds of shenanigans then ensued to get the 400,000 in the bank + a bung because it hadn't been there 2 month.


Ended up costing me 8,100 baht.


Moral to the Tale.................always check the LATEST set of rules, and dont leave it to the last day!!

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Dont know why the thai government doesn,t want us falangs even though we all helped out the Thai Ecomony.

But they DO want us (well, at least our money)

But, only om their terms and then only 90 days at a time, before you have to "do the Oliver Twist" and beg for more.

What we have to come to terms with is the fact that they (the Thai authorities) think that long stay tourists, and ex-pats spend less per day than the "quick in and out" brigade. Up until recently there was a never ending steam of the latter, to the detriment of the former, in terms of visa regulations. Looks like the ED visa is coming under scrutiny now. And, my guess is the financial requirements of the long term visas are being looked at as we speak.

Little known fact is that we non Thais actualy got the blame, in some hi-so circles, for their 1997 crash, rather than "helping out the Thai economy" too, btw



No bad grammer or spelling mistakes here !!!!

Its the all new language i have invented called "Typonese"

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But they DO want us (well, at least our money)

But, only om their terms and then only 90 days at a time, before you have to "do the Oliver Twist" and beg for more.

What we have to come to terms with is the fact that they (the Thai authorities) think that long stay tourists, and ex-pats spend less per day than the "quick in and out" brigade. Up until recently there was a never ending steam of the latter, to the detriment of the former, in terms of visa regulations. Looks like the ED visa is coming under scrutiny now. And, my guess is the financial requirements of the long term visas are being looked at as we speak.

Little known fact is that we non Thais actualy got the blame, in some hi-so circles, for their 1997 crash, rather than "helping out the Thai economy" too, btw



Aye.. you could be right.. Never even thought abt that...

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Sorry to hear they are making you jump through hoops gareth but happy for the updated information you have provided.


These options you are left with, did the consulate point these out or are they based off your own knowledge of the way

these visa's work ?


Im looking at option C myself as I want to spend a few months in LOS, visit Vietnam for a few weeks and then return to LOS if possible.

Disturbing to hear that 30 day extension from Jortiem may not be possible and im still unclear if the double entry would allow for 60 + 60

or 90 + 90 if I left and re-entered via air.


Looks like im going to have to try my luck and leave my plans open.

<center><embed src="http://www.countdownclockcodes.com/cd/ccc-vacation/show.swf?clickURL=http://www.countdownclockcodes.com/&clickLABEL=MySpace-Countdown-Clocks&flashLABEL=CountdownClockCodes&skin=http://www.countdownclockcodes.com/cd/ccc-vacation/skins/9.jpg&text=Trip%201%20status%20%3D%20Success%20%21%0DTrip%202%20status%20%3D%20Songkran%20%21&untilColor=16777215&textColor=16777215&datesColor=16777215&year=2011&month=3&day=11&hour=19&minute=30&second=10&x=-26&y=122" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="300" height="200" name="countdown" align="middle" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" /><br><small><a href="http://www.countdownclockcodes.com/">MySpace-Countdown-Clocks</a></small></center>

<center>If you want to get things done, you positively have to understand at any given point in time exactly what is the most important thing to get done right now, and if you're not doing it, you're not making progress at the fastest possible rate</center>

<center>TehVen - Film and TV VIP, Seeker of the Peace, Part-time Chandelier Cleaner, A legend in his own time, Oppressor of Champions, Soldier of Fortune, World Traveler, Bon Vivant, All around good guy, International lover, Casual Hero, Philosopher, Wars fought, Bears wrestled, Equations solved, Virgins enlightened, Revolutions quelled, Tigers castrated, Orgies organized, Bars quaffed dry, Governments run, Test rockets flown.

Life is a waste of time, time is a waste of life, get wasted all the time and you'll have the time of your life


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not sure what you mean by 'Automatic Extension' but are you saying you can't get 30 more days at the Immigration by paying 1900 Baht? This is the first time i have heard this and have not any recent posts on Thaivisa about any changes on this policy. Are you sure about this?



In fact i saw this on Thaivisa on Dec. 20. by one of the Global Moderators on that board. He surely would have mentioned if there was a change in policy on this. Sounds like the Thai consulate is full of shit and trying not to give you a free visa




You can extend your current 60 day tourist visa entry 30 days at an immigration office for 1,900 baht and a 4x6cm photo. There are no restrictions on number of days in 180 anymore. Yes you should be able to obtain a new tourist visa but Vietnam will normally require show of tickets to issue.

Edited by mike_asia
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not sure what you mean by 'Automatic Extension' but are you saying you can't get 30 more days at the Immigration by paying 1900 Baht? This is the first time i have heard this and have not any recent posts on Thaivisa about any changes on this policy. Are you sure about this?



In fact i saw this on Thaivisa on Dec. 20. by one of the Global Moderators on that board. He surely would have mentioned if there was a change in policy on this. Sounds like the Thai consulate is full of shit and trying not to give you a free visa




You can extend your current 60 day tourist visa entry 30 days at an immigration office for 1,900 baht and a 4x6cm photo. There are no restrictions on number of days in 180 anymore. Yes you should be able to obtain a new tourist visa but Vietnam will normally require show of tickets to issue.



what i have always done before was to get a tourist visa single entry 60 days and then pop along and got a 30 day extension in the immigration office on samui ,

i dont know if the people in the consulate were pulling my chain ( i hope not ) but they told me that with that visa , an inland extension ( the 1900bht option ) is no longer an option , guess i wont know for sure until i am there , will go to the immigration office on samui at the end of febuary and give it a go there , if i get refused then i will have to do a visa run

"And were you pleased?" they asked Helen in Hell.

"Pleased?" answered she,when all Troy's towers fell;

And dead were Priam´s sons, and lost his throne?

And such a war was fought as none had known;

And even the Gods took part; and all because

Of me alone! Pleased?

I should say I was!"


Lord Dunsany

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Sorry to hear they are making you jump through hoops gareth but happy for the updated information you have provided.


These options you are left with, did the consulate point these out or are they based off your own knowledge of the way

these visa's work ?


Im looking at option C myself as I want to spend a few months in LOS, visit Vietnam for a few weeks and then return to LOS if possible.

Disturbing to hear that 30 day extension from Jortiem may not be possible and im still unclear if the double entry would allow for 60 + 60

or 90 + 90 if I left and re-entered via air.


Looks like im going to have to try my luck and leave my plans open.



i was told 60 + 60 + 60 but im starting not to trust anyone or anything because they just keep on moving the goalposts but i THINK how it now works is with a single entry visa you have options A and B , or you can get a multiple entry vis for a maximum of 3 entrys each entry valid for 60 days mine for a double enty was 25 euro dont know if a triple entry visa is the same or if it costs more .

"And were you pleased?" they asked Helen in Hell.

"Pleased?" answered she,when all Troy's towers fell;

And dead were Priam´s sons, and lost his throne?

And such a war was fought as none had known;

And even the Gods took part; and all because

Of me alone! Pleased?

I should say I was!"


Lord Dunsany

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I have to say I am a little lost on all this so forgive me if I am well off the mark.


As you fly a Welsh Flag why not just get a 12 Month Non Imm O from Hull? Sure its around 100 quid but it gets rid of a lot of hassle.

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I don't think there has been any change in the visa rules! :Doghouse:

According to the Thai Embassy in London these rules still apply:

Validity of Stay :

On entry into Thailand, nationals from 36 designated countries who hold a Tourist Visa will be permitted by the Immigration Officer to stay in Thailand for a period of not exceeding 60 days. As for nationals from other countries not listed below who hold a Tourist Visa, they will be permitted to stay in Thailand for a period of not exceeding 30 days. Should such nationals wish to extend their stay, they may apply for extension of stay at the Immigration Bureau for an additional 30 days but must not exceed the cumulative duration of 90 days from the day of first entry. The grating of extension of stay is under the discretion of the Immigration Office (application fee 1,900 baht).


Although it is stated that -The grating of extension of stay is under the discretion of the Immigration Office-

so you can not say that it is "automatic" to get an extension, it's up to the officer in charge at the moment! :)

I just made a Tourist Visa here in Sweden, and they told me it was possible to extend it in any Immigration Office in Thailand.



When no money... she no give honey! 


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I have to say I am a little lost on all this so forgive me if I am well off the mark.


As you fly a Welsh Flag why not just get a 12 Month Non Imm O from Hull? Sure its around 100 quid but it gets rid of a lot of hassle.

I think you have the right idea except that since he only wants to stay for less than 90 days he would only need a single entry which would cost less. The best bit is that no visa run or trip to Jomtien would be required. IMO it's the best option.

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I have to say I am a little lost on all this so forgive me if I am well off the mark.


As you fly a Welsh Flag why not just get a 12 Month Non Imm O from Hull? Sure its around 100 quid but it gets rid of a lot of hassle.


i am from wales but i live in germany , i usually send it to the visa office in hamburg by post but as i was in usa visiting family and so , needed my passport , i landed in hamburg on sunday stayed the night in a hotel and went to the office monday morning because i wanted to get it sorted before they closed for xmas and new year ( didnt want to wait till after new year as i thought it would be a little tight with time ) as i fly on the 9th and they dont open back up till the 4th and where i live in germany is about 4hrs away , so i thought get it done .

also i always get a tourist visa , never thought of trying to get a Non Immigrant visa , dont know what the requierments are , i only know that the O needs to be married to a thai or a monthly pension and the B needs to be with a firm and a contract , all sounded a little hard so never looked into it

"And were you pleased?" they asked Helen in Hell.

"Pleased?" answered she,when all Troy's towers fell;

And dead were Priam´s sons, and lost his throne?

And such a war was fought as none had known;

And even the Gods took part; and all because

Of me alone! Pleased?

I should say I was!"


Lord Dunsany

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i am from wales but i live in germany , i usually send it to the visa office in hamburg by post but as i was in usa visiting family and so , needed my passport , i landed in hamburg on sunday stayed the night in a hotel and went to the office monday morning because i wanted to get it sorted before they closed for xmas and new year ( didnt want to wait till after new year as i thought it would be a little tight with time ) as i fly on the 9th and they dont open back up till the 4th and where i live in germany is about 4hrs away , so i thought get it done .

also i always get a tourist visa , never thought of trying to get a Non Immigrant visa , dont know what the requierments are , i only know that the O needs to be married to a thai or a monthly pension and the B needs to be with a firm and a contract , all sounded a little hard so never looked into it


You do NOT need to be married to get a 12 Month Non Imm O from HULL!



Hull accepts "visiting friends" as a valid reason and will do the passport by post. Several (European) members of this board have Non Imm Os from Hull and they are not even British so applying from German is not an issue.


Here is the Website for the Thai Consulate in Hull.



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what i have always done before was to get a tourist visa single entry 60 days and then pop along and got a 30 day extension in the immigration office on samui ,

i dont know if the people in the consulate were pulling my chain ( i hope not ) but they told me that with that visa , an inland extension ( the 1900bht option ) is no longer an option , guess i wont know for sure until i am there , will go to the immigration office on samui at the end of febuary and give it a go there , if i get refused then i will have to do a visa run


I highly doubt you won't be granted an extension since there have not been any reports of this happening to anyone else. It would already be big news if they started doing this.

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with people telling me that i was doing it right before i just have to wonder what the hell the people in the consulate were doing telling me that the rules have changed and i cant get an inland exstension on a 1 entry tourist visa

"And were you pleased?" they asked Helen in Hell.

"Pleased?" answered she,when all Troy's towers fell;

And dead were Priam´s sons, and lost his throne?

And such a war was fought as none had known;

And even the Gods took part; and all because

Of me alone! Pleased?

I should say I was!"


Lord Dunsany

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The old scam used to be to pay for a 30 day extension on a 60 day touristst visa. After that they would usually give you another 12 days or so which added up to a nice length of stay. That was the situation for many years. Until about 1991 if you stayed more than 90 days (even on a tourist visa) in Thailand you had to get a tax clearance before you could leave. There used to be people at Don Muang begging to leave becasue they were not allowed to board their plane home for this reason. This latest clampdown is just the latest in an ongoing trend. They know that whatever hoops they make us jump through we will and I can't see things getting any better. Many people have a lot of respect for their immigration policies, at least they're doing their best to hang on to their own country! I do feel sorry for ex-pats, many of whom have Thai families, bring income into Thailand and yet have virtually no more rights than a two week tourist.


Getting a multiple entry non-immigrant visa just has to be the way to go unless you are entitled to a retirement visa.


The truth is immortal but people who speak it aren't - Thai proverb

Karl's Thailand - My YouTube Channel



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The old scam used to be to pay for a 30 day extension on a 60 day touristst visa. After that they would usually give you another 12 days or so which added up to a nice length of stay. That was the situation for many years. Until about 1991 if you stayed more than 90 days (even on a tourist visa) in Thailand you had to get a tax clearance before you could leave. There used to be people at Don Muang begging to leave becasue they were not allowed to board their plane home for this reason. This latest clampdown is just the latest in an ongoing trend. They know that whatever hoops they make us jump through we will and I can't see things getting any better. Many people have a lot of respect for their immigration policies, at least they're doing their best to hang on to their own country! I do feel sorry for ex-pats, many of whom have Thai families, bring income into Thailand and yet have virtually no more rights than a two week tourist.


Getting a multiple entry non-immigrant visa just has to be the way to go unless you are entitled to a retirement visa.


I don't think that the words from one consulate constitute a clampdown, as i said there are no reports of people being refused a tourist visa extension from immigration. IMO this thread is very misleading and not based on any actual situation

Edited by mike_asia
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I don't think that the words from one consulate constitute a clampdown, as i said there are no reports of people being refused a tourist visa extension from immigration. IMO this thread is very misleading and not based on any actual situation

Well, it might well be that they just didn't want to extend for the OP for their own reasons.The post might be misleading, but not deliberately so, he's just relating his personal experience. However the visa requirements have been getting tougher for about 5 years now so I would still take the non-immigrant approach for a longer stay rather than rely on them not to move the goal posts again..


The truth is immortal but people who speak it aren't - Thai proverb

Karl's Thailand - My YouTube Channel



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Well, it might well be that they just didn't want to extend for the OP for their own reasons.The post might be misleading, but not deliberately so, he's just relating his personal experience. However the visa requirements have been getting tougher for about 5 years now so I would still take the non-immigrant approach for a longer stay rather than rely on them not to move the goal posts again..


According to the OP he has not even tried to extend it yet, the only thing is the consulate said he won't be able to.

So an experience of being denied an extension has not happened.


Sorry to be so detailed but I think this is a serious issue.

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According to the OP he has not even tried to extend it yet, the only thing is the consulate said he won't be able to.

So an experience of being denied an extension has not happened.


Sorry to be so detailed but I think this is a serious issue.

It does seem that they might have singled the OP out for some particular reason. It would be interesting to know if his visa was stamped or marked in any way when it was issued. A BM posted a picture of a stamp placed in his passport by a consulate for a different type of visa earlier this month.


The truth is immortal but people who speak it aren't - Thai proverb

Karl's Thailand - My YouTube Channel



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It does seem that they might have singled the OP out for some particular reason. It would be interesting to know if his visa was stamped or marked in any way when it was issued. A BM posted a picture of a stamp placed in his passport by a consulate for a different type of visa earlier this month.


could be but more likely scenario is a single entry is free but double entry is €25 so they want some beer money.

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could be but more likely scenario is a single entry is free but double entry is €25 so they want some beer money.

That sounds about right....

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i dont know how new this rule is but im certainly pissed off about it ,

i have been coming to thailand for about 9 years now and for the last 6 i have been coming for long holidays of 75-85 days , what i have always done before is send my passport off get a 1 entry tourist visa for 60 days and go to the emigration office shortly before the end and get a 1 month extension . every easy !!

so the other day went to the consulate with my filled out form passport and photos , only to be informed that since june this year now need a copy of booking ( even though there was nothing on the internet site about it ) so found an internet cafe onto my e-mail account and shot out a copy , back to the consulate only to be informed that .

if i get a 1 entery 60 day visa i can NOT get an automatic extension in land as i have always done ,

so my options were .

A) get a single entry visa and do a visa run by plane ( because flying in you can get a 30 day visa extension ) expensive

B) get a single entry visa and do a visa run by bus ( can only get a 14 day visa extension ) too short staying 77 days

C) get a double entry visa and do a visa run by bus ( with double entry visa 2nd entry by bus can also have another 60 days ) 25 euro


so had to go with option C which is a pain in the arse as i spend my hols on Samui so doing a visa run is a bloody long thing takes up a whole day starting around 5am , what a bloody pain in the arse it was so much simpler and easier before


I wonder how much of what happens falls under the purview of the person you happen to be served by that day. I hear too many stories of people asking for the same thing ie; an extension and getting different answers. I, like you had received a 2 month tourist visa and went for a one month extension last month. I had no problems. It was business as usual. I feel for you and know how frustrating the whole thing can be. Have a good one!

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