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Posted (edited)


Just wanted to throw this out there for review. Maybe someone has something to add, my interpretation is wrong, people would usually just say, not polite way to say, etc . . .


I am getting another post together for things you might need to say deeper into a phone conversation. For this thread, was keeping to things that typically would be said at the beginning of one.


"Speaking" : กำลังพูคครับ -> gamlang phoot krab.

"May I speak to (name)?" : ผมขอสายคุณ(name)ครับ -> phom khor sai khun (name) krab ?

"May I speak with (name)?" : ผมขอสายกับคุณ(name)หน่อยไดัไหมครับ -> phom khor sai gab khun (name) noi dai mai krab ?

"Who is speaking ?" : นั่นใครพูดครับ -> nan khrai phoot krab ?

"Who am i speaking with ?" : เรียนสายกับใครอยู่ครับ -> rian sai gab krai yoo krab ?

"Excuse me, Who is speaking ?" : ขอโทษนะครับ นี่ใครพูดอยู่ครับ -> khor-thod na krab, nee khrai phoot yoo krab ?

"Are you busy ?" : งานยุ่งไหมครับ -> ngan yoong mai krab ?

"Where are you ?" : อยู่ไหนเนี่ยครับ -> yoo nai nee-ah krab ?

"I do not know who I am speaking to" : ไม่ทราบว่าใครกำลังพูดครับ -> mai saab wah khrai gamlang phoot krab.

"Who do you want to speak with ?" : คุณอยากจะพูดกับใครครับ -> khun yahk ja phoot gab khrai krab ?

"(name) is not here" : คุณ(name)ไม่อยู่ครับ -> khun (name) mai yoo krab.

"Would you like to leave a message ?" : คุณอยากจะสั่งไว้ใช่ไหมครับ -> khun yahk ja sang wai chai mai krab ?

"Please call again in about ten minutes" : โปรดโทรมาใหม่ร่วมสิบนาทีครับ -> bprod toh mah mai ruam sib nah-tee krab.

"I will call you back in ten minutes" : ผมจะโทรหาคุณกลับในสิบนาทีครับ -> phom ja toh hah khun glab nai sib nah-tee krab.


not sure what is the proper way to mark the tones is phoenetically, if someone could point out the generally accepted way to do that, i will follow thru on subsequent posts.



Edited by aitch

Thanks for that, only one to add; hello ฮัลโล :IdHitIt2: , obviously English but commonly used by Thais when answering the phone (with a rising tone at the end)


I don't know what to say about how to mark tones. It is a problem without access to dedicated tone marks as used in Thai language courses but I would say that most people with enough knowledge of Thai to find this comprehensive guide useful will have enough knowledge to know how the words should be pronounced. Anybody who's serious about Thai should try to tackle the script IMO anyway.


The truth is immortal but people who speak it aren't - Thai proverb

Karl's Thailand - My YouTube Channel



Posted (edited)

Very polite speaking



few different ways to skin a cat so this how i say (might be wrong)some:


"Is (name) there?:" (name)อยู่มั้ย

"May I speak to (name)?" | "May I speak with (name)?" : ขอพูดกับ(name)หน่อย --- seems such a minor difference in the 2 questions, so just used the same answer.

"Who is speaking ?" : ใครพูดครับ (i've not heard นั่น used in front before?)

"Where are you ?" : อยู่ไหน

"Please call again in about ten minutes" - โทรไหม่ในสิบนาทีครับ

"I will call you back in ten minutes" : จะโทรกลับในสิบนาที


"i'm just chilling at home" - อยู่บ้านเฉยๆ


I suppose it depends who you're talking with but i'm not sure about using ทราบ and โปรด a lot.

Edited by herds

"I will call you back in ten minutes" : จะโทรกลับในสิบนาที


I've never heard ใน used like this when talking about time.


I think using อีก instead is better.


"I will call you back in ten minutes" : จะโทรกลับในสิบนาที


I've never heard ใน used like this when talking about time.


I think using อีก instead is better.


ใน 'nai' is commonly used in this situation. There's nothing wrong with อีก 'eek' either. Just think of 'nai' in this situation as meaning 'within 10 minutes' and 'eek' as meaning 'in ten minutes time'.


The truth is immortal but people who speak it aren't - Thai proverb

Karl's Thailand - My YouTube Channel




That makes sense thinking of it as (ภาย)ใน, meaning within.


Just thought I'd add what I usually say. Good topic btw as most of us use the phone a fair bit whilst in Thailand.


"Speaking" : gamlang puud^ krab/

"May I speak to (name)?" : koo_V puud^ gab\.....krab/

"May I speak with (name)?" : same as above

"Who is speaking ?" : nan^ kray puud^ krab/?

"Who am i speaking with ?" : nan^ kray gamlang puud^ krab/?

"Excuse me, Who is speaking ?" : koo_v tood^ puud^ krab/, nan^ kray puud^ krab/?

"I do not know who I am speaking to" : may^ saab^ waa^ pomV gamlang kuy gab\ kray krab/?

"Who do you want to speak with ?" : ja puud^ gab\ kray krab/?

"(name) is not here" : ...may^ yuu\ krab/

"Would you like to leave a message ?" : yaak\ faak\ koo_^ kwaam may/ krab/?

"Please call again in about ten minutes" : iik\ 10 naa tii too maa may\ na krab/!

"I will call you back in ten minutes" : diawV iik\ 10 naatii , pomV ja too glab\ na krab/!


Tone markers:


/ - high

\ - low

^ - falling

V - rising


Hope this helps anyway

My understanding of women goes only as far as the pleasures.

-- Michael Caine (Alfie, 1966)

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