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Sometimes I get annoyed walking with my son.


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I was talking to a friend the other day ,in fact the father of my sons friend ,both are now teenagers and he said the same thing now that his son is as tall as him people especially tourists give you a funny look when you are out together,have any of you noticed this ,its as if they are thinking ,whats that guy doing with a young boy.

To be honest sometimes it pisses me off.

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I would look to see if your sons mixed race, if he is then i assume your the father and the mother is Thai, if your a white father with a white boy or girl then i assume your a Russian tourist. Theres many reasons why someone would look at you.

Men fall in love by their eye`s, woman fall in love by their ear`s.

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To be honest sometimes it pisses me off.


Why would you care what other people who don't know you, think about you?

Men want to fuck many women. Women want to fuck the best provider. Only in the paysex scene both goals are met.

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Funny and true story. From 12 years ago.

I was out at the movies with a very sweet pretty young girl of 16 I was 38 but looked younger. I had just given her some money to buy goodies at the counter and was standing aside waiting.

This total stranger comes up to me and gets in my face and in an indignant accusatory voice he says rudely - DON'T YOU THINK SHES A LITTLE TO YOUNG FOR YOU - I was a little taken aback but recovered quickly, looked over at the girl that completely had my heart and said just one word, her name.

She looked back and replied "yes daddy" as she always called me daddy from her very first word.

I looked back at this man right into his eyes and did not say a thing.

He slithered away.


So I totally understand your getting annoyed. Because if you feel it, you know your son or grandson can too.

To Randy - That is why one would care.

In a place like Pattaya where the predatory types that are going there looking for young stuff are going to ruin things for everyone. These Cretans that have no respect for the culture and taboos of polite society and usually end up in jail at some point, long term we hope.


This in turn makes people look at others even though innocent through a suspicious eye.


Perhaps a T-shirt that says proud grandpa.

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The trouble with Pattaya is that it is full of hypocrites who like to judge whilst paying for prostitutes.


Just ignore any ignorant looks and enjoy your holiday with your family.

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I have to admit to making similar judgements.

When I was last in Pattaya, I was at Tops supermarket on Second Road and Pattaya Central and I saw a tall blond man in a shirt and tie there with a young long haired Thai girl no older than 12. The creepy thought came to my mind. I had to think fast of other reasons for them being together, like it was his step-daughter, to suppress the gross out factor.

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So I totally understand your getting annoyed. Because if you feel it, you know your son or grandson can too.

To Randy - That is why one would care.

In a place like Pattaya where the predatory types that are going there looking for young stuff are going to ruin things for everyone. These Cretans that have no respect for the culture and taboos of polite society and usually end up in jail at some point, long term we hope.


This in turn makes people look at others even though innocent through a suspicious eye.


Hey Ducar, I do understand that it can be annoying, or even insulting. But what's the alternative? I would rather have that the real paedophiles are judged harshly than you and others who walk around with their families. But let's face it: in a place such as Pattaya, if you see a guy with a 16 year old, chances are too big that it's a paedo. Politely ignoring them doesn't feel right either.


I have no perfect solution for this. I think the way you handled that guy was fine. But if he had done the same with a paedo, and maybe even prevented one other victim, that would be fine in my book.


BTW, I've walked in a Thai city (not Pats) with only the daughters of my teerak. Some people looked. I just looked back and smiled. No skin off my nose. If someone would have asked me politely what I was doing, I might have just as politely answered. Or not.

Edited by Randy

Men want to fuck many women. Women want to fuck the best provider. Only in the paysex scene both goals are met.

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