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When Your Flight to LOS Conflicts With a Funeral


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I just learned today that a former work colleague died. He retired some years ago but I would see him every now and again. I very much want to attend the funeral, but as luck would have it, it takes place on the afternoon I have booked my flight to LOS. Missing the funeral is now the additional price I pay for my ticket. I wanted to fly Thai Air, but the additional $450 it would have cost me led me to book with another airline. Had I booked with Thai Air, I would have been able to attend the funeral since that flight leaves at 11 P.M. (23:00) whereas my flight leaves at 5 P.M. (17:00) My only comforting thought is that he was a fun guy who would have loved the fact that I am going to Pattaya. Everyone who knew him will miss him. May he RIP.

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This isn't about him because you know he would kick your ass for crying over a dead person verses living your life.


Its about you and you wanting to find a justification for spending the extra money to fly on Thai Air instead of whatever crap airline you are probably on.



However, you havn't mention if going to the funeral would benefit his family in any way.


Do what you want to do and do it without any regrets.

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It's your former work mate not your close relative.

Don't beat yourself up over it.

There are of course times when Patts has to come second, like if it's a close relative or parent.

Hope and pray it never happens too me or anyone else on the board

I'm sorry about your friend but I am sure he would want you to enjoy your life

Edited by Tim42


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I've done it, don't worry about it. Life is for living & the living. There are only a few people I'd change my travel plans for. A good mate would curse you from monger heaven if you changed your plans for him.

Just my perspective.


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It seems to me this is a good time to attend the wake.

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Pay your respects before your trip and after your return.

What... service... may I do you? Hmmm? You know I demand payment.--- I brought payment. Look! BAM!! An undead monkey! Top that!





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I am a strong believer in treating people well during their lifetime and have no need to show my affection publicly for somebody at their funeral. In your situation I would share my grief with the family privately then jump on the plane guilt free..but I am not you and maybe we don't share beliefs. It is something you have to deal with yourself.

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Go to Thailand and have fun,,,,,its what he would have wanted.

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  • 2 weeks later...

if i was dead i would rather my mates enjoyed themselves went on hols and not changed their plans for me as far death goes when im dead thats the end of my exiistance sop to be honest i dont care


what they do

I can feel an angel sliding up to me nz immigrants raising the IQ of both countries pattaya makes a humble man hard

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These days alot of people in the USA go to the wake and not the funeral

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I would go for Thailand unless the funeral was mine... But even if it were mine, I would be there in spirit...

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I am not a funeral person to begin with. I hardly ever attend funerals. I prefer to visit the burial site on occasion rather than attend a sobbing funeral where people are crying over the loss of the dead when IMO it should be a celebration of their life.



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