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I would like some advice on renting a house. I currently live at a reasonable price on approx. 120 square meters without a pool. The house has three special features.
1. there is a second floor that can be reached via an external staircase only.
2. it is very noisy from 6 o'clock in the morning because of the birds in the neighborhood, which you cannot drive away because they are on another property.
3. there is probably mold between the wall and the cupboards in the kitchen. I therefore have an air purifier running, but the landlord refuses to take care of it.

I could also rent the house next door. It costs twice as much, is much bigger, has no mold problems, is less noisy and has a pool.

I'm now thinking about how likely it would be to find a tenant for the small house if I allow them to use the pool. The value of the house would have to be significantly higher with a pool. But there are still: 2nd floor with outside stairs, bird terror in the early morning, and possibly mold in the kitchen, where you can't get to without removing the whole kitchen.

As long as everything stays as it is in Europe, I could have both houses even without a tenant for the small house. If things continue to go downhill in Europe and the income stops, I'll have to rethink.

What do you think? Will the demand for real estate in Pattaya continue to grow, and will properties become more expensive?


Translated with DeepL


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