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New non-smoking regulations in Taipei


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For those of you who fly EVA air into Taiwan, be aware that the airport there is now a no smoking facility. If you want (or need) to have a smoke when you get off of the plane, you will have to go through immigration and leave the terminal to have one.


On the plus side, immigration was a snap; just stop at the transfer counter and get a boarding pass for your next flight (and fill out the paperwork on the plane before you land) and you will get right through.


An additional note and a possible change in mongering in Taiwan. U.S. citizens get an automatic 30 day visa (free) when entering the country, so if you sdecide to stay a night or two, just book your hotel and you are good to go.


An article from the Taipei Times, dated 4/14/09 states that "Prostitution Bill Triggers Debate". In the article, a proposal was made to "decriminalize" prostitution in Taiwan, and from the sounds of it, is getting some fairly serious interest. One can only hope that it passes. It does state in the article that currently, if an arrest is made, only the lady gets taken away, with no charges against the customer.

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