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.. HELPING SON BUY USED MOTORCYCLE - Need Advice on What to Look For

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Posted (edited)

My 19-year old son is ready to buy his first bike .. second-hand .. budget THB 40,000-45,000 .. his 'dream bike' is the Yamaha NMAX 155 .. proud to say he insists on paying for it on his own.

I could really use some advice from some of you experienced motorcycle dudes, knowledgeable about what he should be aware of buying a used bike.


A higher quality bike .. reliable transportation for 2-3 years with no costly major repair problems, other than normal maintenance and normal wear & tear.


  1. Should he judge a bike's age based more on how many kilometers it has, or on the model year?
  2. How many kilometers (for a well-maintained bike) before a bike starts suffering from costly major repairs?
  3. Is an inspection by an independent mechanic worthwhile?
  4. About how many kilometers should a well-maintained bike get before major replacement repairs start? .. 10,000+? .. 20,000+ .. 30,000+ .. more?
  5. Would normal wear & tear maintenance work typically include tires and brake pads?
  6. Should any of these be expected as normal wear & tear (to be dealt with within the first xx,xxx kilometers?), or would they be major repairs indicating an aging bike to avoid .. which of these are likely to go first?:
  • cables
  • electronic ignition system
  • front forks
  • swing arm shocks
  • brake calipers/drums
  • starter
  • transmission
  • fuel injector
  • clutch
  • drive belt & sprocket
  • engine (timing chain, gasket set)
  • any other stuff


  1. He's learned enough to know to require the seller to deliver a registered title, to avoid stolen bikes .. anything else of which he should be aware?
  2. Does anyone know anything about the auction houses auctioning what I think are bank-repossessed bikes?
  3. He is looking at online listings .. many motorcycle shops .. some individuals .. are there others you think he should search?
  • Facebook
  • Motors.co.th
  • BahtSold.com

Anyone else on the forum knowing of such a bike for sale .. please .. contact me.


  1. He is viewing 2016-2017 models with 10,000-15,000 km for THB 45,000-50,000.
  2. Can he reasonably get what he is targeting in this budget range? .. he is an unusually patient buyer, for a teenager.

My son is doing his homework about what to look for, but still relying upon me for help (my only bike was a Flintstone-Era 1970 chain-driven, manual clutch, carburated, kickstart Yamaha 650 .. nothing like what's out there now, so I am again quite a hapless motorcycle newbie.

Whatever intel any of you might contribute to the above will be greatly appreciated .. perhaps useful for other forum members.

Edited by brutox


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  • brutox changed the title to .. HELPING SON BUY USED MOTORCYCLE - Need Advice on What to Look For
7 hours ago, LASportsNut said:

@pattayagolf is a good source of information, however your questions are extensive.  I am unsure if he has the time.

Oh, yeah.. DK Motorbike Rentals.. the guy has been managing a stable of rentals (i.e. second hand bikes) forever, so is probably THE used motorcycle authority.. he was my first stop a couple of weeks ago. 

Kevin was kind enough to offer me valuable guidance when I made my first round of Pattaya dealership visits a couple of weeks ago.

[Thanks again, Kevin. ]

My kid was then looking for the new NMAX with a financing package.. the long and indeterminate wait to get an NMAX was a problem (months and months.. chips out of China are still not readily available).

But, the criminal financing the Thai banks and finance companies charge young borrowers killed the new bike idea dead in its tracks by itself.. fuckin' criminal.

If you are peering in, Kevin (or others), I am not looking for a discertation here.. just bits and pieces, generalities, and bullet points, as you know them.

Thanks, men. 

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9 hours ago, brutox said:

He is viewing 2016-2017 models with 10,000-15,000 km for THB 45,000-50,000


Those prices seem top end. First 3 on a FB search in Pattaya show much better prices.


2 hours ago, rhodie said:


Those prices seem top end. First 3 on a FB search in Pattaya show much better prices.


Thanks, @rhodie.

Digging a bit deeper into the market, he found in addition to Facebook Marketplace, two more sources with extensive listings:

> https://www.kaidee.com/
> https://www.kaimocyc.com/

As you cite, I think with a bit of patience he will find a bike in his budget between the three.

We really want to understand better WHAT that bike should be.

Above how many kilometers does an NMAX start breaking down and becoming a costly maintenance problem? .. assuming it has been properly maintained.

Working on it.


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11 hours ago, brutox said:

Above how many kilometers does an NMAX start breaking down and becoming a costly maintenance problem? .. assuming it has been properly maintained.

Not sure, but they all seem to go forever and very cheap to maintain and fix. I think @Rocketboy rides one. Maybe he can chime in.



Anyone mention Pg 18 already ?

1 hour ago, rhodie said:

Not sure, but they all seem to go forever and very cheap to maintain and fix. I think @Rocketboy rides one. Maybe he can chime in.

Hey, @Rocketboy .. long time, no see.

You ride an NMAX? .. how many kilometers, what year, and can you offer a quick summary of repair issues beyond routine maintenance?

Would you do it again, or might you buy differently next time?

Also .. if you bought it second hand, how many kilometers did it have when you bought it.



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42 minutes ago, Edge said:


Anyone mention Pg 18 already ?

Okay, Edge .. I'm thinking here, and coming up with a blank .. "Pg 18"?

Ummm, gimme' a hint, eh?



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13 minutes ago, brutox said:

Okay, Edge .. I'm thinking here, and coming up with a blank .. "Pg 18"?

Ummm, gimme' a hint, eh?

Of the Green Book....shows stuuf like finance and major repairs

Page 4 gives dates of manf vs first reg...often big gap.

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  • Thanks 1
3 minutes ago, Edge said:

Of the Green Book....shows stuuf like finance and major repairs

Page 4 gives dates of manf vs first reg...often big gap.

I've never been through a vehicle green book, so thank you, Edge.

Is the finance and major repairs record a required green book entry, or just an optional thing for record keeping?

Would a gap between dates of manufacture and first registration be the period it sits on the dealer showroom waiting for a first buyer? .. or, something of greater concern?


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2 hours ago, brutox said:

Is the finance and major repairs record a required green book entry, or just an optional thing for record keeping?

Would a gap between dates of manufacture and first registration be the period it sits on the dealer showroom waiting for a first buyer? .. or, something of greater concern?

Finance definitely and may show the bank as a previous owner.......not a problem if paid off.
Major repair, yes if it's been the subject of an insurance claim

Gap is usually time spent en route/in warehouse/in showroom i.e. no kms on odo' but I've seen models in a main showroom which are 2 models behind current so at least 2 years.
It might be a means to negotiate a discount but obviously it affects resale price.
A friend bought a bike based on Registration date and the gap back to manufacture was 3 years and two models earlier than he thought.

5 hours ago, brutox said:

Hey, @Rocketboy .. long time, no see.

You ride an NMAX? .. how many kilometers, what year, and can you offer a quick summary of repair issues beyond routine maintenance?

Would you do it again, or might you buy differently next time?

Also .. if you bought it second hand, how many kilometers did it have when you bought it.




First screenshot is from my FB page when I brought my bike. Also a few pictures. You can see the mileage as of today.


Other than routine maintenance no issues what so ever. Oil change, air filter changed, rear brake pads twice since I've had it. I have had to replace the rear tire 3 times. I also changed the seat cover twice.


I have a regular guy on my soi who does all the work on my bike. He's fair and honest, few of my friends go to him as well. 


Yes I would do it again. My first bike was a brand new 2018 Honda Click 125 that I purchased at Mityon. Paid with my bank card think it was 54000฿.







  • Like 2

To answer a few of your questions:

I try to buy from a Farang for a few reasons:
The records including Odometer readings are more likely to be accurate.
Replacement parts are more likely to be good quality.
Servicing is more likely to be done.

Honda and Yamaha are the preferred brands in Thailand, especially Honda.

Most bikes will require more expensive replacement parts at about 40K - the service book has the recommended intervals. It's a time where many a bike is sold without having the recommended parts replaced.

Keeping the above in mind, you may pay a little more on the front end but have little trouble along the way and better re-sale at the end.

If he can stretch it or wait longer a new Scoopy is a solid first bike with a very well sorted front end compared to other options started at about 53K out the door.

Ah, he's a kid and wants an NMax. What am I thinking?

These are just my opinions and YMMV.

  • Like 2

Your in bangkok right? Got a charging point?

Thomas EV S-2000. I saw them in central festival and they are cool AF. 80k but you could chip in. Helping the environment etc 😉 



I will sell you this Bike ive had almost from NEW


Yamaha NMAX 2019 manufacture and  2020 registered

24,020 kms

Very good condition

Regular services every 4000 kms

Recent new tyres


Green book

All documents ready for easy Pattaya transfer

55,000 baht

Tel 0899326716

LINE dkmotorbike


For all your Pattaya Golf and Hotel Reservations visit www.pattayagolf.com

Posted (edited)

All of you men .. thank you .. @LASportsNut, @rhodie, @Edge, @Rocketboy, @1080B, @taylor1975, @PattayaGolf.com

Each of you contributed valuable bits and pieces to the due diligence .. with your collective advice, and two of his motorcycle-dude buddies, I think he got up into that 85-90% confidence level before throwing his money down.. about as good as you might reasonably get buying a used anything.

He spent the weekend going down his short list here in Bangkok, and arrived home yesterday proudly sporting his new ride .. pretty confident that he got a good one:

> a 2018 (registered 2019) Yamaha NMAX 155 .. 20,200 km

> clean and complete Green Book

> one-owner .. a national emergency roadside service company, who presumably knows about fleet maintenance, and whose employees used it to quickly get to stranded customers

> tax paid through middle next year

> asked THB 45,000.. accepted THB 42,500 cash.. all-in, drive away with a fresh oil change and a full tank (my son pays the title transfer fee and insurance)

Nice, guys.. nice.

This due diligence process and market pricing was a great learning experience for my son, which will benefit him in all of his future major purchases .. second-hand, or new .. motorcycle, car, home, whatever.

Thanks again, men.

[By the way, we really didn't think much of it .. but .. the transmission is supposed to make that low grinding sound and blue exhaust smoke is a good thing .. right? .. 555]

Edited by brutox


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Posted (edited)

Hey @Rocketboy .. my son bought very nearly the same bike and mileage as your "Kitty" when you bought her a couple of years ago.. at essentially the same price you paid.

Before your "Kitty" starts requiring major parts replacement, you could probably sell her in the THB mid-30s and buy her all over again .. same-same.

Just causally surveying the market, we saw a number of bikes in the 10,000-12,000 kilometre range, and even2 that were less than 5,000 kilometres .. with patience, buyers can find some very good values out there in the high THB 40,000s.

If you took a THB 10,000 or even A 15,000 depreciation on selling her, and you had her for (I'm guessing 2-3 years), your capital cost for motorcycle transportation would be less than THB 400-600/month!

Pretty surprising how these bikes hold their value, if kilometres are the measure of age rather than years.

Interestingly enough, I found that second-hand cars here in Thailand also maintain their values well above what I experienced in the States.

Edited by brutox
  • Like 3


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7 hours ago, pattayagolf said:

I will sell you this Bike ive had almost from NEW


Yamaha NMAX 2019 manufacture and  2020 registered

24,020 kms

Very good condition

Regular services every 4000 kms

Recent new tyres


Green book

All documents ready for easy Pattaya transfer

55,000 baht

Tel 0899326716

LINE dkmotorbike


For those who do not know, pattayagolf and I spoke a few weeks ago, he gave me some good guidance, and I asked him to let us know if Satang's dream bike showed up in inventory.

And.. voilà! 

This forum has evolved way, waaay beyond adult pleasure consultant reviews.. now crosses all manner of useful subjects. 

My kid already found his bike, but thanks anyway pattayagolf. 

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