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No NADA about the NETA but the test drive was impressive and the wife ordered one. They say about tow months for delivery. We'll see

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95 hp and 150 Nm of torque, you will be able to time 0-100 with a sundial!

If it floats, flies or fucks, RENT IT!!!!! "He who hesitates, masturbates"

2 hours ago, freedom42 said:

95 hp and 150 Nm of torque, you will be able to time 0-100 with a sundial!

Think a knock around town entry level EV. 0-60 at 3.5 won't win a prize, just do a job.

On 28/04/2023 at 22:43, jetdoc said:

Think a knock around town entry level EV. 0-60 at 3.5 won't win a prize, just do a job.

So now the wife says she don't want it - WTF - I'm pissed cause it is a great value and fits our behavior. Her reasoning, not enough range. We probably don't do 100 clicks a week on the truck so with 380k range, maybe charge couple times a month. Increasing EV range means increasing weight which is self defeating so doesn't compute for a guy like me. Guess I'll ask her why she has a motorbike and why it doesn't have a bigger fuel tank. BTW correction, further research says the 0-50k time more like 5.3sec.  


I notice there is a BYD dealer over on the western side of the Ring Road. It looks like a bunch of Chinese EVs are becoming available in Thailand along with the overpriced Tesla. 

Lately, I'm seeing more and more charging stations around, but if the plan was a local, knock-around-town vehicle a home charger ought to be more than enough. I agree with you--for an around-town vehicle it would be hard to beat an EV. 

2 hours ago, Garzan said:

I notice there is a BYD dealer over on the western side of the Ring Road. It looks like a bunch of Chinese EVs are becoming available in Thailand along with the overpriced Tesla. 

BYD has been marketing EV's for quite a while and NETA is relatively recent and I read something to the effect that PTT have some sort of deal and not sure if one of reason why NETA is being sold so cheep. NETA has been setting sales records and has over 300,000 on the road in China. Not to concerned about buying from a newbe as they probably use one of the wildly available proven platforms and add their goodies to make a car.

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