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VT6 swimming pool


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How easy is it to use their swimming pool if your not a resident?

Pretty sure last time i stayed there which was years ago you needed a key to access the pool.Is this still the case?

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Yeah you need a keycard to access the pool but sometimes the door is left open. You have to pass security too who are pretty nosy so if they don't recognize you and you look shifty just going straight to the pool from outside, they might question/stop you. I think better to just find a paid pool and use that.

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I've never needed a key card to get to the pool.

However, as @Ohyesuaresays, security will probably spot you if you are not a resident.  Maybe the first time you will get away with it, but after you walk past them to the pool, then striaght past them on the way out without taking the lift to your condo - they will remember you for next time you try.

Now that I'm typing I do remember seeing once a security guard speak to a guy who was lying by the pool, but at the time I just took it as being friendly.  Perhaps they were checking that they were a resident?

If you are still going to try (which I wouldn't!), at the very least I would buy some lunch at Honeys first so at least you are kind of a 'patron'.

Edited by mattmoore1965x
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I am one of those guys who always close the pooldoor if it’s open.

and you also need the key to open when you go back from pool area

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