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Honda - what branch? [Forza 350, new]

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Hi guys, 


1) I'm about to buy a new Honda Forza 350 and I noticed there's a dozen (or so) Honda branches in Pattaya. Is there any particular branch you heard good about (or vice versa). 


2) As a first time buyer of a completely new vehicle, is there anything you would recommend me doing/not doing (i.e. perhaps something you wish you knew when you bought your first new bike). 


Thanks :)


Mityon Honda if they have them available. Pattaya Tai and 3rd Rd is probably their biggest location.


I brought my first bike there and they took care of everything.

  • 1 month later...

The first time I bought a new vehicle was a Honda PCX about 3 years ago. So easy and worry free (payed cash), I only wished I had done so earlier in my life. 

Just be sure to get the first service done on time. Likewise for routine servicing. Will set the bike up for long, trouble-free service.

My PCX has done over 50,000 km now, without any troubles. The previous bike I owned was an ex-rental Dream 100, well maintained with 80,000 km on the clock. Overhauled the engine at 190,000 km. Sold it when I moved on with 295,000 km on the clock, and still plenty of use left in it… now in service with a side-car attached.


I bought a scooter recently from Mityon Honda and it was an easy transaction but it does require a number of post purchase visits.

I had to get a residency certificate an take that in to them.

Next step was to come back to pickup insurance documents two weeks later.

Then 1st service a month later or 1000k

Lastly pickup the registration plates three months after purchase date.


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