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Renting Honda Forza 350

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I would like to rent a Honda Forza 350 in Pattaya for one or two days, just to try it (I ak thinking to buy it at home) but it seems sold out almost everywhere...some suggestions for rental shops?


R4K seems to like this guy on Beach Road. https://g.page/mr_deen?share

Google Maps photo


Speaking from having owned a 300cc Forza, in my opinion the only real world difference between riding the 300 and riding the 350 is the mirror placement. The 300 has them on the handlebars and the 350 have them on the fairing body. 

For me, my Forza was the most comfortable scooter I've ridden, and when you want to, it moves right along as fast as I'd ever want to go on a scooter. 🙂



I rented a 350 for several months while I waited for my new 350 to arrive.

Once while my rented 350 was being serviced they gave me a 300 for one day.

While the 2021 and 2022 are identical except available color schemes, the 300 also sits a little lower too.

  • 300 is 755 mm or 29.72 inches
  • 350 is 780 mm or 30.71 inches

I actually like to be higher for visibility.

You will like the Forza. 

The only thing that you need to account for is when splitting lanes between cars you must be a little more careful.

Also parking is a little more difficult, as you need to find a little larger area.

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I hope to find one 350 to try...somewhere!

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