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Hi guys, I have been quite busy making a few designs for my future retirement home. A bit of background, me and my wife own a few houses and a condo in Bkk as well as an ancestral house/land 2 hrs north of Bkk but we plan to give all those away to our daughter once both of us retired. God knows how expensive real estate will be in another 20 years in the city so best to give our kid a head start.

Recently we acquired a 1 rai land at Chanthaburi since we both love that province a lot, it seems to have the best of everything - nice beaches, islands, not too far away from Bkk & Pattaya incase there is a need for something unobtainable here, mountains, waterfalls, lots of fruit plantations and very near to the border of Cambodia if we feel like doing some gambling at the casinos.

So here is one of the house design that I have come up with, I am not an architect but I do have some AutoCAD knowledge. I also got some ideas looking at a few house plans from some of Thailand's biggest housing developers (Land & Houses, Sansiri, AP etc.)


3D & 2D CAD Design Services : https://noblecad.wixsite.com/noble-design

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