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Dear Editor: I just returned from a 3 week vacation in Thailand and Pattaya and after reading your editorial could not help but reply to it.


I have been to other Asian countries but never have I seen girls as ruthless and money hungry as they are in Thailand. They make bargirls in the Philippines look like little angels.


It seems they have but one goal (to extract as much money as they can from a foreigner) and hide no intentions about what they want. It would seem to me that foreign men would eventually get the word out about these women and stop patronizing the so called tourist bar areas of Thailand and go to other countries. The women aren't even that pretty in my opinion.


I don't know why men from other countries think that Pattaya is so great when they get ripped off so much. I was never ripped off and I did take a couple women out but I soon realized how it is here so it was strictly business for me so I could walk away.


I have also noticed something else since I have been reading your newspaper on the internet. Everyday I read about some farang falling to his death from a building or a condo. It seems like an everyday occurrence and it always seems to be an accident. But the one common factor is that a women is usually was in the room or with the man when this happens. Are these women pushing men off buildings because they are angry the man does not give them money? This sure seems strange to me but the incidents are always reported as accidents.


As for me I am never coming back to Thailand for vacation I think I have already seen enough but good luck to any men who think they can find the love of their life here. It is strictly about the money here. And with the financial situation of the world now and tourism falling off these women are going to become more ruthless than ever.




not true, not true ...

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Ok, the girls want our money that's true but at least they are selling something! Where did this guy thing he was going, Majorca?!!!!

My Pattaya budget is perfectly adequate as long as I don't spend any of it

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what did he pretend? to find a working girl and don't expect to pay her?? if he does not want to pay, he should look for different type of girls...as for the "accidents", most of the time I trust they are not accidents at all, but I don't think the girls push anyone off the balconies...

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What an idiot. I wonder what he went to Pattaya for ? I mean if he didn't want anything from the Thai women why should their money hungriness be an issue to him?


The truth is immortal but people who speak it aren't - Thai proverb

Karl's Thailand - My YouTube Channel



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Wonder if the original guy who wrote into the editor has been only to AC or to Manila and anywhere in Makati..... The girl's maybe more docile in AC but their are more shitty scams, like 300 peso ladies drink's and girl's who won't go out or runners in AC.


I rather pick LOS over AC any day. AC or the PI is fine for short breaks any more and it drives me nuts.

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you aint been down the harbour area after 2am in aberdeen then lol !

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Ha ha, it's a shame that he didn't fall to his death :GoldenSmile1:

“Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect -and I don't live to be- but before you start pointing fingers... make sure you hands are clean!”. Bob Marley.

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LOL, what a funny read. I love stereotypes about thai women. My chinese taxi driver, who was telling my mates and I about all the Chinese brothels in Sydney said "I would never fuck a thai girl, they are just dirty, you need 2 condoms for them".

I don't buy out the bar, I buy the nightspot.

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He should go and check out some of the Eastern European whores that I saw in Berlin last week. Ruthless and money hungry seems a fair description!

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When you are quoted 9000 bht for an hour or so with a Czech lovely, the cheeky thai smiles looking for 1 or 2k LT are greatly missed.


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Well the good news is - that is one less dick head in Thailand from now on.


He ain't happy, so he should stick to his word and 'never go back'.

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Sounds like even the hookers weren't interested in him and this is sour grapes!


Yeah i was thinking that!

Without a family a rich man is very poor

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The man has a lot to learn and absorb. Kipling had it just right: "The colonel's lady and Judy O'Grady are sisters under the skin." The agenda's the same all over the world, no matter how it's dressed up. At least Thai women do it with a laugh and a smile, and can make a man feel special while the till is ringing. :P

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Yes off course its all about money!!


With no state support in the LOS, they must always be looking for the next opportunity to pay for the room etc, and send 'tang' to the family, who probably sent them to Pattaya!


Ruthless (in my opinion) is a gross exageration.


Some of the girls can be real sweeties, yes of course they need money.

A mans gotta do, what a mans gotta do!

When all is said and done, more is said than done!

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you aint been down the harbour area after 2am in aberdeen then lol !


Been there, done that!!! :)

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He obviously has never had an ex wife.

always use a taxi - easy to have one more beer - more fun in back seat

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this reminds me of a few "ruthless" girls that would handwash all my clothes, wash me in the shower, teach me thai, when we went out to eat their check-bin was less than 100 baht for a tom yum gung and some watermelon juice

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When you are quoted 9000 bht for an hour or so with a Czech lovely, the cheeky thai smiles looking for 1 or 2k LT are greatly missed.


So spot on.


When I was last in Prague & in a rather quiet top-end hostess club off Wenceslas Square near Museum I thought I had misheard the price in Krona. After confirming price which wass quoted just after buying an average price beer & doing the currency conversion, it worked out at around £300 for 1 hour.


I politely declined. The girl, who was stunning & said she was from Cameroon, said in English that this was the standard price.


I walked away - no attempt by her to renegotiate - I finished my drink (cost £2 + £4 entry fee) & left.


I woul still recommend Prague (or Praha to give proper Czech name) as a short holiday destination - really nice place to walk around - lots of fab resteraunts & bars - but I would forget about the Hostess bars unless you have a large wallet. On the other hand, it is cheaper & quicker to get to from UK, but hotels are becoming more expensive.


I also had my wallet dipped in the street on one trip - but I guess that could happen anywhere - fortunately only cash as cards kept in hotel safe.



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