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From my own experience and thru talking with other punters the effects of all that beer and Kamagra can give you a burning stomach/acid indigestion, NO SHIT you might be saying but finding a cure might be frustrateing. I had this problem and others have told me the same, youll go into a pharmacy and tell them whats wrong and youll end up with some small pills that dont do a thing for you. An ex-pat turned me onto ENO the thai form of rennies(brit) or rolaids(amer) and its cheap 10bht as i remember and available in most 7-11 and other shops.

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I use Gelusil tablets. Available at Tesco Lotus & most pharmacies. Usually 6 tablets for 6 baht.

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Goto the pharmacy and get som Rantandine tablets , they work great .


should be able to get a little sleve of 10 pills for about 20 baht (dirt cheap)


the pahrmacy between lk metropole and soibukhao on soi diana has them for sure


its the generic version of zantac





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  • 1 year later...

Have to add my two cents. I like Antacin. It's 5 baht for a ten pack of individually wrapped pills (handy for carrying around and waterproof). They are as equally effective as Tums in America, but they don't taste as good. Can be bought at any Pharmacy store.


Eno, if I remember correctly, is like Alka Seltzer, you pour the sachet in water and it fizzes, then drink up. But, for me, it's useless. Try Antacin, at less than 1 baht per pill, you have little too lose, except your indigestion in about 15 seconds.

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