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Microsoft Says It Cannot Stop Windows 10 From Spying On You, Doesn’t Think You Should Be Concerned


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Microsoft Office, the latest version, has pretty much caught up with the Windows version - so all of your Excel data files should carry over just fine.

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Microsoft Office, the latest version, has pretty much caught up with the Windows version - so all of your Excel data files should carry over just fine.


Roger, pressure of work took over, so I intend to dedicate tomorrow to completing the full task. I have forced  myself to us the Mac exclusively, in conjunction with Drive. This is just as well as my dear ole PC has just crashed again I am dreading finding out that Mac does that all the time as well.


I downloaded one of my complicated excel spreadsheets via drive and so far all is good. I am still running tests but the formulas seem to be still functioning correctly which is a relief.

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Ok I am struggling with something really simple,


1. Chrome when used on the Mac has no spellchecker. I have tried settings/advanced settings/language but there is no spellchecker where advised it should be. Tried downloading a Chrome AP still no luck I get a red dotted line under a misspelt wrod but on the Mac  there is no right click for correction. This is a pain as the keyboard is so small I keep missing keys, I have figured it out in Pages but that does not function in Chrome.


2. When opening a new link, on the PC I merely right click and hit open in a new Tab, That is not available to me on the Mac, what am I doing wrong.

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......what am I doing wrong.

You're using a mac....[emoji2] [emoji6] [emoji2] [emoji6]


Sorry, couldn't help myself 555

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Self discipline is a wonderful thing  :Evil_Grin2: but seeing as you took the time to reply :Hello1: I had to consider the direction your comment was intended to lead me. As I sit here with yet again a dead PC to my left  and therefore unable to work, I am extremely grateful that every time I turn to the Mac it opens and does what it is supposed to, subject to my ever increasing knowledge base.


I have only ever used PCs whilst hating them at the same time and irrespective of the time/effort it is taking to master the Mac I  already prefer it.

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Self discipline is a wonderful thing

It is indeed. But where would we be without a lil bit of Ill discipline...


I have only ever used PCs whilst hating them at the same time and irrespective of the time/effort it is taking to master the Mac I already prefer it.

Congrats. Imagine how much more effort it would take you if you didn't prefer it.

Which probably explains why your PC is sitting in a heap in the corner...

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It is indeed. But where would we be without a lil bit of Ill discipline...



Congrats. Imagine how much more effort it would take you if you didn't prefer it.

Which probably explains why your PC is sitting in a heap in the corner...


555 you missed the  :Evil_Grin2:  and  :Hello1:  To be honest mate I dislike them both but they  are such excellent tools I have no alternative but to use them.

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555 you missed the and

Oh, did I? [emoji1] [emoji1]


To be honest mate I dislike them both but they are such excellent tools I have no alternative but to use them.

Never has a truer word been spoken, especially in this day and age.


Was just being a bit of a smart ass with that first post, didn't mean to wind you up. Thought you might of laughed it off.

Hopefully your conversion goes alot smoother for you, sounds like you've got a few things to sort out.


If you don't mind me asking, if you've switched to mac, why are you still using PC programs? IE chrome and not safari.

Sort of defeats the purpose doesn't it?

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I have half a mind to put my 13 year old Grandson on a plane to Thailand to get all your computer issues sorted Mr Cerberus.

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Did you turn on the right-click functionality in the System Preferences, under Mouse?



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Oh, did I? [emoji1] [emoji1]



Never has a truer word been spoken, especially in this day and age.


Was just being a bit of a smart ass with that first post, didn't mean to wind you up. Thought you might of laughed it off.

Hopefully your conversion goes alot smoother for you, sounds like you've got a few things to sort out.


If you don't mind me asking, if you've switched to mac, why are you still using PC programs? IE chrome and not safari.

Sort of defeats the purpose doesn't it?


You didn't mate  :hello09: There you go, haven't  even opened Safari yet, so its a browser 555


I have half a mind to put my 13 year old Grandson on a plane to Thailand to get all your computer issues sorted Mr Cerberus.


Now there is a welcome suggestion cats reject, he would probably do it in 10 minutes and I could repay him with a visit to the Den  :Evil_Grin2: a truly win win situation


Did you turn on the right-click functionality in the System Preferences, under Mouse?



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Nope didn't know I had to  :Think1: I have now  :Clap1: thanks



I think the double quotes were me getting excited about my newly found right click capability


p.s. OojohnnyoO that was not nice and you have to know I hate it but am committed to trying it now

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You didn't mate  :hello09: There you go, haven't  even opened Safari yet, so its a browser 555




Now there is a welcome suggestion cats reject, he would probably do it in 10 minutes and I could repay him with a visit to the Den  :Evil_Grin2: a truly win win situation




Japan Airlines Flight 018.Arrives 11.55pm on the 26th.

He's tall,red haired,kinda awkward with a slight bulge in his shorts.

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the keyboard is so small I keep missing keys....


I'd suggest an external keyboard. I used to see a former manager typing delicately on his Mac laptop keyboard, writing code and wondering "Why not just get a REAL keyboard and get on with it??" He was stubborn/backwards about other things as well...Ha Ha. Good riddance to that job. ;) 



...and irrespective of the time/effort it is taking to master the Mac I  already prefer it.


Good for you. Now that you're over the hump, don't turn back. :)

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I'd suggest an external keyboard. I used to see a former manager typing delicately on his Mac laptop keyboard, writing code and wondering "Why not just get a REAL keyboard and get on with it??" He was stubborn/backwards about other things as well...Ha Ha. Good riddance to that job. ;) 



Good for you. Now that you're over the hump, don't turn back. :)


Its all good. Ran a trial with a keyboard I had hanging around  :hello09:




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Glad to see you come along so well.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Time will tell :Evil_Grin2: another question  if I may. To date I have set the Mac up along with a human size keyboard and mouse. The printer is also now connected and functioning, (Buddha bless the internet) and it is my main machine. I had a play with Numbers and was delighted how easy it was to make a spread sheet with basic formulas. Question is the only way of connecting to the Mac either USB or Wireless, for instance if I wish to add another screen can that be done via the thunderbolt port?

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Yes, it can be. You just need an appropriate cable or adapter, depending if you use VGA, DVI or HDMI on the other screen.


The thunderbolt connector is also known as 'mini displayport'

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This I like :Think1:





I shower only me

The streets don't change but maybe the names

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