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Slow loading board on ipad, when trip counter is seen


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When ever i read topics, and there is post from people who have these big pattaya count down things in there signature, my ipad tends to get real slow when scrolling down. It just turns the screen grey for a short while.


Not 100% sure its the count down thing that does it, but when ever it happens there is always someone who have it. Assume it is them that is causing it.


Anybody experienced same thing, or know for sure what could be causing it.

Is there any settings i might could use to make it faster?

No eternal rewards will forgive us now for wasting the dawn


Those load offsite from remote servers and are usually full of javascript to track viewers by. It could be anything from sloppy programming to slow servers to an older iPad (honestly, anything less than an Air could be pokey with JS) 

Give it a week when iOS 9 comes out and then you can block those for good :Grin3:   


Or Tapatalk app


Those load offsite from remote servers and are usually full of javascript to track viewers by. It could be anything from sloppy programming to slow servers to an older iPad (honestly, anything less than an Air could be pokey with JS) 

Give it a week when iOS 9 comes out and then you can block those for good :Grin3:


It is an ipad air.

Will see how it does when iOS 9 comes out.



No eternal rewards will forgive us now for wasting the dawn


I switched signatures off as soon as I signed up here; less scrolling and faster.


Check this shit out:

The Mobile Video Ad Lie (via Medium.com)

NYPost.com site loads 10Mb on iPhone, with no videos or video ads to be seen


Try to get through it; it'll piss you off. The author tracked the connections on what appeared to be simple pages (no videos, just a couple photos and some text). There were exactly 2 ads on the entire website that he saw,  but in 5 minutes he discovers it's now over 900 server requests and averaging 10MBs per page. Javascript loads within loads, hidden videos, tons of shit loading in the background. Basically, they're fraudulently spiking their ad networks and falsifying views (Betcha the Daily Mail does this too - same publisher), and eating up your monthly allotment. 

The words you're searching for are "thieving bastards"


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