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Areca Lodge


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.... Oh yes, I should add that the WiFi is now excellent. Seemless from room to lobby to pool areas.

Sometimes... Died Evergreen tower-wide my last night, rooms and password protected "outside"... Called it in at 8p, still wasn't fixed by noon check out.


It did work well until then.

My guardian angel wears a hard hat...

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I stayed in 3 hotels during my 12 nights, I'll write a comparison soon... That said, I prefer the other 2 hotels approach: call the room, "Lady here to see you, you want her come to room?" "Yes please" "okay, thank you".

Also, areca only hotel of the 3 that never called when lady leaves: "everything okay?" "Yes" "okay, thank you"


Vincent Law

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I moved out of Nature View after staying there for a week and into Areca for a week over Songkran specifically because of the gym as I didn't want to get wet going down to Tony's...


I wish I would have stayed in Nature View and took my chances now..

The gym is basic at best (there's actually two one at the back too as well as two pools)

The hotel is OK but I stayed in a standard room as the rest were booked up and to be honest it wasn't worth the extra 600 per night compared to Nature View ..

It's all good though I tried it but wouldn't recommend it....

I'm looking to stay here over Songkran next year.  Was the hotel fairly full and the pools busy during your stay? Grounds seem really nice and looks like it would have a nice atmosphere during that time.  Do the standard rooms have a balcony overlooking the pool? Cheers.

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the gym looks terrible..  does the other one have dumbells ?    o, yeah.. when i'm inside it does ofcourse ..

hung like einstein and smart as a mule..

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Still showing over 1500 even in low season. It's a damn shame...

Vincent Law

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Still showing over 1500 even in low season. It's a damn shame...

I really do not see the price going down, on Agoda at the moment the price is $37 a night excluding taxes (but includes breakfast).


A couple of guys are complaining about the gym @agoda,well I travel for work and in most hotels even in the US the Gyms are mostly basic -but what does a guy need to do during his vacation to keep reasonably fit -agoda has a pretty good apparatus,some treadmills ,some dumbbells and mats on the floor.

Better to pay for a fantasy than lose to an illusion 


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I'm looking to stay here over Songkran next year. Was the hotel fairly full and the pools busy during your stay? Grounds seem really nice and looks like it would have a nice atmosphere during that time. Do the standard rooms have a balcony overlooking the pool? Cheers.

Some overlook the pool yes,

The grounds of the hotel are ok but il be honest I think Nature View on Boukhao was far better especially the pool view rooms and it's 600 a night cheaper...

Far too many choices nowadays (for instance the songkran before I rented a 3 bed villa for 1500 a day)


Oh yes to answer your question it was full up no rooms at all on Agoda,or anywhere else I walked round and got mine even their website was showing full.

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I really do not see the price going down, on agoda at the moment the price is $37 a night excluding taxes (but includes breakfast).


A couple of guys are complaining about the gym @agoda,well I travel for work and in most hotels even in the US the gyms are mostly basic -but what does a guy need to do during his vacation to keep reasonably fit -agoda has a pretty good apparatus,some treadmills ,some dumbbells and mats on the floor.

Tony's gym at 120 baht per visit is a far better option the equipment is shite in Areca TBH.

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Thanks for the WiFi update. Be there next month

Thanks for the WiFi update. Be there next month

Thanks for the WiFi update. Be there next month

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Tony's gym at 120 baht per visit is a far better option the equipment is shite in Areca TBH.

I hear you,but am on holidays,and my 200 squats,100 push ups and 200 stomach crunches are enough to keep me going for the 2 weeks am in patts .Areca adds the ability to do running on their treadmills...Am not that vain to be headed to Tony's gym for a workout,and it's not even free..55555


but please note --this is my personal opinion,I can understand a serious gym rat needing a professional setup,99% of the tourists to patts are no gym rats...555

Better to pay for a fantasy than lose to an illusion 


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I hear you,but am on holidays,and my 200 squats,100 push ups and 200 stomach crunches are enough to keep me going for the 2 weeks am in patts .Areca adds the ability to do running on their treadmills...Am not that vain to be headed to Tony's gym for a workout,and it's not even free..55555


but please note --this is my personal opinion,I can understand a serious gym rat needing a professional setup.

Two minutes down the road on the moped haha..

It was ok for a weeks use though,only one of the treadmills in the main room worked a.fortnight ago:)

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Can you guys confirm if the hotel is lady friendly please? Last thing I want to do is pay 500baht every time I bring a lady back

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it is guest friendly (no charge for the First Lady) but you might be asked to pay about 500 baht for a extra lady.


So if you want a threesome factor in the extra 500 baht.

Better to pay for a fantasy than lose to an illusion 


trips to Angeles city 2015/2016    best sexual experience    best condoms

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I just got back from two weeks in evrergreen tower This was my 1st time at hotel and won't go back


Not that's there's Any major flaws , I made 6 trips and stayed at 6 different hotels trying to find out what area I like best...



Shower - like reviews stated water gets everywhere


Pools- after the 2nd day the bigger pool the water was kinda gross.. Was cloudy and not healthy looking


Gym- basic - has dumbells up to 50lbs- but I'm a gym rat and went to Tony's on 3rd road it was 1500 for a week but to me it was a must as I like to hit the weights during the day even on holiday


Location- again my opinion but didn't like the location of evergreen .. Just an annoying layout to get to soi Diana and after this trip realized that LK Metro just wasn't for me.


AC broke 2 days before my departure - they couldn't move me but gave me a fan. The ac didn't completely die, but the coolest room got was 25 Celsius and it was 115 degrees during my visit


Rude receptionist - mischarged me at checkout and when i questioned it they talked shit to me in Thai .. Not a biggy but just didn't like that


I like my clothes pressed- so when I get to the hotel I like to hang my clothes on the hangers, they couldn't provide me any extra hangers..


Again some of this is petty , but I like what I like Just booked my trip for sept (US Labor Day) and started to hotel hunt Think I may give baraquda a shot.. If not , then will go back to August Suites which has been my overall favorite . Hard rock has been my fav but too pricey




Comfy bed

Decent free breakfast

Good wifi

Receiptionist always asked for ID and called room

Great housekeeping staff

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Just booked 20 nights ( standard room ) in september. 5th till 25th. Godddd i cant Wait to be there.

I travel solo But it is always great to find goodfellas so if you want some drinking Just message me guys!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've been staying at Areca (Evergreen) for the past 5 years.... typically 3 trips a year: so I know the place well..  When I first started visiting it was pretty reasonable in terms of rates for what you get....  however after year on year increases I'm now questioning the value and whether its time to move on...  


I also agree with alot of the comments above:  some of my observations:   


Check-in: if I've been at the place about 15 times in the past 5 years why do I need to always fill out a reservation card on arrival?  Dont they have my details from prior visits or my online reservation?  


ACE Club: Why do I need to show my ACE Card for the discount when you know I'm a member (ie look on the damn system!)


Bath Tub with shower: get with the times and get rid of the bloody bathtubs and put normal showers in the bathrooms...  The only thing it does is leak water all over the bathroom floor and waste towels...  


I've made these suggestions in feedback / comments: with no response...  so either my thoughts are off track; or they couldnt care less...  



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Good points. I stayed there at the evergreen tower last trip based on good feedback; nothing wrong with it but think theirs much better in Pattaya for money/comfort.. Shower is annoying for sure...


Maybe it's time for a change; Areca will always be there in case the grass isn't greener.

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  • 1 month later...

i don't mind the shower..   but didn't 'like' the signing in of girls..   i liked other hotel where they can just hand i.d. to reception and go your room..

other thing,  if you stay in evergreen (building 3) and have a girl who doesn't know hotel,  they will never find reception..  then you need to

pick them up in soi 13 ..  but then you need other internet log in.. to talk on Line..   almost 'missed' a girl because couldn't talk anymore..

wifi sucks in rooms further away from 'staff rooms' (where router is)  had to put Line on laptop.. and make network with wired LAN cable..

(yes, i talk a lot online .. 2/3 of girls i find on t f  wechat, badoo, or already on Line..   others outside)     plus : hotel very close to LK Metro

Gyms : both have dumbells,  but only good for a one day workout (for me)

hung like einstein and smart as a mule..

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Sometimes... Died Evergreen tower-wide my last night, rooms and password protected "outside"... Called it in at 8p, still wasn't fixed by noon check out.


It did work well until then.







i stayed in VT6 with super fast flawless internet for a month...had always heard this was a good place on the board...you guys really let me down on this one...never, ever ever ever again...i can't tell  you how pissed off i am...paying $50+/n for a hotel room (more than twice what i used to pay at the Pattaya Bay Resort around the corner) and they can't even have the internet work...FUCK THIS PLACE.

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well, i agree with you about that internet..  i don't have a thai sim,    so i need stable wifi to communicate..

in this day and age,  that's pretty important (to increase your range)  and without it, you're also 'cut-off' from people

you know..   so..    ask for a room close to staff room when you book..   then you are close to wifi router..

staff room is on elevator side, on every floor ..

hung like einstein and smart as a mule..

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I have stayed in Areca Lodge 7 or 8 times in the last 3 years. I've always found it to be a good place to stay. I've stayed in both the Corona Building and the Evergreen. Obviously the Evergreen is the prefered choice if you can get a good rate becaue of the extra space in the Room(Your can't turn around to wipe your arse in the bathrooms in the Corona). The Internet service has been fairly basic at times, but i think it has improved(Or maybe i've just been lucky with it.). I like the location being close to LK Metro and Soi Diana Bars.

All of my stays have been good except for the last one in April. Air Conditioning was crap. Was staying a in a room in the Evergreen Tower on the top floor. Air Conditioning did nothing for the room on the first night, complaned about on the way out at reception the following day, lots of apologies and they said they would fix it. 2nd night it was still rubbish, complained again on the 3rd day. More apologies and fixed again while I was out for the day and while it improved a little it seemed to start leaking water. Lots more apologies and checked again. I inquired at the desk on my return that night and they weren't sure if it was fixed or not. I was told I should call reception if i found it to not be working and they would send someone straight up to fix it.

Not that you'd ringing for a work crew at 3pm with a Bar Girl lying in your bed waiting to be fucked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :Bed_Sex:

I gave up and accepted it for what it was, a poor effort to fix the problem. :Surrender1:

"I thought I wanted a Career. Turns out I just wanted a paycheck to buy plane tickets to Thailand."

My Previous Trip Report:

A Fresh Start: 1st Trip Report after 17 Trips

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Id rather sleep on the beach and be rained on than stay at AL again.




i will be writing a scathing review on every website i can find.

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Id rather sleep on the beach and be rained on than stay at AL again.




i will be writing a scathing review on every website i can find.

Are you on a mission? Lol


You know people won't take you serious using that style?



Sent from a Samsung soon

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