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Sugnai Kolok Bombing 3 days ago- Video


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A question for you guys "in the know", What are the chances of these incidents spreading to other parts of Thailand?


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A question for you guys "in the know", What are the chances of these incidents spreading to other parts of Thailand?


I doubt it very much, but you can never know. I would never worry about that. Just keep away from the south.

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A question for you guys "in the know", What are the chances of these incidents spreading to other parts of Thailand?

Unfortunately bombing and shooting up coaches, temples etc.. is quite a common thing in the southernmost provinces of thailand that border malaysia where there is a large tamil/muslim population.

The video was from the narathiwat province which along with songkla, yala and pattani are advised as "only essential travel". Incidents happen almost daily but the rest of the country doesnt get to see it because the media is so heavily filtered. These are the areas that remained under martial law after the military coup ended. Although there are small chances of this happening in other provinces my guess is at the moment the chances are slim.



Edited by Farangutang

"To monger, or not to monger, that is the question"

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A question for you guys "in the know", What are the chances of these incidents spreading to other parts of Thailand?



After the first Bali bombing it was widely assumed the Thailand would be the next target and there was a weak attempt at security in the bar areas of Phukket, maybe Pattaya too.


Not everyone realises that the part of Bali that was bombed was party town for young Australians representing western values i.e. drinking and easy sex to the religious nutters.Their tourist industry was destroyed for a long time after that, don't know if it's recovered yet. It's also not well known that Bali is a hindu island within a muslim country (Indonesia)


I'm not sure what Al Quaeda are up to these days, but I guess they could easily exploit the grievances of the separatist muslims in the south to promote their own agenda. The tourist industry in the south has already been destroyed - these people would get a lot more attention if they attacked Thailand's mainstream tourist industry. A significant decline at this time would be devastating. A bomb in lucifers and the banana club in phukket and the decadent westerners would only be getting what they deserve.

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A bomb in lucifers and the banana club in phukket and the decadent westerners would only be getting what they deserve.

WTF, Have I misread something here???

"To monger, or not to monger, that is the question"

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Luckily most thais are to interested in sanuk to commit attrocities like mentioned above!!!



It has been said that when borders were semi imposed by western colonies they didn't pay attention to ethnic divisions and land rights.


You can see the problems in africa!!!!

Member since Dec 06.

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A bomb in lucifers and the banana club in phukket and the decadent westerners would only be getting what they deserve.

Are you in support of the possibility of a bombing campaign in Thailand?


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A bomb in lucifers and the banana club in phukket and the decadent westerners would only be getting what they deserve.


Sorry! Reading that back it's not very clear what I meant. Of course I don't want a bombing campaign anywhere - I meant that's the way the fundamentalist nutters would see it.


I was trying to make the point that if they wanted to , the jihadists might take advantage of the situation in the south for their own ends - It seems unlikely now , but after the Bali bombings, a lot of people thought LOS would also be in the firing line.

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That is really messed up. What in the hell is wrong with these nuts? I think that they will stay away from the tourist areas because the government/army will go crazy on them if they try this crap in Puket or Pattaya. They will not allow their tourist industry to get hurt.

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It would be naive to think that Pattaya and other tourist spots are safe from this threat :wacko:

Beheading of monks on their way to prayer and machine-gunning of school kids on their way to class.The JI are scum of this earth and would fuck their own Mothers up the ass in the name of jihad!Sad,sad cunts indeed,that bunch of extremist fuckers :P

Time for a beer!!! :D

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