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Models around Pattaya


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Hello, I've been getting more into my portrait photography and have spent a lot of time with models and studios or off camera flashes etc recently. I'm in Pattaya for three weeks in January, and would love to get some good model photos while I'm there. I've considered this on previous visits, but never really seem to have managed anything other than snapshots. I know there are lots of gorgeous women about, but does anyone have any advice on finding some that are reasonable at modelling (although I can demo poses, show them ones on my phone etc I think a better model may still make it easier with the language barrier). And good places to get makeup done etc? I will bring a couple of off camera flashes / reflector etc but I'd also be interested to know if there are still any studios open in town - I see a couple of posts on here but they are quite old now.


Any advice on this would be appreciated, and if anyone is interested in joining me for a shoot that would be cool too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

One of the things that you could do is hit the bars and try to find an accommodating girl.  I have had some good luck with this.



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One of the things that you could do is hit the bars and try to find an accommodating girl.  I have had some good luck with this.


Thank you, that's a great pic! Yes, I think I should put a bit more effort into asking about pics and maybe focus a little less on my cock! My hotel room at April Suites was quite good, but at Flipper House is a little small, but I'd like to do some photos out and about too.

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