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how to write thai tones with normal chars?


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Im attending school and I want to write the words I'm learning with proper tone.

How could I write them?


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Try these instructions: How to Type Pronunciation Guides


I am sure I found a simpler set of instructions in the past but I can't find them.

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Try these instructions: How to Type Pronunciation Guides


I am sure I found a simpler set of instructions in the past but I can't find them.

Thanks it works great.

On windows you just need to download paiboon+.exe then you switch to "polish" language (the name is wrong but is due to a MS setting problem) on you language bar. Polish language allow you to type a letter and then press the 1 to 5 key to add the tone sign to the letter you just type  (number 1 has not cause is the normal tone).


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