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I think have seen youtube videos embedded into this board before so I'm assuming you have enabled it with BB code.


What tags are you using ? Something like this ?


[ youtube ] [ /youtube ] or [ yt ] [ /yt ] ? and can I use [ center ] tags as well ?

'I have voices in my head', said a sad little wanker.

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when you see the video in youtube.. you will see a copy of the url next to the video, below that will be the embed code.. starting and finishing with etc


anyway make sure you are using the full posting options.... i.e clicking add reply rather than fast edit etc.


Paste the code into the post then you'll see a option "post options" and a drop down box.. select "html on- auto line break mode"



that should be it!! if you cant do it, leave the code in the post and when one of the mods comes along then will turn the option on. Cheers

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