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Carlton Hotel, Pattaya!


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Usually I travel to Pats for a minimum of 2 months. Next trip (dates unknown as yet) may well be for only one month. Won't have a lot of time to squander. Am considering spending my time lurking on or around Soi 6. (WS no longer interests me).


The location of the Carlton hotel (2nd RD @ Soi 5) seems ideal. However, several Soi 6 girls I've talked to in the past have said that its trappings are quite run down, if not worn out.


Could any BM with recent experience @ the Carlton comment on the state of its facilities? Overall, would you recommend it?





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Usually I travel to Pats for a minimum of 2 months. Next trip (dates unknown as yet) may well be for only one month. Won't have a lot of time to squander. Am considering spending my time lurking on or around Soi 6. (WS no longer interests me).


The location of the Carlton Hotel (2nd RD @ Soi 5) seems ideal. However, several Soi 6 girls I've talked to in the past have said that its trappings are quite run down, if not worn out.


Could any BM with recent experience @ the Carlton comment on the state of its facilities? Overall, would you recommend it?





Was also thinking of staying here but the reviews of the place are very off putting.


The girls have got it right there are much better places to stay wish you luck.

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Get a Condo for a Month might work out cheaper,they have good rates for monthly stays.

My youtube channel .....https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxoT31MMwxjrLmj6um_BnlA


2 Weeks in Jomtien trip report, photo heavy and videos.....  http://www.pattaya-addicts.com/forum/topic/307477-big-g-returns-2-weeks-in-november-photo-heavy-and-some-videos/



First trip report,more then 500 images.







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Its quite decrepit from the outside, am led to believe that the interiors do not fare well as well. Maybe you could pm BM Chris 50, he apparently always stays there.


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Its a bit of a DUMP, IMHO


I once booked the hotel on a trip 2 years ago, but after seeing the room, I checked out immediately and found another place

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It looks nice from the outside, but closer look shows it has not been renovated for a while, so if the interior of the lobby has not been done, i doubt rooms have been.


Check out latest reviews on tripadvisor, that should give some indication

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Its been a shit hole for years.


Same as it's sister hotel "Bliss Mansions" both filthy hovels & need to be avoided for your health's sake!

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Carlton been sold wouldn't be surprised to see it torn down and another high rise put in its place,its a shithole,can get better rooms for same price imo


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Its not had a good rep for years now.


Please check out the P-A most booked hotels thread here



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This is gonna make me sound old, but I stayed there about 23 years ago and it wasn't anywhere near "new and modern" even back then... doesn't sound like the years have treated it well!

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