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August weather


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I have been thinking of a trip in August to Pattaya and another in November. Now I know November is drier and cooler but how bad is the weather in August?


Is day time fun washed out a lot (golf, theme parks, sight seeing)?


Is it a problem at night going from bar to bar?


I was there a year ago March and it rained twice hard for a short period. Not a show stopper at all.


Should I bring any rain gear? A boat? hehe


Thanks in advance!

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Ive been in August before and it wasnt that bad. Yeah, it rained a few times but nothing horrendous.


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I have been 3 times in August and found it very pleasant. Usually a bit of rain each day - but plenty of bars to wait it out and always good company.

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I will be back in August this year.


I have been in town about three times 4 in August.


It does rain but not so bad that it will ruin oyur hoilday.


Seems to pour down in the morning and again in the evening but only for about an hour or less.


I wouldnt worry about it.

Cheers Mick

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After living here for over 8 yeas, I would say August is OK. As mentioned it may rain, but it is hard and over quick. Kind of like some of the BM's here. lol

Life is Short! Eat Desert First at the "Y"

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My trip is in Auugst too.... I figure if it starts to rain, time to go to The Hell club or go get a soapie!

Eat. Down. South.

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