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8 Year Old killed for a 500 baht Phone

whitespider - RIP

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A dramatic update now relating to the story we featured a few days ago regarding the apparent drowning of an eight year old girl in a lake located on the Eastern Side of Pattaya.


We can now reveal that this case now appears to be a murder over a 500 Baht mobile phone.


The case took place on Tuesday Afternoon and by Friday Morning the suspected murderer, a neighbour of the girl’s parents was in custody. Following the arrest, Banglamung Police organized a reconstruction which revealed the chain-of-events leading up to the girl’s murder while the victim’s parents remained at a local temple praying over the body of their daughter.


The case began on Sunday when the suspect, Khun Maligar aged 26 saw the young girl playing with her mobile phone in the street. Khun Maligar shouted over to the girl and suggested the pair go for a bike ride. The young girl accepted the invitation and the pair rode off in the direction of the Sukumvit Road. The suspect, by her own admission, told the girl that her bike had run out of gas and the girl would have to sell her mobile phone as Khun Maligar had no money. The pair made their way to the tuk.com center located on the South Pattaya Road and the phone was sold for 500 Baht. Khun Maligar told Police that she was afraid that the girl would tell her mother about the phone and it was at this point she decided to kill her.


The money was in fact going to be used to buy gas and Yabba tablets according to the suspect. Khun Maligar asked the girl if she wanted to go swimming in a nearby lake and the pair then made their way to the lake. The girl entered the lake and as she attempted to swim back to the shoreline, she was pushed back into the water by Khun Maligar who used a wooden stick. The girl eventually went under the water and drowned as Khun Maligar looked on.


There was an attempt to take the woman to the parents at the temple to give her a chance to ask for forgiveness, however emotions were running high at the Temple and a large crowd had gathered. Police decided it would be safer for the woman to confront the parents at the Police Station where she explained the chain-of-events to them and then asked for their forgiveness. The parents looked stunned as they listened to the account of the last moments of their daughter life but dramatically forgave the woman for her actions.


Khun Maligar is now facing many years behind bars if she convicted of first degree murder in court.


Courtesy of Pattaya City News

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I've seen drugs doing weird things to people but this is just plain sick!

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And then the little girl with a stick pushing underwater as she wants to swim back to the shore!!! My God some people are really out of there minds to do things like that.

It`s too sad for the parents of that little 8-year old girl. :Hair_Out1:

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And then the little girl with a stick pushing underwater as she wants to swim back to the shore!!! My God some people are really out of there minds to do things like that.

It`s too sad for the parents of that little 8-year old girl. :Hair_Out1:


The GOOD side to this (if there can be one) is to see the pics of the Thai parents "forgiving" the (alleged) murderess.


Go to the article to see the pictures - dont worry none of the sicko pics this time just of the parents meeting the accused woman.


It shows the "other" side of Thai nature, that they can even sit and look at her let alone forgive her. I could never do that if someone harmed my kids.

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The GOOD side to this (if there can be one) is to see the pics of the Thai parents "forgiving" the (alleged) murderess.


Go to the article to see the pictures - dont worry none of the sicko pics this time just of the parents meeting the accused woman.


It shows the "other" side of Thai nature, that they can even sit and look at her let alone forgive her. I could never do that if someone harmed my kids.


I know I read the article too and saw the pictures where the parents where forgiving their childs murderer. This is classic for the Thai culture, but oh man if I would have to look in the eyes of my daughter`s murderer knowing that she killed the way that she did.....

I respect thoose Thai people, who found that place in their hearts.

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Humans are universally good and evil. We see it everyday on the news or in print. I don't think I could forgive it, at least not right away.

The most unfair thing about life is the way it ends. I mean, life is tough. It takes up a lot of your time. What do you get at the end of it?


A death. What's that, a bonus ? I think the life cycle is all backwards.


You should die first, get it out of the way. Then you live in an old age home. You get kicked out when you're too young, you get a gold watch, you go to work.


You work forty years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement.


You do drugs, alcohol, you party, you get ready for high school. You go to grade school, you become a kid, you play, you have no responsibilities.


You become a little baby, you go back into the womb, you spend your last nine months floating... you finish off as an orgasm.


It's perfect !

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The GOOD side to this (if there can be one) is to see the pics of the Thai parents "forgiving" the (alleged) murderess.


Go to the article to see the pictures - don't worry none of the sicko pics this time just of the parents meeting the accused woman.


It shows the "other" side of Thai nature, that they can even sit and look at her let alone forgive her. I could never do that if someone harmed my kids.

The parents also know she will be locked up in a Thai jail and justice will be dished out by inmates.Poor little kid that is fucking terrible

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I dont know what to say...


How can a little 8 year old girl be killed for this





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Sorry - there is no forgiving an act such as this. Im surprised her old man didnt reach out and snap her neck when she was begging for forgiveness.

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Why kill the girl, he already got the money from the phone, what people will do just for a little bit of drugs, but then the same crap happens everywhere around the world now, is there anywhere safe left to bring up kids :unsure: I really feel sorry for the parents and to have to meet the killer who was asking for forgiveness, dam I would not be able to handle that !


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Why kill the girl, he already got the money from the phone, what people will do just for a little bit of drugs, but then the same crap happens everywhere around the world now, is there anywhere safe left to bring up kids :unsure: I really feel sorry for the parents and to have to meet the killer who was asking for forgiveness, dam I would not be able to handle that !


I agree with you Jason, it`s terrible that things like this keep happening over a little bit of money for drugs. And then to forgive the murderer of your child.....

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  • 3 weeks later...

how can someone kill a 8 year old girl

it aint easy bein sleazy


come and do the kii romance dance


bill oddie can spot your beaver from miles away

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  • 2 weeks later...
I hope LOS has the death penalty.


From my understanding, it is slow and painfully. The other inmates will hopefully make sure of that.


A very tragic story.

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My heart goes out to her parents. The poor girl ahdn't started to live yet. My prayers are with them.

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why didnt you post the original link with pics from pattaya city news.....fucking yabba freaks need hanging by the genitals on a hook and slow roasting over a bonfire

"To monger, or not to monger, that is the question"

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"fucking yabba freaks need hanging by the genitals on a hook and slow roasting over a bonfire "


Can't argue with this. I have seen this shit do horrible things to folk who use it.


Feel so sorry for the little girl and her parents, so sad. My heart go's out to them.

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This City reflects all spectrum's of humanity.


It can make one feel ashamed to the core when the dark side attacks children.


Very Hard to comprehend.



Skinny Girls, Skinny Girls, Skinny Girls, I love em, I love em , I love those little BFMs

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