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Mobile forum troubles?


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Hi all,


 I don't know if this is to do with the recent forum issues? or if it is a new thing with the forum? But I can no longer view the forum on my phone, it will not allow me to view the full page and in mobile mode it will not open any topics and is next to useless!

 Is there something I can do to override this and get to view the full page again? or is this either a new feature due to an upgrade or just a blip on the forum??







I tried it and it seems a bit screwed up. I had to go back to Tapatalk to reply.


If you're using the Mobile theme, you need to use Taptalk - the admins turned the standard mobile theme off like a year ago. If you don't want to use Taptalk, at the bottom of the page choose: Change Theme > IP.Board, not IPBoard.Mobile. 


All sorted now!


Cleared the phones cache and changed a few settings and all is working again!


Thanks to all for their help





First world problems eh.


First world problems eh.


I'm so new to this internet on the phone thing, it all just confuses me! 555


It's a bad sign really as it really bugged me that I couldn't check the forum whilst at work, now how sad is that!





  • 3 weeks later...

If you're using the Mobile theme, you need to use Taptalk - the admins turned the standard mobile theme off like a year ago. If you don't want to use Taptalk, at the bottom of the page choose: Change Theme > IP.Board, not IPBoard.Mobile. 


Thats not quite right I have never used tapatalk and have no problem (apart from the occasional glitch) on 3 phones and a tablet

tumblr_mozsz8Bsd61qauzwfo2_250.gifIn honour of Smoakparktumblr_mozsz8Bsd61qauzwfo3_250.gif


Thats not quite right I have never used tapatalk and have no problem (apart from the occasional glitch) on 3 phones and a tablet


I get this on my tablet (viewed here on desktop, but it's the same) once you're in a thread:




Frankly, I'm not that big on the Harlem Shake…


I appear to be having issues with forum access via mobile devices as well. At one stage was not working at all and when clicking on the forum log in button just got an error message. Cleared cache and settings in mobile browser but still no joy.


Back on a regular PC all was OK and one day later get past the login page on my tablet but many links are still not working such as the forums button at top of page. Have found a bit of a workaround by going to my own profile and viewing content. From here the links to threads still good and from teh thread can use the links at bottom or top to jump back to the sub section of forum.


Definitely still something odd going on though which is affecting mobile devices. I have android phone and tablet and both doing same thing.


Any updates from mods or admin or suggestions from other members that do have evrything working as normal welcome




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