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(Fruit) juice bars places ?

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I think Sailor bar soi 8th
Also bar on the corner of Soi 8 and 2nd Road (unfortunately I do not know the name).

THAJEC Thajský muž TRIP 37 - 30.November 2018 - 28.1.2019



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Pick a shopping mall. They've all got them.

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on soi diana outside 7-11


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There's a few of them outside Mike shopping mall at the 2nd road entrance, on the left hand side just before you enter, 30 baht!

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I think I have seen them in all the bigger shopping centers and malls

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I go practically every day to a place on Pattayaklang (central) between 2nd and soi Bakaou. It's like 8 places in 1 with a central eating area. Right in front is a vendor who sells mango w/sticky rice for 50b. They give you a delicious fruit smoothy, a large milkshake type glass for only 30b.

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I go practically every day to a place on Pattayaklang (central) between 2nd and soi Bakaou. It's like 8 places in 1 with a central eating area. Right in front is a vendor who sells mango w/sticky rice for 50b. They give you a delicious fruit smoothy, a large milkshake type glass for only 30b.

I used to eat here all the time years ago, very good and cheap Thai-food, although it's hot like a Sauna inside!

Very delicious fruit shakes as well served in big glasses.


Think it's called "Maeow Lai" , The Striped Cat.



When no money... she no give honey! 


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They also have one downstairs in Central Mall.  It is a bit more expensive than the others, although the fruit looks cleaner than the street vendors that offer these.


I get these all the time.  I notice that the vendors generally pour what appears to be a sugar water solution in with them, so these shakes are probably not quite as healthy as they seem.

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Thanks all. The thing is that i do not like the Orange Juice in Asian countries. Often advertised as 30 procent pure juice !!!!!!!

I just wqnt 100 procent pure juice. Nothing else.

I didnt see many oranges being squeezed into juice around here. i see the smoothie place close to my hotel using bottled shitty fruit juice too.

Sometimes the worst decisions bring us to the best places


See my trip reports    First time out there  Second trip report   Third trip report 2016


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on the soi Sailor Bar .. try pinapple and mango its refreshing

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I used to eat here all the time years ago, very good and cheap Thai-food, although it's hot like a Sauna inside!

Very delicious fruit shakes as well served in big glasses.


Think it's called "Maeow Lai" , The Striped Cat.





aargh... no wonder I can never get one... I keep going to the Striped Pussy

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I used to eat here all the time years ago, very good and cheap Thai-food, although it's hot like a Sauna inside!

Very delicious fruit shakes as well served in big glasses.


Think it's called "Maeow Lai" , The Striped Cat.





been there so many times don't remember seeing a name to the place


they also have pretty good food, nothing fancy, with very cheap prices

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  • 2 months later...

I like Sweety Pies it's a Juice and smoothie bar in Tipps plaza . I usually have one there every day to help combat the affects of the booze.

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A little off topic: do these juice bars also make fresh vegetable juice? At home I drink a blend of celery, carrot, bell pepper, kale, and cucumber. I highly recommend PA members with high blood pressure to research the benefits of celery juice

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I, too, drink fresh vegetable juice every day at home (usually kale, cucumber, celery, ginger, lemon and apple).  


I have not been able to find anything remotely like it here.  The juice bars I have seen do not sell vegetable juice.


They sell processed vegetable juice at Seven Eleven, but it tastes just like chemicals, which is probably what it is.  


There is a place on Second Street (close past Soi 7 I think, on the side of the street closer to the beach) that has a sign advertising fresh wheatgrass juice, although I have never actually been inside there.

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Thank you charlesd for the info - the place on second street might be worth checking out. When I was in Singapore in April, there were many juice places on the streets and in the food courts. I will stray from my diet while on holiday but always try to get in some fruit and veggies daily.

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You actually need a juicer instead of a blender. TGs will be much more important while in Patts, lol.


I am actually not a picky eater but try to keep things in moderation and it's no big deal if I go a few weeks without juicing while on holiday. The fruit carts/stalls will be great light breakfasts and snacks.

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