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Is this forum becoming isolated and incestual?


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I'm Indian and why do I keep getting refused entry to gogo bars ?


PS how much should I pay for a beach road girl ?

Bt300, if you're truly Indian.

Farangs pay bt500 and Japanese pay 1000.


So what are you winging about?

We know.

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I'm hearing ya, Fella.

But, as a senior Member, you'll probably have to take on the role of Mentor.

Bringing these Newbies under your wing. When that needs to happen.

Lots of good advice can be tabled by the more experienced Pattaya Addicts.

Meanwhile, I was thinking about having a noodle party. Like filling a bathtub full of those rice noodles. really fine ones.

You can buy them at the 7/11. though not in the quantities I'm talking about. Red packet.

What do you think?

I'm wondering where I can buy them in bulk, can you help?


Sometimes I do like to pass on whatever info I have, don't mind answering the same questions again and again, but still, it makes you wonder when some guys are so lazy that they don't care about reading the stickie section or repeating the same subject that's already right there on page 1. But I suppose that's the nature of this board, it's all about recycling the same subjects day in and day out to keep the conversation and momentum going.


I'm Indian and why do I keep getting refused entry to gogo bars ?


PS how much should I pay for a beach road girl ?


Is my girl different? Is Pattaya changing for the worse? Would you pay 5000 baht long time for a gogo girl? Do you have the Pattaya blues yet?


GFE: Gull Friend Experience


Official Pattaya Song

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PrettyThaiGirlsPattaya4.jpgI met this girl in a Walking St. gogo bar and we spent 2 lovely weeks together , She says she not work bar anymore and wait for me to come back to Pattaya ..
I'm 67 by the way , Has anyone seen her working in the bar ?.. We are in love and plan to marry soon..
Norbert from Yorkshire


she is on the left

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attachicon.gifPrettyThaiGirlsPattaya4.jpgI met this girl in a Walking St. gogo bar and we spent 2 lovely weeks together , She says she not work bar anymore and wait for me to come back to Pattaya ..

I'm 67 by the way , Has anyone seen her working in the bar ?.. We are in love and plan to marry soon..



Norbert from Yorkshire


she is on the left

Farken yeah, Baby.

I want the one on the right.

I reckon I can watch the footy and she might, with a bit of education, know WTF I'm talking about. And be able to offer a bit of a critique.

Cryptic, that one.

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Farken yeah, Baby.

I want the one on the right.

I reckon I can watch the footy and she might, with a bit of education, know WTF I'm talking about. And be able to offer a bit of a critique.

Cryptic, that one.

You could demonstrate holding the ball to her .. then go for a full-toss ...


Rastus Watermelon ..haha I love the goodies

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..................................... it also means "closely related to the exclusion of non family".................................


Sounds like the good old days to me.   :Think1:

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Sounds like the good old days to me.   :Think1:

I can hear the Banjos pickin'

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The topic NEVER EVER EVER EVER Change . ever.. But u still meet great people with good new views on old subjects . So it's worth hanging around .

I ran a forum with 30,000+ members and it's was pretty much the same

Same questions, same answers - just put in a different manner every time

Like BB girls though, you just look for the gems


You can learn something different but rarely...A Topic can change IE How Long I was in Surgery after my Teerac cut off my cock when she saw a long hair on my Tee Shirt? My TGF Has to Shave twice a day? Could she be a Ladyboy? Things can and do get interesting~~~

  There are some interesting Post so stick around...This Forum is always better then the Thai Soap Operas

sorry, what's a teerac?


Its a forum about a city that isnt even that big,  the city has bars and lots of girls available,  you wont get too many new threads. I think people expect too much, its not specifically designed to entertain, you have to start threads and encourage people to add info to the forum.  You cant expect to sit there all the time and see new content, we do have alot of people adding more content than most.


I am working my hardest to get new members,  unless we aim for non-mongerers or Russians..... but i think we will have to spend all our time defending our hobby.


The long standing members use it as a social tool mostly or something to laugh at.... add some pictures....  offer some ideas.

I find it really good for direction, got a bunch of notes for my next visit

cant wait for membership upgrade so i can check out all the "bonus" pics and alike :)

La La Land Bar & Sky Bar Soi 6 Pattaya

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A "Teerac" is a TILAC.

It means "Darling" in Thai language. Or close enough.

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Content on a subject that's based around one topic (mongering) and mainly one location (Pattaya) is always going to be a little limited and repetition will be the norm.


I think the majority of long-term BM's use the Forum for networking with their mongering mates and for general interest between trips.  If you keep an eye on what's happening, then you're abreast of changing prices and venues, which gives you a good footing once you've hit the ground again.


Yes, I agree that the same subjects appear on an almost daily basis, but no-one's forced to read them.  The older hands try to contribute knowledge and experience for the Newbies, Newbs ask a lot of the same questions until they get some experience under their belts, both in using the Forum and in real life in Pattaya.


Countless BM's have arrived in Pattaya for the first time armed with at least some basic knowledge of what to expect purely because of PA and the BM network.  Overall, I believe things work pretty well.


Incestuous?  'Targeted' would probably be a better description of what PA's all about.  Personally, my trips would not have been as successful without the information and friendships I've taken away from Addicts, I'll gladly put up with a little repetition just for that alone.





Perthie's PA Bash and Bikini/Glow Party 19th May 2017.  Bikini clad girls in body paint, great food including pig roast, free shots, games and prizes for the lads and lasses.

 6pm onwards at Sexy In The City (Soi 6) under the hosting expertise of the magnificent Xylanic.

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Perthie, you're up early, Fella?

Make sure you oil those wheels before heading out to the Bi-Lo, Bloke.

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Yeh.. i made some jokes in bad taste and i got destroyed, in the future ill just try and use the forum for what it is, pattaya related. hell i might even make a trip report one day.

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I am wondering if this forum is becoming a little to introvert or incestual. Are there any really new subjects or even responses out there?


PA is a forum, and not a publishing services with staff writers to create original contents or thought provoking debates.  And by its very nature, it relies on people like you and I to make it what we want it to be.  The people that are contributing to it in every shape and forum are those whom shaping the site.


Over the years, a quote has surfaced itself, thought self-evidence, it still holds true: You are either part of the problem or part of the solution.  Choose which one you want to be.



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I like to read the forum for information that can change week to week, for example gogo reviews that mention places that have a particularly good lineup at the moment. If the BM doesn't appear to be a shill, I will go back to a place I have written off in the past if a gogo review mentions that the place is on the upswing.

My girl is "different". A different one everyday.

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PA is a forum, and not a publishing services with staff writers to create original contents or thought provoking debates.  


When I read threads like this one, sometimes I begin to wonder...


But not to be too cynical, aside from the weird and blatantly stupid newb posts I highlighted, I read this board to check in on the comings and goings on in town, the trip reports of other mongers and to keep that LOS glow in my heart (and below). It's a proxy life, but it's great to remember the past overlain with the new TRs, and then plot for the next trip…

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I agree. Sometimes we BMs can get cliquey and treat noobs - with radical opinions - harshly.

Consider the fate of BM Bug Bummy who suggested that getting rimmed by Chompoo was gay:


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In literary fiction it is claimed there are only 7 basic plots or stories.





There are only two types of people in the world, those who can extrapolate from incomplete data......

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