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Condom Purchase


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I've been thinking if I should purchase condoms here in the US before going there or buying it in LOS? How is the quality of condoms in LOS?

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I've been thinking if I should purchase condoms here in the US before going there or buying it in LOS? How is the quality of condoms in LOS?



dunno if the quality is different (with durex, i doubt it since they are made there), but the size is what gets you. th condoms are much smaller than usa condoms. had a massage girl put one on me and it was a very tight fit- kept worrying it was going to break.


do yourself a favor- bring them from home.

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dunno if the quality is different (with durex, i doubt it since they are made there), but the size is what gets you. th condoms are much smaller than usa condoms. had a massage girl put one on me and it was a very tight fit- kept worrying it was going to break.


do yourself a favor- bring them from home.



Thanks for the info definitly will buy them from home then.

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They come in 3 sizes here......... small, medium and liar.

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dunno if the quality is different (with durex, i doubt it since they are made there), but the size is what gets you. th condoms are much smaller than usa condoms. had a massage girl put one on me and it was a very tight fit- kept worrying it was going to break.



never had a problem with durex here




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As already mentioned durex comfort,no quality issues but slightly more expensive at 80baht for 3 pack

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Hello Guys


Many farang prefer to buy condoms in Europe, they buy national brand paying 6 or 8 euro for a 6 pieces box, and believing that ... the high price is synonymous of quality.


They don't know that ... behind the western label there is a product made in China.





Some of the greater brand of condoms to make pubblic that every year China exports 1 billion of condoms, a great part come just sold to these western companies, than they manifacture them and sell them to a good price ... but only for their.



A comdom produced in China costs about 2 cent of euro, but in a best case they sell to 50 eurocent each and sometimes a condom cost about 3 euro once manifactured and labeled from the more famous western brand.




A Chinese company from Guillin to make pubblic that, the past year, thanks to 720 million pieces sold to the European and the Americans brand , has realized a profit of 1,25 million Dollars.


The same companies that sold 100 million packet condoms in the chinese market have earned 12,5 million Dollars.




For italian member:


Wadde khaz Ragassi


Non sono pochi i farang che preferiscono portarsi i preservativi da casa, comprano le marche nazionali pagando 6 o 8 euro per una confezione da 6 pezzi, confidando nelle ditte occidentali e credendo che, il prezzo sia sinonimo di qualità, ingnari del fatto che in realtà dietro l'etichetta occidentale c'è un prodotto made in Cina.


Alcune delle maggiori case prodruttrici di condoms hanno reso noto che ogni anno la Cina esporta 1 miliardo di preservativi, una gran parte vengono proprio venduti a queste ditte occidentali, che li confezionano e li rivendono a pressi molto vantaggiosi ... ma solo per loro.


Un comdom prodotto in Cina costa 2 centesimi di euro, ma il suo presso sale a 50 eurocent nel migliore dei casi, ed arriva a costare anche 3 euro al pezzo una volta confezionato ed etichettato dalle ditte occidentali più famose.


Un'azienda cinese con sede a Guillin ha reso noto che, lo scorso anno, grazie ad una produzione di 720 milioni di pezzi venduti ai brand europei ed americani, ha realizzato un'utile di 1,25 milioni di Dollari.


Le stesse ditte che li hanno impachettati e ne hanno rivenduti 100 milioni solo in Cina hanno guadagnato 12,5 milioni di Dollari.



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I've been thinking if I should purchase condoms here in the US before going there or buying it in LOS? How is the quality of condoms in LOS?

I prefer to take my own mate but obviously have had to buy them on several occasions,and had room service bring them on numerous occasions aswel :) I dont know what it is with the thai bought jonnys but i seem to break more than the ones i bring from home.

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Make sure you get the right size I learned this the hard way. One size does not fit all.

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